/* Copyright (c) 2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* This filter (cmusic's nres and csound's resonr) originates from CMJv6n4 article by Smith & Angell. See also section 9.6 of ``Introduction to Digital Filters'' by Smith. */ /* CHECKME if creation args (or defaults) restored after signal disconnection */ #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "shared.h" #include "sickle/sic.h" #if defined(NT) || defined(MACOSX) /* cf pd/src/x_arithmetic.c */ #define expf exp #define cosf cos #endif #define RESON_DEFQ .01 #define RESON_MINQ 1e-20 /* CHECKME */ #define RESON_MINOMEGA .0001 /* CHECKME */ #define RESON_MAXOMEGA SHARED_PI /* CHECKME */ typedef struct _reson { t_sic x_sic; float x_srcoef; float x_xnm1; float x_xnm2; float x_ynm1; float x_ynm2; } t_reson; static t_class *reson_class; static void reson_clear(t_reson *x) { x->x_xnm1 = x->x_xnm2 = x->x_ynm1 = x->x_ynm2 = 0.; } /* LATER make ready for optional audio-rate modulation (separate scalar case routines, use sic_makecostable(), etc.) */ static t_int *reson_perform(t_int *w) { t_reson *x = (t_reson *)(w[1]); int nblock = (int)(w[2]); t_float *xin = (t_float *)(w[3]); t_float *gin = (t_float *)(w[4]); t_float fin0 = *(t_float *)(w[5]); t_float qin0 = *(t_float *)(w[6]); t_float *out = (t_float *)(w[7]); float xnm1 = x->x_xnm1; float xnm2 = x->x_xnm2; float ynm1 = x->x_ynm1; float ynm2 = x->x_ynm2; /* CHECKME sampled once per block */ float qinv = (qin0 > RESON_MINQ ? -1. / qin0 : (-1. / RESON_MINQ)); float omega = fin0 * x->x_srcoef; float radius, c1, c2, scale; if (omega < RESON_MINOMEGA) omega = RESON_MINOMEGA; else if (omega > RESON_MAXOMEGA) omega = RESON_MAXOMEGA; radius = expf(omega * qinv); /* radius < 1 (because omega * qinv < 0) */ c1 = 2. * radius * cosf(omega); c2 = radius * radius; scale = 1. - radius; while (nblock--) { float yn, xn = *xin++; /* CHECKED gain control */ *out++ = yn = *gin++ * scale * (xn - radius * xnm2) + c1 * ynm1 - c2 * ynm2; xnm2 = xnm1; xnm1 = xn; ynm2 = ynm1; ynm1 = yn; } x->x_xnm1 = xnm1; x->x_xnm2 = xnm2; /* LATER rethink */ x->x_ynm1 = (PD_BADFLOAT(ynm1) ? 0. : ynm1); x->x_ynm2 = (PD_BADFLOAT(ynm2) ? 0. : ynm2); return (w + 8); } static void reson_dsp(t_reson *x, t_signal **sp) { x->x_srcoef = SHARED_2PI / sp[0]->s_sr; reson_clear(x); dsp_add(reson_perform, 7, x, sp[0]->s_n, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec, sp[4]->s_vec); } static void *reson_new(t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2, t_floatarg f3) { t_reson *x = (t_reson *)pd_new(reson_class); x->x_srcoef = SHARED_2PI / sys_getsr(); if (f1 < 0.) f1 = 0.; if (f2 < 0.) f2 = 0.; if (f3 <= 0.) f3 = RESON_DEFQ; /* CHECKED */ sic_newinlet((t_sic *)x, f1); sic_newinlet((t_sic *)x, f2); sic_newinlet((t_sic *)x, f3); outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_signal); reson_clear(x); return (x); } void reson_tilde_setup(void) { reson_class = class_new(gensym("reson~"), (t_newmethod)reson_new, 0, sizeof(t_reson), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); sic_setup(reson_class, reson_dsp, SIC_FLOATTOSIGNAL); class_addmethod(reson_class, (t_method)reson_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); }