/* Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Miller Puckette, krzYszcz, and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #include #include #include #define BINPORT_MAXSTRING 256 #define BINPORT_SYMGROW 64 #ifndef BINPORT_STANDALONE /* load max binary file to a binbuf */ #include "m_pd.h" #else /* make a max-textual listing from a max binary file */ /* This is a standalone version of a ``max binary to binbuf'' module. It uses certain Pd calls and structs, which are duplicated below. LATER should be linked to the Pd API library. */ #define BINPORT_VERBOSE //#define BINPORT_DEBUG #endif #include "binport.h" static void binport_error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (binport): "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(ap); } static void binport_warning(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "warning (binport): "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(ap); } static void binport_bug(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "BUG (binport): "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); putc('\n', stderr); va_end(ap); } #ifdef BINPORT_STANDALONE typedef int t_int; typedef float t_float; typedef struct _symbol { char *s_name; void *s_thing; struct _symbol *s_next; } t_symbol; typedef union word { t_float w_float; t_symbol *w_symbol; int w_index; } t_word; typedef enum { A_NULL, A_FLOAT, A_SYMBOL, A_POINTER, A_SEMI, A_COMMA, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFSYM, A_DOLLAR, A_DOLLSYM, A_GIMME, A_CANT } t_atomtype; typedef struct _atom { t_atomtype a_type; union word a_w; } t_atom; void *getbytes(size_t nbytes) { void *ret; if (nbytes < 1) nbytes = 1; ret = (void *)calloc(nbytes, 1); if (!ret) binport_error("getbytes() failed -- out of memory"); return (ret); } void *resizebytes(void *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) { void *ret; if (newsize < 1) newsize = 1; if (oldsize < 1) oldsize = 1; ret = (void *)realloc((char *)old, newsize); if (newsize > oldsize && ret) memset(((char *)ret) + oldsize, 0, newsize - oldsize); if (!ret) binport_error("resizebytes() failed -- out of memory"); return (ret); } void freebytes(void *fatso, size_t nbytes) { free(fatso); } #define HASHSIZE 1024 static t_symbol *symhash[HASHSIZE]; t_symbol *dogensym(char *s, t_symbol *oldsym) { t_symbol **sym1, *sym2; unsigned int hash1 = 0, hash2 = 0; int length = 0; char *s2 = s; while (*s2) { hash1 += *s2; hash2 += hash1; length++; s2++; } sym1 = symhash + (hash2 & (HASHSIZE-1)); while (sym2 = *sym1) { if (!strcmp(sym2->s_name, s)) return(sym2); sym1 = &sym2->s_next; } if (oldsym) sym2 = oldsym; else { sym2 = (t_symbol *)getbytes(sizeof(*sym2)); sym2->s_name = getbytes(length+1); sym2->s_next = 0; sym2->s_thing = 0; strcpy(sym2->s_name, s); } *sym1 = sym2; return (sym2); } t_symbol *gensym(char *s) { return(dogensym(s, 0)); } #endif /* end of Pd API */ /* clumsy... LATER find a better way */ #ifdef BINPORT_STANDALONE #define A_INT (A_CANT + 1) #endif static int binport_getint(t_atom *ap) { #ifdef A_INT return (*(int *)&ap->a_w); #else return (ap->a_w.w_float); #endif } static void binport_setint(t_atom *ap, int i) { #ifdef A_INT ap->a_type = A_INT; *(int *)&ap->a_w = i; #else SETFLOAT(ap, (float)i); #endif } static void binport_setfloat(t_atom *ap, float f) { ap->a_type = A_FLOAT; ap->a_w.w_float = f; } typedef struct _binport { FILE *b_fp; int b_nsymbols; int b_symsize; t_symbol **b_symtable; } t_binport; static int binport_getbuf(t_binport *bp, char *buf, size_t sz) { return (fread(buf, 1, sz, bp->b_fp) == sz); } static int binport_getbyte(t_binport *bp, unsigned char *buf) { int c; if ((c = fgetc(bp->b_fp)) == EOF) return (0); *buf = (unsigned char)c; return (1); } static int binport_getstring(t_binport *bp, char *buf) { int c, i = 0; while (c = fgetc(bp->b_fp)) { if (c == EOF) return (0); if (++i < BINPORT_MAXSTRING) *buf++ = (unsigned char)c; } *buf = '\0'; if (i >= BINPORT_MAXSTRING) binport_warning("symbol string too long, skipped"); return (1); } static t_symbol *binport_makesymbol(t_binport *bp, int id) { char s[BINPORT_MAXSTRING]; if (id < bp->b_nsymbols) binport_bug("symbol id mismatch"); else if (id > bp->b_nsymbols) binport_error("unexpected symbol id"); else if (binport_getstring(bp, s)) { int reqsize = ++bp->b_nsymbols; if (reqsize > bp->b_symsize) { reqsize += (BINPORT_SYMGROW - 1); #ifdef BINPORT_DEBUG binport_warning("resizing symbol table to %d elements", reqsize); #endif if (bp->b_symtable = resizebytes(bp->b_symtable, bp->b_symsize * sizeof(*bp->b_symtable), reqsize * sizeof(*bp->b_symtable))) bp->b_symsize = reqsize; else { bp->b_nsymbols = bp->b_symsize = 0; return (0); } } return (bp->b_symtable[id] = gensym(s)); } return (0); } static t_symbol *binport_getsymbol(t_binport *bp, int id) { if (id < bp->b_nsymbols) return (bp->b_symtable[id]); else return (binport_makesymbol(bp, id)); } static int binport_setsymbol(t_binport *bp, t_atom *ap, int id) { t_symbol *s = binport_getsymbol(bp, id); if (s) { ap->a_type = A_SYMBOL; ap->a_w.w_symbol = s; } return (s != 0); } static int binport_nextatom(t_binport *bp, t_atom *ap) { unsigned char opcode; int opval; char buf[64]; if (!binport_getbyte(bp, &opcode)) goto bad; opval = opcode & 0x0f; switch (opcode >> 4) { case 1: /* variable length int, opval: length (number of bytes that follow) */ if (!binport_getbuf(bp, buf, opval)) goto bad; else { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buf + opval; int i = 0; while (opval--) i = (i << 8) | *--p; if (opcode == 0x12) /* FIXME */ i = (short)i; binport_setint(ap, i); } break; case 2: /* variable length float, opval: length (number of bytes that follow) */ if (!binport_getbuf(bp, buf, opval)) goto bad; else { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buf + opval; int i = 0; while (opval--) i = (i << 8) | *--p; binport_setfloat(ap, *(t_float *)&i); } break; case 3: /* variable length symbol id, opval: length (number of bytes that follow) */ if (!binport_getbuf(bp, buf, opval)) goto bad; else { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buf + opval; int i = 0; while (opval--) i = (i << 8) | *--p; if (!binport_setsymbol(bp, ap, i)) goto bad; } break; case 5: /* half-byte int */ binport_setint(ap, opval); break; case 7: /* half-byte symbol id */ if (!binport_setsymbol(bp, ap, opval)) goto bad; break; case 12: /* #number */ sprintf(buf, "#%d", opval); ap->a_type = A_SYMBOL; ap->a_w.w_symbol = gensym(buf); break; case 13: /* #symbol id, opval: length (number of bytes that follow) */ if (!binport_getbuf(bp, buf, opval)) goto bad; else { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buf + opval; int i = 0; while (opval--) i = (i << 8) | *--p; if (!binport_setsymbol(bp, ap, i)) goto bad; } sprintf(buf, "#%s", ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name); #ifdef BINPORT_DEBUG binport_warning(buf); #endif ap->a_w.w_symbol = gensym(buf); break; default: switch (opcode) { case 0xa0: ap->a_type = A_SEMI; break; default: goto unknown; } } return (1); unknown: binport_error("unknown opcode %x", (int)opcode); bad: return (0); } static void binport_free(t_binport *bp) { fclose(bp->b_fp); freebytes(bp->b_symtable, bp->b_symsize * sizeof(*bp->b_symtable)); freebytes(bp, sizeof(*bp)); } static t_binport *binport_new(FILE *fp, int *ftypep) { static char binport_header[4] = { 2, 0, 0, 0 }; char header[4]; *ftypep = BINPORT_INVALID; if (fread(header, 1, 4, fp) == 4) { if (memcmp(header, binport_header, 4)) { if (memcmp(header, "max", 3)) { if (header[0] == '#') /* LATER rethink */ *ftypep = BINPORT_PDFILE; #ifdef BINPORT_VERBOSE else binport_warning("unknown header: %x %x %x %x", (int)header[0], (int)header[1], (int)header[2], (int)header[3]); #endif } else *ftypep = BINPORT_MAXTEXT; } else { t_binport *bp = getbytes(sizeof(*bp)); bp->b_fp = fp; bp->b_nsymbols = 0; bp->b_symsize = BINPORT_SYMGROW; bp->b_symtable = getbytes(bp->b_symsize * sizeof(*bp->b_symtable)); *ftypep = BINPORT_OK; return (bp); } } #ifdef BINPORT_VERBOSE else binport_warning("file too short"); #endif fclose(fp); return (0); } #ifndef BINPORT_STANDALONE /* LATER deal with corrupt binary files? */ int binport_read(t_binbuf *bb, char *filename, char *dirname) { FILE *fp; char namebuf[MAXPDSTRING]; namebuf[0] = 0; if (*dirname) strcat(namebuf, dirname), strcat(namebuf, "/"); strcat(namebuf, filename); sys_bashfilename(namebuf, namebuf); if (fp = fopen(namebuf, "rb")) { int ftype; t_binport *bp = binport_new(fp, &ftype); if (bp) { t_atom at; while (binport_nextatom(bp, &at)) if (at.a_type != A_NULL) binbuf_add(bb, 1, &at); binport_free(bp); return (BINPORT_OK); } else if (ftype == BINPORT_MAXTEXT || ftype == BINPORT_PDFILE) return (ftype); else binport_error("\"%s\" doesn't look like a patch file", filename); } else binport_bug("cannot open file"); return (BINPORT_INVALID); } #else static void binport_atomstring(t_atom *ap, char *buf, int bufsize) { char *sp, *bp, *ep; switch(ap->a_type) { case A_SEMI: strcpy(buf, ";"); break; case A_COMMA: strcpy(buf, ","); break; case A_INT: sprintf(buf, "%d", binport_getint(ap)); break; case A_FLOAT: sprintf(buf, "%#f", ap->a_w.w_float); ep = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; while (ep > buf && *ep == '0') *ep-- = 0; break; case A_SYMBOL: sp = ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name; bp = buf; ep = buf + (bufsize-5); while (bp < ep && *sp) { if (*sp == ';' || *sp == ',' || *sp == '\\' || (*sp == '$' && bp == buf && sp[1] >= '0' && sp[1] <= '9')) *bp++ = '\\'; if ((unsigned char)*sp < 127) *bp++ = *sp++; else /* FIXME this is temporary -- codepage horror */ sprintf(bp, "\\%.3o", (unsigned char)*sp++), bp += 4; } if (*sp) *bp++ = '*'; *bp = 0; break; case A_DOLLAR: sprintf(buf, "$%d", ap->a_w.w_index); break; case A_DOLLSYM: sprintf(buf, "$%s", ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name); break; default: binport_bug("bad atom type"); strcpy(buf, "???"); } } int main(int ac, char **av) { if (ac > 1) { FILE *fp = fopen(av[1], "rb"); if (fp) { int ftype; t_binport *bp = binport_new(fp, &ftype); if (bp) { char buf[BINPORT_MAXSTRING]; t_atom at; int ac = 0; while (binport_nextatom(bp, &at)) { if (at.a_type == A_SEMI) { fputs(";\n", stdout); ac = 0; } else if (at.a_type != A_NULL) { if (ac++) fputc(' ', stdout); binport_atomstring(&at, buf, BINPORT_MAXSTRING); fputs(buf, stdout); } } binport_free(bp); } else if (ftype == BINPORT_MAXTEXT) binport_warning("\"%s\" looks like a Max text file", av[1]); else if (ftype == BINPORT_PDFILE) binport_warning("\"%s\" looks like a Pd patch file", av[1]); else binport_error("\"%s\" doesn't look like a patch file", av[1]); } else binport_error("cannot open file \"%s\"", av[1]); } else binport_error("what file?"); return (0); } #endif