/* Copyright (c) 2007 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/grow.h" #include "sickle/sic.h" #include "riddle.h" #include "riddleguts.h" /* obj_starttraverseoutlet, obj_nexttraverseoutlet, obj_noutlets, obj_nsiginlets, obj_nsigoutlets, obj_siginletindex, obj_sigoutletindex, obj_issignalinlet, obj_issignaloutlet */ #include "m_imp.h" /* struct _glist, canvas_class, vinlet_class */ #include "g_canvas.h" /* it is horrible, but we need x_canvas and x_parentoutlet and o_next for pushing through an outlet~, which is here for the completeness of the tests; LATER remove from library version, unless there is an API way to do it... */ /* from g_io.c */ typedef struct _rdvoutlet { t_object x_obj; t_canvas *x_canvas; t_outlet *x_parentoutlet; /* ... */ } t_rdvoutlet; /* from m_obj.c */ typedef struct _rdoutlet { t_object *o_owner; struct _rdoutlet *o_next; /* ... */ } t_rdoutlet; #define RIDDLE_DEBUG struct _rdprivate { t_outconnect *pr_oc; }; struct _rdsource { t_riddle *so_riddle; t_rdremote *so_remote; int so_sourcecount; t_symbol *so_pattern; t_symbol *so_newpattern; int so_block; /* if non-zero pattern: largest expected block */ int so_newblock; int so_flags; }; struct _rdsink { t_riddle *si_riddle; int si_outno; t_symbol *si_pattern; int si_block; /* if non-zero pattern: largest expected block */ int si_flags; t_atom si_outbuf[4]; /* siginno, pattern, block, flags */ t_rdfeedchain *si_feedchain; int si_isready; }; /* these are filled in riddle_setup() */ static t_symbol *rdps__reblock = 0; static t_symbol *rdps__ = 0; void riddlebug_post(t_riddle *rd, char *pfx, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; va_list ap; if (fmt) { va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, MAXPDSTRING-1, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" (%x): %s\n", pfx, class_getname(*(t_pd *)rd), (int)rd, buf); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\" (%x)\n", pfx, class_getname(*(t_pd *)rd), (int)rd); #ifdef _WIN32 fflush(stderr); #endif } int riddle_getsr(t_riddle *rd) { return (rd->rd_graphsr); } int riddle_getgraphblock(t_riddle *rd) { return (rd->rd_graphblock); } int riddle_getsourceblock(t_riddle *rd, int siginno) { if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) { loudbug_bug("riddle_getsourceblock"); return (0); } else { t_rdsource *so = (siginno >= 0 ? rd->rd_inslots + siginno : rd->rd_remoteslots - ++siginno); return (so->so_pattern ? 0 : so->so_block); /* FIXME disable? */ } } t_symbol *riddle_getsourcelayout(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int *maxblockp) { if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) { loudbug_bug("riddle_getsourcelayout"); return (0); } else { t_rdsource *so = (siginno >= 0 ? rd->rd_inslots + siginno : rd->rd_remoteslots - ++siginno); if (maxblockp) *maxblockp = so->so_block; return (so->so_pattern); } } int riddle_getsourceflags(t_riddle *rd, int siginno) { if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) { loudbug_bug("riddle_getsourceflags"); return (0); } else { t_rdsource *so = (siginno >= 0 ? rd->rd_inslots + siginno : rd->rd_remoteslots - ++siginno); return (so->so_flags); } } /* LATER rethink the remote case */ void riddle_setsourceblock(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int newblock) { int slotno = (siginno < 0 ? rd->rd_nsiginlets - siginno - 1 : siginno); #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setsourceblock", "%d (%d) %d", siginno, slotno, newblock); #endif if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) loudbug_bug("riddle_setsourceblock"); else if (newblock <= 0) loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "invalid source block on inlet %d: %d", siginno, newblock); else { t_rdsource *so = rd->rd_inslots + slotno; /* LATER if (so->so_newpattern) complain */ if (newblock == so->so_newblock) so->so_sourcecount++; else if (so->so_sourcecount > 0) loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "source block mismatch on inlet %d: %d != %d", siginno, newblock, so->so_newblock); else { so->so_newblock = newblock; so->so_sourcecount = 1; } } } #define RDLAYOUT_MAXNVECTORS 32 /* apart from normalization, this is used only as a sanity check; patterns are never interpreted, they just have to match (after normalization) */ static t_symbol *riddle_validatepattern(t_symbol *pattern) { char *p = pattern->s_name, lc, uc; switch (*p) { case 'a': case 'A': lc = 'b'; uc = 'A'; break; case 'b': lc = 'c'; uc = 'B'; break; default: lc = 0; } if (lc) { /* we require at least one vector for each size element */ int vused[RDLAYOUT_MAXNVECTORS], i; for (i = 0; i < RDLAYOUT_MAXNVECTORS; i++) vused[i] = 0; if (*p == 'A') vused[0] = 1; for (p++; *p; p++) { if (*p == lc) { if (lc - 'a' < RDLAYOUT_MAXNVECTORS) lc++, uc++; else break; } else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= uc) vused[*p - 'A'] = 1; else break; } if (!*p) { for (i = 0; i < lc - 'a'; i++) if (!vused[i]) break; if (i == lc - 'a') { if (*pattern->s_name == 'a') /* normalization */ pattern = gensym(pattern->s_name + 1); return (pattern); } } } loudbug_bug("riddle_validatepattern"); return (0); } void riddle_setsourcelayout(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, t_symbol *newpattern, int maxblock) { int slotno = (siginno < 0 ? rd->rd_nsiginlets - siginno - 1 : siginno); #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setsourcelayout", "%d (%d) %s %d", siginno, slotno, newpattern->s_name, maxblock); #endif if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) loudbug_bug("riddle_setsourcelayout"); else { t_rdsource *so = rd->rd_inslots + slotno; if (newpattern == so->so_newpattern) so->so_sourcecount++; else if (so->so_sourcecount > 0) { if (so->so_newpattern) loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "source layout mismatch on inlet %d: %s != %s", siginno, newpattern->s_name, so->so_newpattern->s_name); else loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "source layout/block mismatch on inlet %d"); } else if (newpattern = riddle_validatepattern(newpattern)) { so->so_newpattern = newpattern; if (maxblock) { if (maxblock > so->so_newblock) so->so_newblock = maxblock; } else so->so_newblock = rd->rd_graphblock; so->so_sourcecount = 1; } } } void riddle_setsourceflags(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int flags) { int slotno = (siginno < 0 ? rd->rd_nsiginlets - siginno - 1 : siginno); #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setsourceflags", "%d (%d) %d", siginno, slotno, flags); #endif if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) loudbug_bug("riddle_setsourceflags"); else { t_rdsource *so = rd->rd_inslots + slotno; so->so_flags = flags; } } void riddle_setoutblock(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, int block) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setoutblock", "%d %d", sigoutno, block); #endif if (sigoutno < 0 || sigoutno >= rd->rd_nsigoutlets) loudbug_bug("riddle_setoutblock"); else { t_rdsink *si = rd->rd_outslots + sigoutno; si->si_pattern = 0; si->si_block = block; si->si_outbuf[1].a_w.w_symbol = rdps__; si->si_outbuf[2].a_w.w_float = (t_float)block; si->si_isready = 1; } } void riddle_setoutlayout(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, t_symbol *pattern, int maxblock) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setoutlayout", "%d %s %d", sigoutno, pattern->s_name, maxblock); #endif if (sigoutno < 0 || sigoutno >= rd->rd_nsigoutlets) loudbug_bug("riddle_setoutlayout"); else if (pattern = riddle_validatepattern(pattern)) { t_rdsink *si = rd->rd_outslots + sigoutno; if (maxblock <= 0) maxblock = rd->rd_graphblock; si->si_pattern = pattern; si->si_block = maxblock; si->si_outbuf[1].a_w.w_symbol = pattern; si->si_outbuf[2].a_w.w_float = (t_float)maxblock; si->si_isready = 1; } } void riddle_setoutflags(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno, int flags) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "setoutflags", "%d %d", sigoutno, flags); #endif if (sigoutno < 0 || sigoutno >= rd->rd_nsigoutlets) loudbug_bug("riddle_setoutflags"); else { t_rdsink *si = rd->rd_outslots + sigoutno; si->si_flags = flags; si->si_outbuf[3].a_w.w_float = (t_float)flags; } } int riddle_checksourceblock(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, int reqblock) { int block = riddle_getsourceblock(rd, siginno); if (block == reqblock) return (1); else { if (!rd->rd_wasdisabled && rd->rd_inslots[siginno].so_sourcecount) loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "invalid source block on inlet %d: %d (%d expected)", siginno, block, reqblock); rd->rd_disabled = 1; return (0); } } int riddle_checksourcelayout(t_riddle *rd, int siginno, t_symbol *reqpattern, int *maxblockp) { t_symbol *pattern = riddle_getsourcelayout(rd, siginno, maxblockp); if (reqpattern == pattern || riddle_validatepattern(reqpattern) == pattern) return (1); else { if (!rd->rd_wasdisabled && rd->rd_inslots[siginno].so_sourcecount) { if (pattern) loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "wrong source layout on inlet %d: %s (%s expected)", siginno, pattern->s_name, reqpattern->s_name); else loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "invalid source on inlet %d: layout %s expected", siginno, reqpattern->s_name); } rd->rd_disabled = 1; return (0); } } int riddle_checkanysource(t_riddle *rd, int siginno) { if (siginno >= rd->rd_nsiginlets || -siginno > rd->rd_nremoteslots) loudbug_bug("riddle_checkanysource"); else { t_rdsource *so = (siginno >= 0 ? rd->rd_inslots + siginno : rd->rd_remoteslots - ++siginno); if (so->so_sourcecount > 0) return (1); } rd->rd_disabled = 1; return (0); } int riddle_isdisabled(t_riddle *rd) { return (rd->rd_disabled); } void riddle_disable(t_riddle *rd) { /* FIXME allow calling from the dsp routine (mute then) */ rd->rd_disabled = 1; } t_rdfeedchain *riddle_getfeedchain(t_riddle *rd, int sigoutno) { if (sigoutno < 0 || sigoutno >= rd->rd_nsigoutlets) { loudbug_bug("riddle_getfeedchain 1"); return (0); } else { t_rdsink *si = rd->rd_outslots + sigoutno; if (si->si_outno >= 0) { /* LATER update ch_outno */ return (si->si_feedchain); } else { loudbug_bug("riddle_getfeedchain 2"); return (0); } } } /* ensures that sinks match signal outlets -- this is needed in the constructor, but is called before each push, perhaps too defensively... LATER rethink */ static int riddle_validatesinks(t_riddle *rd) { t_object *x = (t_object *)rd; int sigoutno, outno, nouts = obj_noutlets(x); for (sigoutno = 0, outno = 0; outno < nouts; outno++) { if (obj_issignaloutlet(x, outno)) { if (sigoutno < rd->rd_nsigoutlets) { if (rd->rd_outslots[sigoutno].si_outno != outno) { if (rd->rd_outslots[sigoutno].si_outno < 0) rd->rd_outslots[sigoutno].si_outno = outno; else { loudbug_bug("riddle_validatesinks 1"); return (0); } } } else { loudbug_bug("riddle_validatesinks 2"); /* LATER grow */ return (0); } sigoutno++; } } if (sigoutno < rd->rd_nsigoutlets) { loudbug_bug("riddle_validatesinks 3"); /* LATER shrink */ return (0); } return (1); } t_canvas *riddle_nextgraph(t_riddle *rd) { while (rd->rd_private->pr_oc) { t_object *dst; t_inlet *ip; int inno; rd->rd_private->pr_oc = obj_nexttraverseoutlet(rd->rd_private->pr_oc, &dst, &ip, &inno); if (dst) { int siginno = obj_siginletindex(dst, inno); if (siginno < 0) { /* should not happen, LATER rethink */ break; } else if (pd_class((t_pd *)dst) != canvas_class) { loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "invalid connection (not to a canvas)"); break; } else return ((t_canvas *)dst); } } return (0); } t_canvas *riddle_firstgraph(t_riddle *rd, int outno) { t_outlet *op; rd->rd_private->pr_oc = obj_starttraverseoutlet((t_object *)rd, &op, outno); return (rd->rd_private->pr_oc ? riddle_nextgraph(rd) : 0); } static int rdsink_push(t_rdsink *si, t_object *x, int outno) { int result = 1; t_outlet *op; t_outconnect *oc = obj_starttraverseoutlet(x, &op, outno); while (oc) { t_object *dst; t_inlet *ip; int inno; oc = obj_nexttraverseoutlet(oc, &dst, &ip, &inno); if (dst) { int siginno = obj_siginletindex(dst, inno); if (siginno < 0) { /* should not happen, LATER rethink */ } else if (zgetfn((t_pd *)dst, rdps__reblock)) { si->si_outbuf->a_w.w_float = (t_float)siginno; typedmess((t_pd *)dst, rdps__reblock, 4, si->si_outbuf); } else if (pd_class((t_pd *)dst) == canvas_class) { t_gobj *ob; int i; for (i = 0, ob = ((t_canvas *)dst)->gl_list; ob; ob = ob->g_next) { if (pd_class((t_pd *)ob) == vinlet_class) { if (i == inno) break; else i++; } } if (ob) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(si->si_riddle, "PUSH-SUBCANVAS", "vinlet %d (\"%s\")", inno, class_getname(*(t_pd *)ob)); #endif rdsink_push(si, (t_object *)ob, 0); } else loudbug_bug("rdsink_push 1"); } else if (pd_class((t_pd *)dst) == voutlet_class) { t_rdvoutlet *vout = (t_rdvoutlet *)dst; if (vout->x_canvas) { int n; t_outlet *o; for (o = ((t_object *)vout->x_canvas)->ob_outlet, n = 0; o; o = (t_outlet *)(((t_rdoutlet *)o)->o_next), n++) if (o == vout->x_parentoutlet) break; if (o) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(si->si_riddle, "PUSH-OUTLET", "outno %d, graph %x", n, (int)vout->x_canvas); #endif rdsink_push(si, (t_object *)vout->x_canvas, n); } else loudbug_bug("rdsink_push 2"); } #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG else riddlebug_post(si->si_riddle, "PUSH-OUTLET", "void canvas..."); #endif } else { char *dstname = class_getname(*(t_pd *)dst); #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(si->si_riddle, "PUSH-RIDDLESS", "inlet %d (\"%s\")", inno, dstname); #endif if (si->si_flags & RIDDLE_STRICTNESSMASK) { if (strcmp(dstname, "print~")) { loud_error((t_pd *)x, "not a riddle: \"%s\"", dstname); result = 0; } } else if (!strcmp(dstname, "send~") || !strcmp(dstname, "throw~")) { loud_error((t_pd *)x, "bad destination: \"%s\"", dstname); result = 0; } } } } return (result); } static void riddle_mute(t_riddle *rd, t_signal **sp) { int i, j, nouts = obj_nsigoutlets((t_object *)rd); t_rdsink *si = rd->rd_outslots; #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "MUTE", 0); #endif if (rd->rd_nsigoutlets != nouts) { loudbug_bug("riddle_mute"); riddle_validatesinks(rd); if (rd->rd_nsigoutlets != nouts) return; } i = 0; j = obj_nsiginlets((t_object *)rd); while (nouts--) { si->si_pattern = 0; si->si_block = sp[j]->s_n; si->si_outbuf[1].a_w.w_symbol = rdps__; si->si_outbuf[2].a_w.w_float = (t_float)si->si_block; si->si_isready = 1; dsp_add_zero(sp[j]->s_vec, sp[j]->s_n); i++; j++; si++; } } static void riddle_dsp(t_riddle *rd, t_signal **sp) { int failed = 0, unarmed = 1, doreblock = 0; int oldgraphsr = rd->rd_graphsr; int oldgraphblock = rd->rd_graphblock; int inslotno, ninslots = rd->rd_nsiginlets + rd->rd_nremoteslots; int outslotno; t_rdsource *inslot; t_rdsink *outslot; #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "\nriddle_dsp", 0); for (inslotno = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; inslotno < ninslots; inslotno++, inslot++) loudbug_post("%d sources: %d reblocks of %d -> %d", inslotno, inslot->so_sourcecount, inslot->so_block, inslot->so_newblock); #endif rd->rd_graphsr = (int)sp[0]->s_sr; rd->rd_graphblock = sp[0]->s_n; /* this belongs to step 2., but should precede all "muteandreset" gotos */ if (rd->rd_wasdisabled = rd->rd_disabled) { rd->rd_disabled = 0; if (rd->rd_blockfn) doreblock = 1; else { loudbug_bug("riddle_dsp 1"); goto muteandreset; } } /* step 1: verify all source slots */ for (inslotno = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; inslotno < ninslots; inslotno++, inslot++) { if (inslot->so_newblock > rd->rd_graphblock) { if (inslotno < rd->rd_nsiginlets) { loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "inslot %d: source block too large (%d > %d)", inslotno, inslot->so_newblock, rd->rd_graphblock); failed = 1; } } else if (inslot->so_sourcecount <= 0) { if (inslotno < rd->rd_nsiginlets) { /* bash unconfirmed declarations to graphblock */ inslot->so_newpattern = 0; inslot->so_newblock = rd->rd_graphblock; } else if (inslot->so_remote) { if (rdremote_getwriter(inslot->so_remote)) { loud_warning((t_pd *)rd, 0, "misplaced buffer reader..."); riddle_updatedsp(); failed = 1; /* LATER rethink */ } else { loud_warning((t_pd *)rd, 0, "orphaned buffer reader"); /* remote slots preserve unconfirmed declarations */ inslot->so_newpattern = inslot->so_pattern; if (inslot->so_block > 0) inslot->so_newblock = inslot->so_block; else inslot->so_newblock = rd->rd_graphblock; } } else loudbug_bug("riddle_dsp 2"); } else if (inslot->so_newblock <= 0) /* should not happen */ { loudbug_bug("riddle_dsp 3"); failed = 1; } } if (failed) goto muteandreset; /* step 2: determine outslot sizes/layouts -- blockfn fires on the very first call to riddle_dsp(), and then after any change of block or sr, and each time the object is disabled... LATER reconsider the pros and cons of performing the reblocking during every dsp call */ /* 2a: was there any change of inslot size/layout or graph block/sr? */ if (!doreblock && rd->rd_blockfn) { if (rd->rd_graphsr != oldgraphsr || rd->rd_graphblock != oldgraphblock) doreblock = 1; else for (inslotno = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; inslotno < ninslots; inslotno++, inslot++) { if (inslot->so_newpattern != inslot->so_pattern || inslot->so_newblock != inslot->so_block) { doreblock = 1; break; } } } /* 2b: update the inslots, reset the outslots */ if (doreblock || !rd->rd_blockfn) { for (inslotno = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; inslotno < ninslots; inslotno++, inslot++) { inslot->so_pattern = inslot->so_newpattern; inslot->so_block = inslot->so_newblock; } for (outslotno = 0, outslot = rd->rd_outslots; outslotno < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; outslotno++, outslot++) { outslot->si_pattern = 0; outslot->si_block = 0; outslot->si_isready = 0; } } /* 2c: call the instance-specific method which redeclares the outslots */ if (doreblock) { #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "REBLOCK", 0); #endif rd->rd_blockfn(rd); if (rd->rd_disabled) goto muteandreset; } /* 2d: assign defaults to undeclared outslots */ for (outslotno = 0, outslot = rd->rd_outslots; outslotno < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; outslotno++, outslot++) { if (outslot->si_block < 0) { loudbug_bug("riddle_dsp 4"); failed = 1; } else if (outslot->si_block == 0) outslot->si_block = rd->rd_graphblock; } /* LATER think about not redeclared remote writers */ if (failed) goto muteandreset; /* step 3: transfer outslot declarations down to destination objects */ #ifdef RIDDLE_DEBUG riddlebug_post(rd, "PUSH", 0); #endif if (riddle_validatesinks(rd)) { for (outslotno = 0, outslot = rd->rd_outslots; outslotno < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; outslotno++, outslot++) if (outslot->si_isready && rdsink_push(outslot, (t_object *)rd, outslot->si_outno) == 0) failed = 1; } else failed = 1; /* remote declarations are propagated directly from within rdremote_setoutblock/layout(), cf. rdremote_pushblock/layout() */ if (failed) goto muteandreset; /* step 4: call the wrappee */ if (rd->rd_dspfn) { rd->rd_dspfn(rd, sp); unarmed = 0; } else loudbug_bug("riddle_dsp 5"); /* step 5: mute if disabled, then reset the inslots */ muteandreset: if (unarmed) { rd->rd_disabled = 1; riddle_mute(rd, sp); } for (inslotno = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; inslotno < ninslots; inslotno++, inslot++) { inslot->so_newpattern = 0; inslot->so_newblock = 0; inslot->so_sourcecount = 0; } } static void riddle__reblock(t_riddle *rd, t_symbol *pattern, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2, t_floatarg f3) { riddle_setsourceflags(rd, (int)f1, (int)f3); if (pattern == rdps__) riddle_setsourceblock(rd, (int)f1, (int)f2); else if (pattern) riddle_setsourcelayout(rd, (int)f1, pattern, (int)f2); else loud_error((t_pd *)rd, "bad arguments to '_reblock'"); } static void riddle_free(t_riddle *rd) { t_gotfn freefn = zgetfn((t_pd *)rd, gensym("_free")); if (freefn) freefn(rd); if (rd->rd_private) freebytes(rd->rd_private, sizeof(*rd->rd_private)); if (rd->rd_inslots) { int nslots = rd->rd_nsiginlets + rd->rd_nremoteslots; freebytes(rd->rd_inslots, nslots * sizeof(*rd->rd_inslots)); } if (rd->rd_outslots) { t_rdsink *si; int i; for (i = 0, si = rd->rd_outslots; i < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; i++, si++) if (si->si_feedchain) rdfeedchain_free(si->si_feedchain); freebytes(rd->rd_outslots, rd->rd_nsigoutlets * sizeof(*rd->rd_outslots)); } rdremote_freeports(rd->rd_remoteports); if (rd->rd_idlepicker) rdpicker_detach(rd->rd_idlepicker, rd); } typedef t_pd *(*t_newgimme)(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); static void *riddle_new(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { /* IFBUILTIN remove: this is a bad hack */ t_pd *en = riddle_getenvironment(); t_newgimme newfn = (t_newgimme)zgetfn(en, s); if (!newfn) { loudbug_bug("riddle_new 1"); return (0); } else { t_riddle *rd = (t_riddle *)newfn(s, ac, av); int i, nslots; t_rdsource *inslot; t_rdsink *outslot; t_rdremote *re; if (!rd) return (0); rd->rd_private = getbytes(sizeof(*rd->rd_private)); rd->rd_disabled = 0; rd->rd_wasdisabled = 0; rd->rd_blockfn = (t_rdblockfn)zgetfn((t_pd *)rd, gensym("dspblock")); rd->rd_dspfn = (t_rddspfn)zgetfn((t_pd *)rd, gensym("_dsp")); if (!rd->rd_dspfn) loudbug_bug("riddle_new 2"); rd->rd_graphsr = (int)sys_getsr(); rd->rd_graphblock = sys_getblksize(); rd->rd_nsiginlets = obj_nsiginlets((t_object *)rd); rd->rd_nsigoutlets = obj_nsigoutlets((t_object *)rd); /* currently, rd_nremoteslots is incremented in rdbuffer_newreader(), which relies on calloc in pd_new(), LATER rethink */ nslots = rd->rd_nsiginlets + rd->rd_nremoteslots; rd->rd_inslots = getbytes(nslots * sizeof(*rd->rd_inslots)); for (i = 0, inslot = rd->rd_inslots; i < nslots; i++, inslot++) { inslot->so_riddle = rd; inslot->so_remote = 0; inslot->so_sourcecount = 0; inslot->so_pattern = 0; inslot->so_newpattern = 0; inslot->so_block = 0; inslot->so_newblock = 0; inslot->so_flags = 0; } rd->rd_remoteslots = rd->rd_inslots + rd->rd_nsiginlets; for (i = 0, inslot = rd->rd_remoteslots, re = rd->rd_remoteports; i < rd->rd_nremoteslots; i++, inslot++) { if (re = rdremote_nextreader(re)) inslot->so_remote = re; else { loudbug_bug("riddle_new 3"); break; /* FIXME this is fatal */ } } rd->rd_outslots = getbytes(rd->rd_nsigoutlets * sizeof(*rd->rd_outslots)); for (i = 0, outslot = rd->rd_outslots; i < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; i++, outslot++) { outslot->si_riddle = rd; outslot->si_outno = -1; outslot->si_pattern = 0; outslot->si_block = 0; outslot->si_flags = 0; outslot->si_outbuf[0].a_type = A_FLOAT; outslot->si_outbuf[1].a_type = A_SYMBOL; outslot->si_outbuf[1].a_w.w_symbol = rdps__; outslot->si_outbuf[2].a_type = A_FLOAT; outslot->si_outbuf[3].a_type = A_FLOAT; outslot->si_outbuf[3].a_w.w_float = 0.; outslot->si_feedchain = 0; outslot->si_isready = 0; } riddle_validatesinks(rd); for (i = 0, outslot = rd->rd_outslots; i < rd->rd_nsigoutlets; i++, outslot++) if (outslot->si_outno >= 0) outslot->si_feedchain = rdfeedchain_new(outslot->si_outno); rd->rd_idlepicker = rdpicker_attach(rd, gensym("_idle")); return (rd); } } /* IFBUILTIN remove: classes would use explicit class_addmethod calls */ /* obligatory: newfn, dspfn */ /* optional: freefn, blockfn, floatfn */ t_class *riddle_setup(t_symbol *name, t_newmethod newfn, t_method freefn, size_t sz, t_method floatfn, t_rdblockfn blockfn, t_rddspfn dspfn) { t_class *c = class_new(name, (t_newmethod)riddle_new, (t_method)riddle_free, sz, 0, A_GIMME, 0); /* IFBUILTIN remove: this is a bad hack */ t_pd *en = riddle_getenvironment(); class_addmethod(*en, (t_method)newfn, name, 0); if (strlen(name->s_name) < 60) { char rdstr[64]; sprintf(rdstr, "rd.%s", name->s_name); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)riddle_new, gensym(rdstr), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(*en, (t_method)newfn, gensym(rdstr), 0); } rdps__reblock = gensym("_reblock"); rdps__ = gensym("_"); sic_setup(c, riddle_dsp, floatfn); if (blockfn) class_addmethod(c, (t_method)blockfn, gensym("dspblock"), 0); /* IFBUILTIN "_dsp" -> "dsp" */ class_addmethod(c, (t_method)dspfn, gensym("_dsp"), 0); /* IFBUILTIN remove these two */ class_addmethod(c, (t_method)newfn, gensym("_new"), 0); if (freefn) class_addmethod(c, (t_method)freefn, gensym("_free"), 0); class_addmethod(c, (t_method)riddle__reblock, rdps__reblock, A_FLOAT, A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0); return (c); } /* Fills an array of band sizes, in bins, which partition an nbins-point power spectrum into nbands or less ERB bands (nbands is a requested number of bands, the actual number is returned). The buffer is then zero-terminated (and zero-padded if necessary), so its size has to be at least nbands+1. */ int riddle_erbfill(int nbands, int *buf, int nbins, int sr) { static double coef = 9.293902; /* 21.4 / log(10) */ double df = (double)sr / (double)nbins; double fmax = .5 * (nbins + 1) * df; double fc = df; int i, erbcount = 0, bincount = 0, lastbin = 0; int bufsize = nbands + 1; while (erbcount < nbands && fc < fmax) { /* the formula is taken from ~jos/bbt (the results slightly differ from moore-glasberg's demos) */ double erbnumber = coef * log(.00437 * fc + 1.); bincount++; if ((int)erbnumber > erbcount) /* LATER rethink */ { buf[erbcount++] = bincount - lastbin; lastbin = bincount; } fc += df; } for (i = erbcount; i < bufsize; i++) buf[i] = 0; return (erbcount); }