/* Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Miller Puckette, krzYszcz, and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #include #include #ifdef MIXED_STANDALONE #include "unstable/standalone.h" #else #include "m_pd.h" #endif #include "common/lex.h" static int lex_nextbyte(t_lex *lx, unsigned char *buf) { int ich; if (lx->l_fp) { if ((ich = fgetc(lx->l_fp)) == EOF) return (0); } else if (lx->l_buf) { if (lx->l_bufndx < lx->l_bufsize) ich = lx->l_buf[lx->l_bufndx++]; else return (0); } else return (0); if (ich) { *buf = (unsigned char)ich; return (1); } else { lx->l_errbinary = 1; return (0); } } static void lex_ungetbyte(t_lex *lx, unsigned char ch) { if (lx->l_fp) { ungetc(ch, lx->l_fp); } else if (lx->l_buf) { if (lx->l_bufndx > 0) lx->l_buf[--lx->l_bufndx] = ch; } } /* single pass of binbuf_text(), optionally int-preserving version */ int lex_nextatom(t_lex *lx, t_atom *ap) { char buf[1001], *bufp, *ebuf = buf + 1000; int ready; unsigned char ch; ap->a_type = A_NULL; while ((ready = lex_nextbyte(lx, &ch)) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t')); if (!ready) { /* ??? */ if (lx->l_lasttype == A_SEMI) return (0); else ap->a_type = A_SEMI; } else if (ch == ';') ap->a_type = A_SEMI; else if (ch == ',') ap->a_type = A_COMMA; else { int floatstate = 0, slash = 0, lastslash = 0, firstslash = (ch == '\\'); bufp = buf; do { *bufp = ch; lastslash = slash; slash = (ch == '\\'); if (floatstate >= 0) { int digit = (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'), dot = (ch == '.'), minus = (ch == '-'), plusminus = (minus || (ch == '+')), expon = (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E'); if (floatstate == 0) /* beginning */ { if (minus) floatstate = 1; else if (digit) floatstate = 2; else if (dot) floatstate = 3; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 1) /* got minus */ { if (digit) floatstate = 2; else if (dot) floatstate = 3; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 2) /* got digits */ { if (dot) floatstate = 4; else if (expon) floatstate = 6; else if (!digit) floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 3) /* got '.' without digits */ { if (digit) floatstate = 5; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 4) /* got '.' after digits */ { if (digit) floatstate = 5; else if (expon) floatstate = 6; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 5) /* got digits after . */ { if (expon) floatstate = 6; else if (!digit) floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 6) /* got 'e' */ { if (plusminus) floatstate = 7; else if (digit) floatstate = 8; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 7) /* got plus or minus */ { if (digit) floatstate = 8; else floatstate = -1; } else if (floatstate == 8) /* got digits */ { if (!digit) floatstate = -1; } } if (!slash) bufp++; } while ((ready = lex_nextbyte(lx, &ch)) && bufp != ebuf && (slash || (ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\t' && ch != ',' && ch != ';'))); if (ready && (ch == ',' || ch == ';')) lex_ungetbyte(lx, ch); *bufp = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "buf %s\n", buf); #endif if (*buf == '$' && buf[1] >= '0' && buf[1] <= '9' && !firstslash) { for (bufp = buf+2; *bufp; bufp++) { if (*bufp < '0' || *bufp > '9') { ap->a_type = A_DOLLSYM; ap->a_w.w_symbol = gensym(buf+1); break; } } if (ap->a_type == A_NULL) { ap->a_type = A_DOLLAR; ap->a_w.w_index = atoi(buf+1); } } else if (floatstate == 2) { if (lx->l_inttype == A_FLOAT) { ap->a_type = A_FLOAT; ap->a_w.w_float = (float)atof(buf); } else { ap->a_type = lx->l_inttype; ap->a_w.w_index = atoi(buf); } } else if (floatstate == 4 || floatstate == 5 || floatstate == 8) { ap->a_type = A_FLOAT; ap->a_w.w_float = (float)atof(buf); } else { ap->a_type = A_SYMBOL; ap->a_w.w_symbol = gensym(buf); } } lx->l_lasttype = ap->a_type; return (1); } void lex_atomstring(t_atom *ap, char *buf, int bufsize, t_atomtype inttype) { char *sp, *bp, *ep; switch(ap->a_type) { case A_SEMI: strcpy(buf, ";"); break; case A_COMMA: strcpy(buf, ","); break; case A_FLOAT: sprintf(buf, "%#f", ap->a_w.w_float); ep = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; while (ep > buf && *ep == '0') *ep-- = 0; break; case A_SYMBOL: sp = ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name; bp = buf; ep = buf + (bufsize-5); while (bp < ep && *sp) { if (*sp == ';' || *sp == ',' || *sp == '\\' || (*sp == '$' && bp == buf && sp[1] >= '0' && sp[1] <= '9')) *bp++ = '\\'; if ((unsigned char)*sp < 127) *bp++ = *sp++; else /* FIXME this is temporary -- codepage horror */ sprintf(bp, "\\%.3o", (unsigned char)*sp++), bp += 4; } if (*sp) *bp++ = '*'; *bp = 0; break; case A_DOLLAR: sprintf(buf, "$%d", ap->a_w.w_index); break; case A_DOLLSYM: sprintf(buf, "$%s", ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name); break; default: if (ap->a_type == inttype) sprintf(buf, "%d", ap->a_w.w_index); else { #ifdef MIXED_STANDALONE fprintf(stderr, "BUG (lex): bad atom type\n"); #else bug("lex_atomstring (bad atom type)"); #endif strcpy(buf, "???"); } } } int lex_isbinary(t_lex *lx) { return (lx->l_errbinary); } void lex_free(t_lex *lx) { freebytes(lx, sizeof(*lx)); } t_lex *lex_new(FILE *fp, t_atomtype inttype) { t_lex *lx = (t_lex *)getbytes(sizeof(*lx)); lx->l_fp = fp; lx->l_buf = 0; /* FIXME */ lx->l_inttype = inttype; lx->l_lasttype = A_SEMI; lx->l_errbinary = 0; return (lx); }