#N canvas 1172 268 591 353 10; #X declare -lib cyclone; #X text 37 24 single-pole lowpass filter; #X text 56 272 onepole's advantages are efficiency and simplicity. it works well as a pre- or post-processing stage for other treatments \, such as waveshaping or filtering \, which can benefit from a gentle roll-off of high frequencies.; #X text 38 124 this filter is equivalent to a biquad~ object with the coefficients \, [ a0 = k \, b1 = k - 1 ] \, as demonstrated below. ; #X text 38 83 where k represents the cutoff frequency in radians. this generates a single-pole lowpass filter with a 6dB/octave attenuation. ; #X text 65 66 out = prev + k * (in - prev); #X text 38 50 onepole~ implements the minimal filter equation:; #X obj 427 24 import cyclone; #X text 189 220 inlet 2: float or signal sets cutoff frequency (Hz) ; #X obj 89 221 onepole~ 300; #X text 187 236 argument initializes frequency;