#N canvas 505 79 569 531 10; #X obj 0 806 cnv 15 552 21 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -33289 0; #X obj 0 518 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty inlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0 ; #N canvas 592 231 384 255 META 0; #X text 1 33 LICENSE SIBSD; #X text 1 133 LIBRARY cyclone; #X text 1 113 OUTLET_0 signal; #X text 1 73 INLET_0 signal message; #X text 1 0 KEYWORDS signal triangle wavetable lo hi lo/hi phase ramp wave; #X text 1 53 DESCRIPTION a triangle / ramp wavetable; #X text 1 93 INLET_1 signal; #X text 0 152 VERSION 0.1-alpha57; #X text 0 170 AUTHOR Krzysztof Czaja; #X text 1 188 RELEASE_DATE 2002; #X text 2 207 WEBSITE http://suita.chopin.edu.pl/~czaja/miXed/externs/cyclone.html ; #X text 2 239 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Christoph Kummerer. Revised by Jonathan Wilkes for Pd-extended 0.42 to conform to the PDDP template. Alex Cleveland updated this patch for Pd-l2ork version 2013.05.28. Fred Jan Kraan adapted the patch to pd-extended 2015-02-02; #X restore 500 808 pd META; #X obj 0 618 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty outlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0 ; #X obj 0 659 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty arguments 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #X obj 0 704 cnv 3 550 3 empty empty more_info 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #N canvas 326 379 428 109 Related_objects 0; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 425 20 empty empty empty 3 12 0 14 -204280 -1 0; #X text 6 1 Related Objects; #X obj 10 28 square~; #X obj 9 51 phasor~; #X obj 10 73 cycle~; #X restore 210 808 pd Related_objects; #X obj 79 530 cnv 17 3 36 empty empty 0 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0 ; #X obj 79 631 cnv 17 3 17 empty empty 0 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0 ; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 552 40 empty empty triangle~ 3 12 0 18 -204280 -1 0; #X obj 482 10 triangle~; #X text 11 23 triangle / ramp wavetable; #X text 108 529 signal; #X text 179 529 - change phase offset of the peak value; #X obj 79 582 cnv 17 3 17 empty empty 1 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0 ; #X text 108 580 signal; #X text 108 630 signal; #X text 179 630 - the triangle wavetable output based on args; #X text 90 674 1) float; #X text 179 674 - the peak value phase offsset value (default .5); #X text 109 718 arg (optional): peak-value-phase-offset (default 0.5) Peak value phase offset \, expressed as a fraction of a cycle \, from 0 to 1.0. The default is 0.5. A value of 0 produces a ramp waveform when the triangle~ object is driven by a phasor~ \, and a value of 1 produces a sawtooth waveform.; #X floatatom 183 154 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 183 176 hi \$1; #X floatatom 225 154 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 225 176 lo \$1; #X floatatom 162 100 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 261 220 sig~ 0.1; #X text 33 45 triangle~ is a triangle/ramp wavetable with signal input to change phase offset of the peak value. The default lo/hi points are -1 and 1 \, but may be changed using the lo/hi messages.; #X text 179 551 - lo/hi messages change the lo/hi points (default -1/1) ; #X text 108 551 message; #X obj 162 273 cyclone/triangle~; #X obj 104 102 vsl 15 128 -1 1 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 12700 1; #X obj 127 102 vsl 15 128 -1 1 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1; #X text 90 233 high; #X text 121 233 low; #X text 103 255 level; #X obj 162 342 tabwrite~ \$0-triangle; #X obj 162 121 phasor~ 200; #X obj 370 373 output~; #X obj 358 196 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 7400 1; #X floatatom 355 217 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 391 210 change the up/down ratio; #X text 179 580 - ramp up vs. ramp down ratio; #X obj 136 344 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X text 152 366 1; #X text 146 497 -1; #X obj 166 372 hsl 195 140 0 127 0 0 eliminate_outlet eliminate_inlet empty -2 -8 0 10 -262144 -262144 -262144 0 1; #N canvas 0 0 450 300 (subpatch) 0; #X array \$0-triangle 1024 float 1; #A 0 -0.267855 -0.252288 -0.236722 -0.221155 -0.205589 -0.190022 -0.174456 -0.158889 -0.143322 -0.127756 -0.112189 -0.0966226 -0.081056 -0.0654894 -0.0499229 -0.0343563 -0.0187896 -0.00322312 0.0123434 0.0279101 0.0434767 0.0590433 0.0746099 0.0901765 0.105743 0.12131 0.136876 0.152443 0.168009 0.183576 0.199143 0.214709 0.230276 0.245842 0.261409 0.276975 0.292542 0.308109 0.323675 0.339242 0.354808 0.370375 0.385942 0.401508 0.417075 0.432641 0.448208 0.463775 0.479341 0.494908 0.510474 0.526041 0.541607 0.557174 0.572741 0.588307 0.603874 0.61944 0.635007 0.650574 0.66614 0.681707 0.697273 0.71284 0.728406 0.743973 0.75954 0.775106 0.790673 0.806239 0.821806 0.837373 0.852939 0.868506 0.884072 0.899639 0.915205 0.930772 0.946339 0.961905 0.977472 0.993038 0.987985 0.966251 0.944517 0.922782 0.901047 0.879313 0.857579 0.835844 0.81411 0.792375 0.77064 0.748906 0.727172 0.705437 0.683703 0.661968 0.640234 0.618499 0.596765 0.57503 0.553296 0.531561 0.509827 0.488092 0.466358 0.444623 0.422889 0.401155 0.37942 0.357686 0.335951 0.314216 0.292482 0.270748 0.249013 0.227279 0.205544 0.18381 0.162075 0.140341 0.118606 0.0968717 0.0751373 0.0534025 0.0316682 0.00993371 -0.0118007 -0.0335352 -0.0552696 -0.0770041 -0.0987388 -0.120473 -0.142208 -0.163942 -0.185677 -0.207411 -0.229145 -0.25088 -0.272615 -0.294349 -0.316083 -0.337818 -0.359552 -0.381287 -0.403022 -0.424756 -0.44649 -0.468225 -0.489959 -0.511694 -0.533428 -0.555163 -0.576897 -0.598632 -0.620366 -0.642101 -0.663835 -0.68557 -0.707304 -0.729039 -0.750773 -0.772508 -0.794242 -0.815976 -0.837711 -0.859446 -0.88118 -0.902914 -0.924649 -0.946383 -0.968118 -0.989852 -0.991701 -0.976135 -0.960568 -0.945002 -0.929435 -0.913868 -0.898302 -0.882735 -0.867169 -0.851602 -0.836035 -0.820469 -0.804902 -0.789336 -0.773769 -0.758202 -0.742636 -0.727069 -0.711503 -0.695936 -0.68037 -0.664803 -0.649236 -0.63367 -0.618103 -0.602537 -0.58697 -0.571403 -0.555837 -0.54027 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0.824977 0.803242 0.781508 0.759773 0.738039 0.716304 0.69457 0.672835 0.651101 0.629367 0.607632 0.585897 0.564163 0.542428 0.520694 0.49896 0.477225 0.45549 0.433756 0.412022 0.390287 0.368553 0.346818 0.325084 0.303349 0.281615 0.25988 0.238146 0.216411 0.194677 0.172942 0.151208 0.129473 0.107739 0.0860044 0.0642699 0.0425355 0.0208008 -0.000933647 -0.0226681 -0.0444025 -0.066137 -0.0878714 -0.109606 -0.131341 -0.153075 -0.174809 -0.196544 -0.218278 -0.240013 -0.261747 -0.283482 -0.305216 -0.326951 -0.348685 -0.37042 -0.392154 -0.413889 -0.435623 -0.457358 -0.479092 -0.500827 -0.522561 -0.544295 -0.56603 -0.587765 -0.609499 -0.631234 -0.652968 -0.674702 -0.696437 -0.718172 -0.739906 -0.76164 -0.783375 -0.805109 -0.826844 -0.848578 -0.870313 -0.892047 -0.913782 -0.935516 -0.957251 -0.978985 -0.999485 -0.983918 -0.968351 -0.952785 -0.937218 -0.921652 -0.906085 -0.890518 -0.874952 -0.859385 -0.843819 -0.828252 -0.812685 -0.797119 -0.781552 -0.765986 -0.750419 -0.734853 -0.719286 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0.946339 0.961905 0.977472 0.993038 0.987985 0.966251 0.944516 0.922782 0.901047 0.879313 0.857578 0.835844 0.814109 0.792375 0.77064 0.748906 0.727172 0.705437 0.683702 0.661968 0.640234 0.618499 0.596765 0.57503 0.553295 0.531561 0.509827 0.488092 0.466358 0.444623 0.422889 0.401154 0.37942 0.357685 0.335951 0.314216 0.292482 0.270747 0.249013 0.227278 0.205544 0.18381 0.162075 0.140341 0.118606 0.0968715 0.075137 0.0534025 0.0316682 0.00993371 -0.0118007 -0.0335355 -0.0552699 -0.0770043 -0.0987388 -0.120473 -0.142208 -0.163942 -0.185677 -0.207411 -0.229146 -0.25088 -0.272615 -0.294349 -0.316084 -0.337818 -0.359553 -0.381287 -0.403022 -0.424756 -0.44649 -0.468225 -0.48996 -0.511694 -0.533428 -0.555163 -0.576897 -0.598632 -0.620366 -0.642101 -0.663835 -0.68557 -0.707304 -0.729039 -0.750773 -0.772508 -0.794242 -0.815977 -0.837711 -0.859446 -0.88118 -0.902915 -0.924649 -0.946384 -0.968118 -0.989852 -0.991701 -0.976135 -0.960568 -0.945001 -0.929435 -0.913868 -0.898302 -0.882735 -0.867168 -0.851602 -0.836035 -0.820469 -0.804902 -0.789336 -0.773769 -0.758202 -0.742636 -0.727069 -0.711503 -0.695936 -0.680369 -0.664803 -0.649236 -0.63367 -0.618103 -0.602537 -0.58697 -0.571403 -0.555837 -0.54027 -0.524704 -0.509137 -0.49357 -0.478004 -0.462437 -0.446871 -0.431304 -0.415738 -0.400171 -0.384604 -0.369038 -0.353471 -0.337905 -0.322338 -0.306771 -0.291205 -0.275638 -0.260072 -0.244505 -0.228938 -0.213372 -0.197805 -0.182239 -0.166672 -0.151106 -0.135539 -0.119972 -0.104406 -0.0888392 -0.0732726 -0.0577061 -0.0421394 -0.0265728 -0.0110063 0.00456035 0.0201269 0.0356935 0.0512601 0.0668267 0.0823933 0.0979599 0.113526 0.129093 0.14466 0.160226 0.175793 0.191359 0.206926 0.222493 0.238059 0.253626 0.269192 0.284759 0.300326 0.315892 0.331459 0.347025 0.362592 0.378158 0.393725 0.409292 0.424858 0.440425 0.455991 0.471558 0.487125 0.502691 0.518258 0.533824 0.549391 0.564957 0.580524 0.596091 0.611657 0.627224 0.64279 0.658357 0.673923 0.68949 0.705057 0.720623 0.73619 0.751757 0.767323 0.78289 0.798456 0.814023 0.829589 0.845156 0.860723 0.876289 0.891856 0.907422 0.922989 0.938556 0.954122 0.969689 0.985255 0.998852 0.977118 0.955383 0.933649 0.911914 0.89018 0.868446 0.846711 0.824977 0.803242 0.781508 0.759773 0.738039 0.716304 0.69457 0.672835 0.651101 0.629366 0.607632 0.585897 0.564163 0.542428 0.520694 0.498959 0.477225 0.45549 0.433756 0.412022 0.390287 0.368552 0.346818 0.325083 0.303349 0.281615 0.25988 0.238146 0.216411 0.194677 0.172942 0.151208 0.129473 0.107739 0.0860041 0.0642697 0.0425352 0.0208008 -0.000933647 -0.0226681 -0.0444025 -0.0661373 -0.0878717 -0.109606 -0.131341 -0.153075 -0.174809 -0.196544 -0.218279 -0.240013 -0.261747 -0.283482 -0.305216 -0.326951 -0.348685 -0.37042 -0.392154 -0.413889 -0.435623 -0.457358 -0.479092 -0.500827 -0.522561 -0.544296 -0.56603 -0.587765 -0.609499 -0.631234 -0.652968 -0.674703 -0.696437 -0.718172 -0.739906 -0.76164 -0.783375 -0.80511 -0.826844 -0.848578 -0.870313 -0.892047 -0.913782 -0.935516 -0.957251 -0.978985 -0.999484 -0.983918 -0.968351 -0.952785 -0.937218 -0.921651 -0.906085 -0.890518 -0.874952 -0.859385 -0.843819 -0.828252 -0.812685 -0.797119 -0.781552 -0.765986 -0.750419 -0.734852 -0.719286 -0.703719 -0.688153 -0.672586 -0.657019 -0.641453 -0.625886 -0.61032 -0.594753 -0.579187 -0.56362 -0.548053 -0.532487 -0.51692 -0.501354 -0.485787 -0.470221 -0.454654 -0.439087 -0.423521 -0.407954 -0.392388 -0.376821 -0.361254 -0.345688 -0.330121 -0.314555 -0.298988 -0.283421 -0.267855 -0.252288 -0.236722 -0.221155 -0.205589 -0.190022 -0.174455 -0.158889 -0.143322 -0.127756 -0.112189 -0.0966224 -0.0810559 -0.0654892 -0.0499226 -0.0343561 -0.0187895 -0.00322288 0.0123436 0.0279102 0.0434769 0.0590434 0.07461 0.0901767 0.105743 0.12131 0.136876 0.152443 0.16801 0.183576 0.199143 0.214709 0.230276 0.245843 0.261409 0.276976 0.292542 0.308109 0.323675 0.339242 0.354809 0.370375 0.385942 0.401508 0.417075 0.432642 0.448208 0.463775 0.479341 0.494908 0.510474 0.526041 0.541608 0.557174 0.572741 0.588307 0.603874 0.619441 0.635007 0.650574 0.66614 0.681707 0.697273 0.71284 0.728407 0.743973 0.75954 0.775106 0.790673 0.80624 0.821806 0.837373 0.852939 0.868506 0.884073 0.899639 0.915206 0.930772 0.946339 0.961906 0.977472 0.993039 0.987985 0.966251 0.944516 0.922782 0.901047 0.879313 0.857578 0.835844 0.814109 0.792375 0.77064 0.748906 0.727171 0.705437 0.683702 0.661968 0.640234 0.618499 0.596764 0.57503 0.553295 0.531561 0.509827 0.488092 0.466357 0.444623 0.422889 0.401154 0.37942 0.357685 0.335951 0.314216 0.292482 0.270747 0.249013 0.227278; #A 1000 0.205544 0.183809 0.162075 0.14034 0.118606 0.0968715 0.075137 0.0534025 0.0316678 0.00993347 -0.011801 -0.0335355 -0.0552699 -0.0770043 -0.0987391 -0.120474 -0.142208 -0.163942 -0.185677 -0.207411 -0.229146 -0.25088 -0.272615 -0.294349; #X coords 0 1 1023 -1 200 140 1 0 0; #X restore 163 372 graph; #X connect 21 0 22 0; #X connect 22 0 30 0; #X connect 23 0 24 0; #X connect 24 0 30 0; #X connect 25 0 37 0; #X connect 26 0 30 1; #X connect 30 0 36 0; #X connect 30 0 38 1; #X connect 30 0 38 0; #X connect 31 0 21 0; #X connect 32 0 23 0; #X connect 37 0 30 0; #X connect 39 0 26 0; #X connect 39 0 40 0; #X connect 43 0 36 0;