/* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* The three uses of the 'hammerfile' proxy class are: 1. providing `embedding' facility -- storing master object's state in a .pd file, 2. encapsulating openpanel/savepanel management, 3. extending the gui of Pd with a simple text editor window. A master class which needs embedding feature (like coll), passes a nonzero flag to the hammerfile setup routine, and a nonzero embedfn function pointer to the hammerfile constructor. If a master needs access to the panels (like collcommon), then it passes nonzero readfn and/or writefn callback pointers to the constructor. A master which has an associated text editor, AND wants to update object's state after edits, passes a nonzero updatefn callback in a call to the constructor. LATER extract the embedding stuff. */ #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "common/os.h" #include "unstable/forky.h" #include "hammer/file.h" struct _hammerfile { t_pd f_pd; t_pd *f_master; t_canvas *f_canvas; t_symbol *f_bindname; t_symbol *f_currentdir; t_symbol *f_inidir; t_symbol *f_inifile; t_hammerfilefn f_panelfn; t_hammerfilefn f_editorfn; t_hammerembedfn f_embedfn; t_binbuf *f_binbuf; t_clock *f_panelclock; t_clock *f_editorclock; struct _hammerfile *f_savepanel; struct _hammerfile *f_next; }; static t_class *hammerfile_class = 0; static t_hammerfile *hammerfile_proxies; static t_symbol *ps__C; static t_hammerfile *hammerfile_getproxy(t_pd *master) { t_hammerfile *f; for (f = hammerfile_proxies; f; f = f->f_next) if (f->f_master == master) return (f); return (0); } static void hammereditor_guidefs(void) { /* if older than 0.43, create an 0.43-style pdsend */ sys_gui("if {[llength [info procs ::pdsend]] == 0} {"); sys_gui("proc ::pdsend {args} {::pd \"[join $args { }] ;\"}}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_open {name geometry title sendable} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[winfo exists $name]} {\n"); sys_gui(" $name.text delete 1.0 end\n"); sys_gui(" } else {\n"); sys_gui(" toplevel $name\n"); sys_gui(" wm title $name $title\n"); sys_gui(" wm geometry $name $geometry\n"); sys_gui(" if {$sendable} {\n"); sys_gui(" wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW \\\n"); sys_gui(" [concat hammereditor_close $name 1]\n"); sys_gui(" bind $name <> \"hammereditor_dodirty $name\"\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" text $name.text -relief raised -bd 2 \\\n"); sys_gui(" -font -*-courier-medium--normal--12-* \\\n"); sys_gui(" -yscrollcommand \"$name.scroll set\" -background lightgrey\n"); sys_gui(" scrollbar $name.scroll -command \"$name.text yview\"\n"); sys_gui(" pack $name.scroll -side right -fill y\n"); sys_gui(" pack $name.text -side left -fill both -expand 1\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_dodirty {name} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[catch {$name.text edit modified} dirty]} {set dirty 1}\n"); sys_gui(" set title [wm title $name]\n"); sys_gui(" set dt [string equal -length 1 $title \"*\"]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$dirty} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {$dt == 0} {wm title $name *$title}\n"); sys_gui(" } else {\n"); sys_gui(" if {$dt} {wm title $name [string range $title 1 end]}\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_setdirty {name flag} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[winfo exists $name]} {\n"); sys_gui(" catch {$name.text edit modified $flag}\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_doclose {name} {\n"); sys_gui(" destroy $name\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_append {name contents} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[winfo exists $name]} {\n"); sys_gui(" $name.text insert end $contents\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); /* FIXME make it more reliable */ sys_gui("proc hammereditor_send {name} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[winfo exists $name]} {\n"); sys_gui(" pdsend \"miXed$name clear\"\n"); sys_gui(" for {set i 1} \\\n"); sys_gui(" {[$name.text compare $i.end < end]} \\\n"); sys_gui(" {incr i 1} {\n"); sys_gui(" set lin [$name.text get $i.0 $i.end]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$lin != \"\"} {\n"); /* LATER rethink semi/comma mapping */ sys_gui(" regsub -all \\; $lin \" _semi_ \" tmplin\n"); sys_gui(" regsub -all \\, $tmplin \" _comma_ \" lin\n"); sys_gui(" pdsend \"miXed$name addline $lin\"\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" pdsend \"miXed$name end\"\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammereditor_close {name ask} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[winfo exists $name]} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {[catch {$name.text edit modified} dirty]} {set dirty 1}\n"); sys_gui(" if {$ask && $dirty} {\n"); sys_gui(" set title [wm title $name]\n"); sys_gui(" if {[string equal -length 1 $title \"*\"]} {\n"); sys_gui(" set title [string range $title 1 end]\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" set answer [tk_messageBox \\-type yesnocancel \\\n"); sys_gui(" \\-icon question \\\n"); sys_gui(" \\-message [concat Save changes to \\\"$title\\\"?]]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$answer == \"yes\"} {hammereditor_send $name}\n"); sys_gui(" if {$answer != \"cancel\"} {hammereditor_doclose $name}\n"); sys_gui(" } else {hammereditor_doclose $name}\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); } /* null owner defaults to class name, pass "" to supress */ void hammereditor_open(t_hammerfile *f, char *title, char *owner) { if (!owner) owner = class_getname(*f->f_master); if (!*owner) owner = 0; if (!title) { title = owner; owner = 0; } if (owner) sys_vgui("hammereditor_open .%x %dx%d {%s: %s} %d\n", (int)f, 600, 340, owner, title, (f->f_editorfn != 0)); else sys_vgui("hammereditor_open .%x %dx%d {%s} %d\n", (int)f, 600, 340, (title ? title : "Untitled"), (f->f_editorfn != 0)); } static void hammereditor_tick(t_hammerfile *f) { sys_vgui("hammereditor_close .%x 1\n", (int)f); } void hammereditor_close(t_hammerfile *f, int ask) { if (ask && f->f_editorfn) /* hack: deferring modal dialog creation in order to allow for a message box redraw to happen -- LATER investigate */ clock_delay(f->f_editorclock, 0); else sys_vgui("hammereditor_close .%x 0\n", (int)f); } void hammereditor_append(t_hammerfile *f, char *contents) { if (contents) { char *ptr; for (ptr = contents; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '{' || *ptr == '}') { char c = *ptr; *ptr = 0; sys_vgui("hammereditor_append .%x {%s}\n", (int)f, contents); sys_vgui("hammereditor_append .%x \"%c\"\n", (int)f, c); *ptr = c; contents = ptr + 1; } } if (*contents) sys_vgui("hammereditor_append .%x {%s}\n", (int)f, contents); } } void hammereditor_setdirty(t_hammerfile *f, int flag) { if (f->f_editorfn) sys_vgui("hammereditor_setdirty .%x %d\n", (int)f, flag); } static void hammereditor_clear(t_hammerfile *f) { if (f->f_editorfn) { if (f->f_binbuf) binbuf_clear(f->f_binbuf); else f->f_binbuf = binbuf_new(); } } static void hammereditor_addline(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { if (f->f_editorfn) { int i; t_atom *ap; for (i = 0, ap = av; i < ac; i++, ap++) { if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) { /* LATER rethink semi/comma mapping */ if (!strcmp(ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, "_semi_")) SETSEMI(ap); else if (!strcmp(ap->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, "_comma_")) SETCOMMA(ap); } } binbuf_add(f->f_binbuf, ac, av); } } static void hammereditor_end(t_hammerfile *f) { if (f->f_editorfn) { (*f->f_editorfn)(f->f_master, 0, binbuf_getnatom(f->f_binbuf), binbuf_getvec(f->f_binbuf)); binbuf_clear(f->f_binbuf); } } static void hammerpanel_guidefs(void) { sys_gui("proc hammerpanel_open {target inidir} {\n"); sys_gui(" global pd_opendir\n"); sys_gui(" if {$inidir == \"\"} {\n"); sys_gui(" set $inidir $pd_opendir\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" set filename [tk_getOpenFile \\\n"); sys_gui(" -initialdir $inidir]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$filename != \"\"} {\n"); sys_gui(" set directory [string range $filename 0 \\\n"); sys_gui(" [expr [string last / $filename ] - 1]]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$directory == \"\"} {set directory \"/\"}\n"); #if 1 sys_gui(" puts stderr [concat $directory]\n"); #endif sys_gui(" pdsend \"$target path \\\n"); sys_gui(" [pdtk_enquote $filename] [pdtk_enquote $directory] \"\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); sys_gui("proc hammerpanel_save {target inidir inifile} {\n"); sys_gui(" if {$inifile != \"\"} {\n"); sys_gui(" set filename [tk_getSaveFile \\\n"); sys_gui(" -initialdir $inidir -initialfile $inifile]\n"); sys_gui(" } else {\n"); sys_gui(" set filename [tk_getSaveFile]\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui(" if {$filename != \"\"} {\n"); sys_gui(" set directory [string range $filename 0 \\\n"); sys_gui(" [expr [string last / $filename ] - 1]]\n"); sys_gui(" if {$directory == \"\"} {set directory \"/\"}\n"); sys_gui(" pdsend \"$target path \\\n"); sys_gui(" [pdtk_enquote $filename] [pdtk_enquote $directory] \"\n"); sys_gui(" }\n"); sys_gui("}\n"); } /* There are two modes of -initialdir persistence: 1. Using last reply from gui (if any, default is canvas directory): pass null to hammerpanel_open/save() (for explicit cd, optionally call hammerpanel_setopen/savedir() first). 2. Starting always in the same directory (eg. canvasdir): feed hammerpanel_open/save(). Usually, first mode fits opening better, the second -- saving. */ /* This is obsolete, but has to stay, because older versions of miXed libraries might overwrite new hammerpanel_guidefs(). FIXME we need version control. */ static void hammerpanel_symbol(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *s) { if (s && s != &s_ && f->f_panelfn) (*f->f_panelfn)(f->f_master, s, 0, 0); } static void hammerpanel_path(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *s1, t_symbol *s2) { if (s2 && s2 != &s_) f->f_currentdir = s2; if (s1 && s1 != &s_ && f->f_panelfn) (*f->f_panelfn)(f->f_master, s1, 0, 0); } static void hammerpanel_tick(t_hammerfile *f) { if (f->f_savepanel) sys_vgui("hammerpanel_open %s {%s}\n", f->f_bindname->s_name, f->f_inidir->s_name); else sys_vgui("hammerpanel_save %s {%s} {%s}\n", f->f_bindname->s_name, f->f_inidir->s_name, f->f_inifile->s_name); } /* these are hacks: deferring modal dialog creation in order to allow for a message box redraw to happen -- LATER investigate */ void hammerpanel_open(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *inidir) { if (inidir) f->f_inidir = inidir; else f->f_inidir = (f->f_currentdir ? f->f_currentdir : &s_); clock_delay(f->f_panelclock, 0); } void hammerpanel_setopendir(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *dir) { if (f->f_currentdir && f->f_currentdir != &s_) { if (dir && dir != &s_) { int length; if (length = ospath_length(dir->s_name, f->f_currentdir->s_name)) { char *path = getbytes(length + 1); if (ospath_absolute(dir->s_name, f->f_currentdir->s_name, path)) /* LATER stat (think how to report a failure) */ f->f_currentdir = gensym(path); freebytes(path, length + 1); } } else if (f->f_canvas) f->f_currentdir = canvas_getdir(f->f_canvas); } else bug("hammerpanel_setopendir"); } t_symbol *hammerpanel_getopendir(t_hammerfile *f) { return (f->f_currentdir); } void hammerpanel_save(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *inidir, t_symbol *inifile) { if (f = f->f_savepanel) { if (inidir) f->f_inidir = inidir; else /* LATER ask if we can rely on s_ pointing to "" */ f->f_inidir = (f->f_currentdir ? f->f_currentdir : &s_); f->f_inifile = (inifile ? inifile : &s_); clock_delay(f->f_panelclock, 0); } } void hammerpanel_setsavedir(t_hammerfile *f, t_symbol *dir) { if (f = f->f_savepanel) hammerpanel_setopendir(f, dir); } t_symbol *hammerpanel_getsavedir(t_hammerfile *f) { return (f->f_savepanel ? f->f_savepanel->f_currentdir : 0); } /* Currently embeddable hammer classes do not use the 'saveto' method. In order to use it, any embeddable class would have to add a creation method to pd_canvasmaker -- then saving could be done with a 'proper' sequence: #N ; #X ; ...; #X restore ; However, this works only for -lib externals. So, we choose a sequence: #X obj ; #C ; ...; #C restore; Since the first message in this sequence is a valid creation message on its own, we have to distinguish loading from a .pd file, and other cases (editing). */ static void hammerembed_gc(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int expected) { t_pd *garbage; int count = 0; while (garbage = pd_findbyclass(s, *x)) pd_unbind(garbage, s), count++; if (count != expected) bug("hammerembed_gc (%d garbage bindings)", count); } static void hammerembed_restore(t_pd *master) { hammerembed_gc(master, ps__C, 1); } void hammerembed_save(t_gobj *master, t_binbuf *bb) { t_hammerfile *f = hammerfile_getproxy((t_pd *)master); t_text *t = (t_text *)master; binbuf_addv(bb, "ssii", &s__X, gensym("obj"), (int)t->te_xpix, (int)t->te_ypix); binbuf_addbinbuf(bb, t->te_binbuf); binbuf_addsemi(bb); if (f && f->f_embedfn) (*f->f_embedfn)(f->f_master, bb, ps__C); binbuf_addv(bb, "ss;", ps__C, gensym("restore")); } int hammerfile_ismapped(t_hammerfile *f) { return (f->f_canvas->gl_mapped); } int hammerfile_isloading(t_hammerfile *f) { return (f->f_canvas->gl_loading); } /* LATER find a better way */ int hammerfile_ispasting(t_hammerfile *f) { int result = 0; t_canvas *cv = f->f_canvas; if (!cv->gl_loading) { t_pd *z = s__X.s_thing; if (z == (t_pd *)cv) { pd_popsym(z); if (s__X.s_thing == (t_pd *)cv) result = 1; pd_pushsym(z); } else if (z) result = 1; } #if 0 if (result) post("pasting"); #endif return (result); } void hammerfile_free(t_hammerfile *f) { t_hammerfile *prev, *next; hammereditor_close(f, 0); if (f->f_embedfn) /* just in case of missing 'restore' */ hammerembed_gc(f->f_master, ps__C, 0); if (f->f_savepanel) { pd_unbind((t_pd *)f->f_savepanel, f->f_savepanel->f_bindname); pd_free((t_pd *)f->f_savepanel); } if (f->f_bindname) pd_unbind((t_pd *)f, f->f_bindname); if (f->f_panelclock) clock_free(f->f_panelclock); if (f->f_editorclock) clock_free(f->f_editorclock); for (prev = 0, next = hammerfile_proxies; next; prev = next, next = next->f_next) if (next == f) break; if (prev) prev->f_next = f->f_next; else if (f == hammerfile_proxies) hammerfile_proxies = f->f_next; pd_free((t_pd *)f); } t_hammerfile *hammerfile_new(t_pd *master, t_hammerembedfn embedfn, t_hammerfilefn readfn, t_hammerfilefn writefn, t_hammerfilefn updatefn) { t_hammerfile *result = (t_hammerfile *)pd_new(hammerfile_class); result->f_master = master; result->f_next = hammerfile_proxies; hammerfile_proxies = result; if (!(result->f_canvas = canvas_getcurrent())) { bug("hammerfile_new: out of context"); return (result); } /* 1. embedding */ if (result->f_embedfn = embedfn) { /* just in case of missing 'restore' */ hammerembed_gc(master, ps__C, 0); if (hammerfile_isloading(result) || hammerfile_ispasting(result)) pd_bind(master, ps__C); } /* 2. the panels */ if (readfn || writefn) { t_hammerfile *f; char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "miXed.%x", (int)result); result->f_bindname = gensym(buf); pd_bind((t_pd *)result, result->f_bindname); result->f_currentdir = result->f_inidir = canvas_getdir(result->f_canvas); result->f_panelfn = readfn; result->f_panelclock = clock_new(result, (t_method)hammerpanel_tick); f = (t_hammerfile *)pd_new(hammerfile_class); f->f_master = master; f->f_canvas = result->f_canvas; sprintf(buf, "miXed.%x", (int)f); f->f_bindname = gensym(buf); pd_bind((t_pd *)f, f->f_bindname); f->f_currentdir = f->f_inidir = result->f_currentdir; f->f_panelfn = writefn; f->f_panelclock = clock_new(f, (t_method)hammerpanel_tick); result->f_savepanel = f; } else result->f_savepanel = 0; /* 3. editor */ if (result->f_editorfn = updatefn) { result->f_editorclock = clock_new(result, (t_method)hammereditor_tick); if (!result->f_bindname) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "miXed.%x", (int)result); result->f_bindname = gensym(buf); pd_bind((t_pd *)result, result->f_bindname); } } return (result); } void hammerfile_setup(t_class *c, int embeddable) { if (embeddable) { forky_setsavefn(c, hammerembed_save); class_addmethod(c, (t_method)hammerembed_restore, gensym("restore"), 0); } if (!hammerfile_class) { ps__C = gensym("#C"); hammerfile_class = class_new(gensym("_hammerfile"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_hammerfile), CLASS_PD | CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_addsymbol(hammerfile_class, hammerpanel_symbol); class_addmethod(hammerfile_class, (t_method)hammerpanel_path, gensym("path"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFSYM, 0); class_addmethod(hammerfile_class, (t_method)hammereditor_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); class_addmethod(hammerfile_class, (t_method)hammereditor_addline, gensym("addline"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(hammerfile_class, (t_method)hammereditor_end, gensym("end"), 0); /* LATER find a way of ensuring that these are not defined yet... */ hammereditor_guidefs(); hammerpanel_guidefs(); } }