#N canvas 504 79 558 433 10; #X obj 0 405 cnv 15 552 21 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -33289 0; #X obj 0 267 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty inlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0 ; #N canvas 608 214 369 225 META 0; #X text 0 19 LICENSE SIBSD; #X text 0 95 LIBRARY cyclone; #X text 0 0 KEYWORDS private variable patch store; #X text 0 38 DESCRIPTION private variables for patch and its subpatches ; #X text 0 57 INLET_0 message bang; #X text 0 76 OUTLET_0 message; #X text 0 115 VERSION 0.1-alpha57; #X text 0 133 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja; #X text 1 151 RELEASE_DATE 2002; #X text 2 170 WEBSITE http://suita.chopin.edu.pl/~czaja/miXed/externs/cyclone.html ; #X text 2 202 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template. Alex Cleveland updated this patch for Pd-l2ork version 2013.05.28. Fred Jan Kraan adapted the patch to pd-extended 2015-02-02; #X restore 503 407 pd META; #X obj 0 324 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty outlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0 ; #X obj 0 361 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty arguments 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #N canvas 313 327 428 109 Related_objects 0; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 425 20 empty empty empty 3 12 0 14 -204280 -1 0; #X text 6 1 Related Objects; #X restore 199 407 pd Related_objects; #X obj 82 277 cnv 17 3 35 empty empty 0 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0 ; #X obj 82 333 cnv 17 3 17 empty empty 0 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0 ; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 552 40 empty empty pv 3 12 0 18 -204280 -1 0; #X msg 57 172 bang; #X obj 57 227 print my_private_bar; #X msg 57 85 foo; #X text 111 275 message; #X text 186 275 - message to set as stored private variable; #X text 111 294 bang; #X text 186 294 - output stored pv; #X text 111 333 message; #X text 186 333 - stored private variable; #X text 93 373 1) message; #X text 186 373 - name of private variable; #X obj 502 7 pv foo; #X msg 293 173 bang; #X obj 293 228 print my_private_underground_bar; #X text 342 95 also works here:; #X text 41 149 ...then access it here:; #X text 13 23 private variables for patch and its subpatches; #X obj 57 109 cyclone/pv my_private_bar; #X obj 293 199 cyclone/pv my_private_bar; #X obj 57 198 cyclone/pv my_private_bar; #N canvas 1007 304 433 300 mysubpatch 0; #X msg 72 96 bang; #X obj 72 122 cyclone/pv my_private_bar; #X obj 72 151 print my_private_subpatch_bar; #X obj 2 3 cnv 15 425 20 empty empty empty 3 12 0 14 -204280 -1 0; #X text 3 26; #X text 5 4 also works here; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X restore 349 115 pd mysubpatch; #X text 287 150 also works here:; #X text 38 47 store message in variable my_private_bar:; #X connect 9 0 28 0; #X connect 11 0 26 0; #X connect 21 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 22 0; #X connect 28 0 10 0;