/* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __OS_H__ #define __OS_H__ EXTERN_STRUCT _osdir; #define t_osdir struct _osdir #define OSDIR_FILEMODE 1 #define OSDIR_DIRMODE 2 int ospath_length(char *path, char *cwd); char *ospath_absolute(char *path, char *cwd, char *result); FILE *fileread_open(char *filename, t_canvas *cv, int textmode); FILE *filewrite_open(char *filename, t_canvas *cv, int textmode); t_osdir *osdir_open(char *dirname); void osdir_setmode(t_osdir *dp, int flags); void osdir_close(t_osdir *dp); void osdir_rewind(t_osdir *dp); char *osdir_next(t_osdir *dp); int osdir_isfile(t_osdir *dp); int osdir_isdir(t_osdir *dp); #endif