/* Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Miller Puckette, krzYszcz, and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* The simplest of garrays: vector of floats */ /* Array checking is done in three points: 1. vefl_new(): never complains 2. vefl_renew(): this should be called once per every message 3. vefl_tick(): no template checking (only redraw is involved) */ /* LATER rethink indsp flag */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "shared.h" #include "unstable/fragile.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/vefl.h" #ifdef KRZYSZCZ //#define VEFL_DEBUG #endif #define VEFL_VERBOSE /* on failure *vszp is not modified */ t_float *vefl_get(t_symbol *name, int *vszp, int indsp, t_pd *complain) { if (name && name != &s_) { t_garray *ap = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(name, garray_class); if (ap) { int vsz; t_float *vec; if (garray_getfloatarray(ap, &vsz, &vec)) { if (indsp) garray_usedindsp(ap); if (vszp) *vszp = vsz; return (vec); } else loud_error(complain, /* always complain */ "bad template of array '%s'", name->s_name); } else if (complain) loud_error(complain, "no such array '%s'", name->s_name); } return (0); } static void vefl_tick(t_vefl *vp) { if (vp->v_name && vp->v_name != &s_ /* Check if an array has not been deleted (e.g. during patch closing sequence). */ && (vp->v_garray = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(vp->v_name, garray_class))) { vp->v_glist = fragile_garray_glist(vp->v_garray); garray_redraw(vp->v_garray); } vp->v_clockset = 0; vp->v_updtime = clock_getsystime(); } t_vefl *vefl_placement_new(t_vefl *vp, t_symbol *name, int writable, t_glist *gl, t_garray *arr) { if (sizeof(t_word) != sizeof(t_float)) { bug("vefl_new: sizeof(t_word) != sizeof(t_float)"); return (0); } if (!vp) { if (!(vp = getbytes(sizeof(*vp)))) return (0); vp->v_autoalloc = 1; } else vp->v_autoalloc = 0; vp->v_name = name; if (writable) { vp->v_updtime = clock_getsystime(); vp->v_clock = clock_new(vp, (t_method)vefl_tick); vp->v_clockset = 0; } else vp->v_clock = 0; vp->v_glist = gl; vp->v_garray = arr; vp->v_size = 0; vp->v_data = 0; vp->v_type = &s_float; if (!arr && name && name != &s_) { vp->v_garray = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(name, garray_class); vp->v_glist = vp->v_garray ? fragile_garray_glist(vp->v_garray) : 0; } if (vp->v_garray && !garray_getfloatarray(vp->v_garray, &vp->v_size, &vp->v_data)) { vp->v_glist = 0; vp->v_garray = 0; vp->v_type = 0; /* template mismatch */ } return (vp); } t_vefl *vefl_new(t_symbol *name, int writable, t_glist *gl, t_garray *arr) { return (vefl_placement_new(0, name, writable, gl, arr)); } void vefl_free(t_vefl *vp) { if (vp->v_clock) clock_free(vp->v_clock); if (vp->v_autoalloc) freebytes(vp, sizeof(*vp)); } /* LATER handle yonset */ int vefl_renew(t_vefl *vp, t_symbol *name, t_pd *complain) { if (!name || name == &s_) name = vp->v_name; if (name && name != &s_) { vp->v_glist = 0; /* There are three possible ways: */ #if 0 vp->v_name = 0; #elif 1 /* , do nothing, and */ vp->v_name = name; #endif /* LATER check all the cases and decide... */ if (!(vp->v_garray = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(name, garray_class))) { if (complain) loud_error(complain, "no such array '%s'", name->s_name); } else if (!garray_getfloatarray(vp->v_garray, &vp->v_size, &vp->v_data)) { vp->v_garray = 0; loud_error(complain, /* always complain */ "bad template of array '%s'", name->s_name); } else { vp->v_glist = fragile_garray_glist(vp->v_garray); vp->v_name = name; return (1); } } return (0); } void vefl_redraw(t_vefl *vp, float suppresstime) { if (vp->v_clock) /* requests from readers are ignored */ { if (suppresstime > 0) { double timesince = clock_gettimesince(vp->v_updtime); if (timesince > suppresstime) { clock_unset(vp->v_clock); vefl_tick(vp); } else if (!vp->v_clockset) { clock_delay(vp->v_clock, suppresstime - timesince); vp->v_clockset = 1; } } else { clock_unset(vp->v_clock); vefl_tick(vp); } } } void vefl_redraw_stop(t_vefl *vp) { if (vp->v_clock) /* requests from readers are ignored */ { clock_unset(vp->v_clock); vp->v_clockset = 0; } } /* Y-bounds flipped here */ void vefl_getbounds(t_vefl *vp, t_float *xminp, t_float *yminp, t_float *xmaxp, t_float *ymaxp) { t_glist *gl = vp->v_glist; if (gl) { *xminp = gl->gl_x1; *xmaxp = gl->gl_x2; *yminp = gl->gl_y2; *ymaxp = gl->gl_y1; } } /* Y-bounds flipped here */ void vefl_setbounds(t_vefl *vp, t_float xmin, t_float ymin, t_float xmax, t_float ymax) { vmess((t_pd *)vp->v_glist, gensym("bounds"), "ffff", xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin); } void vefl_getrange(t_vefl *vp, t_float *yminp, t_float *ymaxp) { int vsz = vp->v_size; t_float *vec = vp->v_data; if (vec && vsz) { t_float ymin = SHARED_FLT_MAX, ymax = -SHARED_FLT_MAX; while (vsz--) { if (*vec > ymax) { ymax = *vec; if (ymax < ymin) ymin = ymax; } else if (*vec < ymin) ymin = *vec; vec++; } *yminp = ymin; *ymaxp = ymax; } }