/* Copyright (c) 2003 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __ARSIC_H__ #define __ARSIC_H__ typedef struct _arsic { t_sic s_sic; int s_vecsize; /* used also as a validation flag */ int s_nchannels; t_word **s_vectors; t_symbol **s_channames; int s_nperfargs; t_int *s_perfargs; t_symbol *s_mononame; /* used also as an 'ismono' flag */ char *s_stub; float s_ksr; int s_playable; int s_minsize; } t_arsic; void arsic_clear(t_arsic *x); void arsic_redraw(t_arsic *x); void arsic_validate(t_arsic *x, int complain); void arsic_check(t_arsic *x); int arsic_getnchannels(t_arsic *x); void arsic_setarray(t_arsic *x, t_symbol *s, int complain); void arsic_setminsize(t_arsic *x, int i); void arsic_dsp(t_arsic *x, t_signal **sp, t_perfroutine perf, int complain); void *arsic_new(t_class *c, t_symbol *s, int nchannels, int nsigs, int nauxsigs); void arsic_free(t_arsic *x); void arsic_setup(t_class *c, void *dspfn, void *floatfn); #endif