/* Copyright (c) 2004 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __QTREE_H__ #define __QTREE_H__ #ifdef KRZYSZCZ #define QTREE_DEBUG #endif typedef enum { QTREETYPE_FLOAT, QTREETYPE_SYMBOL, QTREETYPE_ATOM, QTREETYPE_CUSTOM, QTREETYPE_ILLEGAL } t_qtreetype; typedef struct _qnode { double n_key; int n_black; struct _qnode *n_left; struct _qnode *n_right; struct _qnode *n_parent; struct _qnode *n_prev; struct _qnode *n_next; } t_qnode; typedef struct _qnode_float { t_qnode nf_node; t_float nf_value; } t_qnode_float; typedef struct _qnode_symbol { t_qnode ns_node; t_symbol *ns_value; } t_qnode_symbol; typedef struct _qnode_atom { t_qnode na_node; t_atom na_value; } t_qnode_atom; typedef struct _qtree { t_qnode *t_root; t_qnode *t_first; t_qnode *t_last; t_qtreetype t_valuetype; size_t t_nodesize; } t_qtree; #define QNODE_GETFLOAT(np) (((t_qnode_float *)(np))->nf_value) #define QNODE_GETSYMBOL(np) (((t_qnode_symbol *)(np))->ns_value) #define QNODE_GETATOMPTR(np) (&((t_qnode_atom *)(np))->na_value) typedef void (*t_qnode_vshowhook)(t_qnode *, char *, unsigned); t_qnode *qtree_search(t_qtree *tree, double key); t_qnode *qtree_closest(t_qtree *tree, double key, int geqflag); t_qnode *qtree_insert(t_qtree *tree, double key, int *foundp); t_qnode *qtree_multiinsert(t_qtree *tree, double key, int fifoflag); t_qnode *qtree_insertfloat(t_qtree *tree, double key, t_float f, int replaceflag); t_qnode *qtree_insertsymbol(t_qtree *tree, double key, t_symbol *s, int replaceflag); t_qnode *qtree_insertatom(t_qtree *tree, double key, t_atom *ap, int replaceflag); void qtree_delete(t_qtree *tree, t_qnode *np); void qtree_inittyped(t_qtree *tree, t_qtreetype vtype, int freecount); void qtree_initcustom(t_qtree *tree, size_t nodesize, int freecount); void qtree_clear(t_qtree *tree, int freecount); #ifdef QTREE_DEBUG void qtree_debug(t_qtree *tree, int level, t_qnode_vshowhook hook); #endif #endif