#N canvas 443 155 529 444 10; #X text 5 5 comment; #X text 64 387 docs based on the MAX/MSP reference (c) cycling'74; #X text 63 397 ___________________________________________________ ; #X obj 9 14 comment 0 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment]; #X text 92 13 a text comment with some formatting options \, meant to be Max/MSP compatible; #X obj 14 210 comment 0 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 0 12 Courier] ; #X text 11 65 Comment accepts three arguments which define the basic formatting: width \, font-size \, font-face; #X obj 15 233 comment 0 20 Times ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 0 20 Times]; #X text 13 186 Here are some examples:; #X obj 269 212 comment 100 14 Helvetica ? 0 0 0 0 [comment 100 14 Helvetica] ; #X text 27 145 - font-face: one of the Pd standards: Courier \, Times \, or Helvetica; #X text 27 128 - font-size: in pixels; #X text 27 111 - width: in pixels \, wraps text to this width; #X obj 20 258 comment 0 20 Times ? 0 255 128 0 [comment 0 20 Times ? 0 255 128 0]; #X text 7 323 The arguments are:; #X obj 6 343 comment 550 12 Courier ? 0 0 0 0 [comment pixelWidth fontSize font encoding fontProperties red green blue]; #X text 10 364 Colors are intergers between 0 and 255; #X obj 184 289 comment 0 14 Helvetica ? 0 0 128 128 [comment 0 14 Helvetica ? 0 0 128 128];