/* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 krzYszcz and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #include #ifdef UNIX #include #endif #ifdef NT #include #endif #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "common/grow.h" #include "common/props.h" #include "scriptlet.h" //#define SCRIPTLET_DEBUG #define SCRIPTLET_INISIZE 1024 #define SCRIPTLET_MARGIN 64 #define SCRIPTLET_MAXARGS 9 /* do not increase (parser's constraint) */ #define SCRIPTLET_MAXPUSH 20000 /* cf SOCKSIZE in t_tkcmd.c, LATER revisit */ enum { SCRIPTLET_CVOK, SCRIPTLET_CVUNKNOWN, SCRIPTLET_CVMISSING }; struct _scriptlet { t_pd *s_owner; t_glist *s_glist; /* containing glist (empty allowed) */ t_symbol *s_rptarget; /* reply target */ t_symbol *s_cbtarget; /* callback target */ t_symbol *s_item; t_scriptlet_cvfn s_cvfn; /* if empty, passing resolveall is a bug */ t_canvas *s_cv; /* as returned by cvfn */ int s_cvstate; int s_locked; /* append lock, for filtering, when reading from file */ int s_size; char *s_buffer; char s_bufini[SCRIPTLET_INISIZE]; char *s_head; /* ptr to the command part of a scriptlet */ char *s_tail; char s_separator; /* current separator, set before a new token */ int s_ac; /* the actual count */ t_atom s_av[SCRIPTLET_MAXARGS]; /* always padded with zeros (if used) */ }; static t_canvas *scriptlet_canvasvalidate(t_scriptlet *sp, int visedonly) { t_canvas *cv; if (sp->s_cvstate == SCRIPTLET_CVUNKNOWN) { if (sp->s_cvfn) cv = sp->s_cv = sp->s_cvfn(sp->s_owner); else { bug("scriptlet_canvasvalidate"); return (0); } if (cv && (!visedonly || glist_isvisible(cv))) sp->s_cvstate = SCRIPTLET_CVOK; else sp->s_cvstate = SCRIPTLET_CVMISSING; } else cv = sp->s_cv; return (sp->s_cvstate == SCRIPTLET_CVOK ? cv : 0); } static int scriptlet_ready(t_scriptlet *sp) { int len = sp->s_tail - sp->s_head; if (len > 0 && *sp->s_head && sp->s_cvstate != SCRIPTLET_CVMISSING) { if (len < SCRIPTLET_MAXPUSH) return (1); else loud_error(sp->s_owner, "scriptlet too long to be pushed (%d bytes)", len); } return (0); } static int scriptlet_doappend(t_scriptlet *sp, char *buf) { if (buf && !sp->s_locked) { int nprefix = sp->s_head - sp->s_buffer; int nused = sp->s_tail - sp->s_buffer; int newsize = nused + strlen(buf) + SCRIPTLET_MARGIN; if (newsize > sp->s_size) { int nrequested = newsize; sp->s_buffer = grow_withdata(&nrequested, &nused, &sp->s_size, sp->s_buffer, SCRIPTLET_INISIZE, sp->s_bufini, sizeof(*sp->s_buffer)); if (nrequested != newsize) { scriptlet_reset(sp); return (0); } sp->s_head = sp->s_buffer + nprefix; sp->s_tail = sp->s_buffer + nused; } if (sp->s_separator && sp->s_tail > sp->s_head) *sp->s_tail++ = sp->s_separator; *sp->s_tail = 0; strcpy(sp->s_tail, buf); sp->s_tail += strlen(sp->s_tail); } sp->s_separator = 0; return (1); } static char *scriptlet_dedot(t_scriptlet *sp, char *ibuf, char *obuf, int resolveall, int visedonly, int ac, t_atom *av, t_props *argprops) { int len = 0; switch (*ibuf) { case '#': /* ac is ignored -- assuming av is padded to SCRIPTLET_MAXARGS atoms */ if (resolveall) { int which = ibuf[1] - '1'; if (which >= 0 && which < SCRIPTLET_MAXARGS) { if (av) { if (av[which].a_type == A_FLOAT) { sprintf(obuf, "%g", av[which].a_w.w_float); len = 2; } else if (av[which].a_type == A_SYMBOL) { strcpy(obuf, av[which].a_w.w_symbol->s_name); len = 2; } } } else if (argprops) { char *iptr, *optr, c; int cnt; for (iptr = ibuf + 1, c = *iptr, cnt = 1; c; iptr++, c = *iptr, cnt++) { if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z')) { *iptr = 0; break; } } if (optr = props_getvalue(argprops, ibuf + 1)) { strcpy(obuf, optr); len = cnt; } if (c) *iptr = c; } } break; case '-': if (resolveall && sp->s_item) { t_canvas *cv; if (cv = scriptlet_canvasvalidate(sp, visedonly)) { sprintf(obuf, ".x%x.c.%s%x", (int)cv, sp->s_item->s_name, (int)sp->s_owner); len = 1; } } break; case '^': if (resolveall) { t_canvas *cv; if (cv = scriptlet_canvasvalidate(sp, visedonly)) { sprintf(obuf, ".x%x", (int)cv); len = 1; } } break; case '|': if (resolveall) { strcpy(obuf, sp->s_cbtarget->s_name); len = 1; } break; case '~': /* FIXME, the dot-tilde stuff is purely experimental. */ if (resolveall) { t_canvas *cv; if (cv = scriptlet_canvasvalidate(sp, 0)) { if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "tag", 3)) { t_rtext *rt; if (cv->gl_owner && glist_isvisible(cv->gl_owner) && cv->gl_owner->gl_editor && (rt = glist_findrtext(cv->gl_owner, (t_object *)cv))) sprintf(obuf, "%s", rtext_gettag(rt)); else obuf[0] = 0; len = 4; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "owner", 5)) { if (cv->gl_owner && glist_isvisible(cv->gl_owner)) sprintf(obuf, ".x%x", (int)cv->gl_owner); else obuf[0] = 0; len = 6; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "root", 4)) { sprintf(obuf, ".x%x", (int)canvas_getrootfor(cv)); len = 5; } /* LATER find out when gl_ are updated, think how to better sync them to Tk. */ else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "x1", 2)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", cv->gl_screenx1); len = 3; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "x2", 2)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", cv->gl_screenx2); len = 3; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "y1", 2)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", cv->gl_screeny1); len = 3; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "y2", 2)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", cv->gl_screeny2); len = 3; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "edit", 4)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", cv->gl_edit); len = 5; } else if (!strncmp(&ibuf[1], "gop", 3)) { sprintf(obuf, "%d", glist_isgraph(cv)); len = 4; } else loud_error(sp->s_owner, "bad field '%s'", &ibuf[1]); } } break; case '`': sprintf(obuf, "\\"); len = 1; break; case ':': sprintf(obuf, ";"); len = 1; break; case '(': sprintf(obuf, "{"); len = 1; break; case ')': sprintf(obuf, "}"); len = 1; break; case '<': if (resolveall) { if (ibuf[1] == ':') { sprintf(obuf, "{pd [concat "); len = 2; } else if (ibuf[1] == '|') { sprintf(obuf, "{pd [concat %s ", sp->s_rptarget->s_name); len = 2; } else { sprintf(obuf, "{pd [concat %s _cb ", sp->s_cbtarget->s_name); len = 1; } } break; case '>': if (resolveall) { sprintf(obuf, "\\;]}"); len = 1; } break; } return (len ? ibuf + len : 0); } int scriptlet_isempty(t_scriptlet *sp) { return (!(sp->s_tail > sp->s_head && *sp->s_head)); } void scriptlet_reset(t_scriptlet *sp) { sp->s_cvstate = SCRIPTLET_CVUNKNOWN; sp->s_locked = 0; sp->s_separator = 0; strcpy(sp->s_buffer, "namespace eval ::toxy {\ proc query {} {set ::toxy::reply [\n"); sp->s_head = sp->s_tail = sp->s_buffer + strlen(sp->s_buffer); } void scriptlet_prealloc(t_scriptlet *sp, int sz, int mayshrink) { if (sz < SCRIPTLET_INISIZE) sz = SCRIPTLET_INISIZE; if (sz < sp->s_size && mayshrink) { if (sp->s_buffer != sp->s_bufini) freebytes(sp->s_buffer, sp->s_size * sizeof(*sp->s_buffer)); else bug("scriptlet_prealloc"); sp->s_size = SCRIPTLET_INISIZE; sp->s_buffer = sp->s_bufini; } if (sz > sp->s_size) sp->s_buffer = grow_nodata(&sz, &sp->s_size, sp->s_buffer, SCRIPTLET_INISIZE, sp->s_bufini, sizeof(*sp->s_buffer)); scriptlet_reset(sp); } static int scriptlet_addstring(t_scriptlet *sp, char *ibuf, int resolveall, int visedonly, int ac, t_atom *av, t_props *argprops) { int result = 1; char *bp = ibuf, *ep = ibuf, *ep1; char dotbuf[256]; /* FIXME requires a growable per-scriptlet buffer. */ if (!sp->s_separator) sp->s_separator = ' '; while (*ep) { if (*ep == '.' && (ep1 = scriptlet_dedot(sp, ep + 1, dotbuf, resolveall, visedonly, ac, av, argprops))) { *ep = 0; if (!(result = scriptlet_doappend(sp, bp))) break; *ep = '.'; if (!(result = scriptlet_doappend(sp, dotbuf))) break; bp = ep = ep1; } else ep++; } if (result) result = scriptlet_doappend(sp, bp); sp->s_separator = 0; return (result); } static int scriptlet_addfloat(t_scriptlet *sp, t_float f) { char buf[64]; if (!sp->s_separator) sp->s_separator = ' '; sprintf(buf, "%g ", f); return (scriptlet_doappend(sp, buf)); } int scriptlet_add(t_scriptlet *sp, int resolveall, int visedonly, int ac, t_atom *av) { while (ac--) { int result = 1; if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) result = scriptlet_addstring(sp, av->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, resolveall, visedonly, 0, 0, 0); else if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) result = scriptlet_addfloat(sp, av->a_w.w_float); if (!result) return (0); av++; } return (1); } void scriptlet_setseparator(t_scriptlet *sp, char c) { sp->s_separator = c; } void scriptlet_push(t_scriptlet *sp) { if (scriptlet_ready(sp)) { char *tail = sp->s_tail; strcpy(tail, "\n"); sys_gui(sp->s_head); *tail = 0; } } void scriptlet_qpush(t_scriptlet *sp) { if (scriptlet_ready(sp)) { char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; char *tail = sp->s_tail; strcpy(tail, "]}}\n"); sys_gui(sp->s_buffer); *tail = 0; /* Could not find anything more flexible, than blocking while waiting for ::toxy::query to complete. The model case is a Tk dialog hanging over the arrival of new queries. LATER probably use a thread-safe replacement of the 'pd' command in order to prevent competing tcl threads from corrupting the gui-to-pd stream. */ sprintf(buf, "after 0 {::toxy::query}\nvwait ::toxy::reply\n\ pd [concat %s _rp $::toxy::reply \\;]\n", sp->s_rptarget->s_name); sys_gui(buf); } } /* Non-substituting -- LATER think if this is likely to cause any confusion. Especially, consider the widget_vis() vs. widget_update() case. */ void scriptlet_vpush(t_scriptlet *sp, char *varname) { if (scriptlet_ready(sp)) { char *tail = sp->s_tail; strcpy(tail, "}\n"); sys_vgui("set ::toxy::%s { ", varname); sys_gui(sp->s_head); *tail = 0; } } int scriptlet_evaluate(t_scriptlet *insp, t_scriptlet *outsp, int visedonly, int ac, t_atom *av, t_props *argprops) { if (scriptlet_ready(insp)) { t_atom *ap; int i; char *bp; char separator = 0; insp->s_ac = ac; for (i = 0, ap = insp->s_av; i < SCRIPTLET_MAXARGS; i++, ap++) { if (ac) { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT || (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL && av->a_w.w_symbol)) *ap = *av; else SETFLOAT(ap, 0); ac--; av++; } else SETFLOAT(ap, 0); } /* FIXME pregrowing of the transient scriptlet */ scriptlet_reset(outsp); /* LATER abstract this into scriptlet_parse() */ bp = insp->s_head; while (*bp) { if (*bp == '\n') separator = '\n'; else if (*bp == ' ' || *bp == '\t') { if (!separator) separator = ' '; } else { int done = 1; char *ep = bp; char c = ' '; while (*++ep) { if (*ep == ' ' || *bp == '\t' || *ep == '\n') { done = 0; c = *ep; *ep = 0; break; } } outsp->s_separator = separator; scriptlet_addstring(outsp, bp, 1, visedonly, ac, insp->s_av, argprops); if (done) break; *ep = c; bp = ep; separator = (c == '\t' ? ' ' : c); } bp++; } return (outsp->s_cvstate != SCRIPTLET_CVMISSING); } else return (0); } /* utility function to be used in a comment-parsing callback */ char *scriptlet_nextword(char *buf) { while (*++buf) { if (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t') { char *ptr = buf + 1; while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; *buf = 0; return (*ptr ? ptr : 0); } } return (0); } static int scriptlet_doread(t_scriptlet *sp, t_pd *caller, FILE *fp, char *rc, char *builtin, t_scriptlet_cmntfn cmntfn) { t_scriptlet *outsp = sp, *newsp; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; if (!caller) caller = sp->s_owner; while ((fp && !feof(fp) && fgets(buf, MAXPDSTRING - 1, fp)) || builtin) { char *ptr; if (builtin) { int i; for (i = 0, ptr = buf; i < MAXPDSTRING - 1; i++, ptr++) { if ((*ptr = (*builtin ? *builtin : '\n')) == '\n') { ptr[1] = 0; if (*builtin) builtin++; if (!*builtin) builtin = 0; break; } else builtin++; } } ptr = buf; while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; if (*ptr == '#') { if (cmntfn) { char sel = *++ptr; if (sel && sel != '\n') { ptr++; while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; if (*ptr == '\n') *ptr = 0; if (*ptr) { char *ep = ptr + strlen(ptr) - 1; while (*ep == ' ' || *ep == '\t' || *ep == '\n') ep--; ep[1] = 0; } newsp = cmntfn(caller, rc, sel, ptr); if (newsp == SCRIPTLET_UNLOCK) outsp->s_locked = 0; else if (newsp == SCRIPTLET_LOCK) outsp->s_locked = 1; else if (newsp != outsp) { outsp->s_locked = 0; scriptlet_reset(outsp = newsp); } } } } else if (*ptr && *ptr != '\n') scriptlet_doappend(outsp, buf); } outsp->s_locked = 0; return (SCRIPTLET_OK); } /* Load particular section(s) from buffer (skip up to an unlocking comment, keep appending up to a locking comment, repeat). */ int scriptlet_rcparse(t_scriptlet *sp, t_pd *caller, char *rc, char *contents, t_scriptlet_cmntfn cmntfn) { int result; sp->s_locked = 1; /* see scriptlet_doread() above for unlocking scheme */ result = scriptlet_doread(sp, caller, 0, rc, contents, cmntfn); return (result); } int scriptlet_rcload(t_scriptlet *sp, t_pd *caller, char *rc, char *ext, char *builtin, t_scriptlet_cmntfn cmntfn) { int result; char filename[MAXPDSTRING], buf[MAXPDSTRING], *nameptr, *dir; int fd; if (sp->s_glist) dir = canvas_getdir(sp->s_glist)->s_name; else dir = ""; /* which means pwd, usually the same as at Pd startup... */ if ((fd = open_via_path(dir, rc, ext, buf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 0)) < 0) { result = SCRIPTLET_NOFILE; } else { FILE *fp; close(fd); if (nameptr != buf) { strcpy(filename, buf); strcat(filename, "/"); strcat(filename, nameptr); sys_bashfilename(filename, filename); } else sys_bashfilename(nameptr, filename); if (fp = fopen(filename, "r")) { result = scriptlet_doread(sp, caller, fp, rc, 0, cmntfn); fclose(fp); } else { bug("scriptlet_rcload"); result = SCRIPTLET_NOFILE; } } if (result != SCRIPTLET_OK) { scriptlet_doread(sp, caller, 0, rc, builtin, cmntfn); } return (result); } int scriptlet_read(t_scriptlet *sp, t_symbol *fn) { int result; FILE *fp; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; post("loading scriptlet file \"%s\"", fn->s_name); if (sp->s_glist) canvas_makefilename(sp->s_glist, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); sys_bashfilename(buf, buf); if (fp = fopen(buf, "r")) { scriptlet_reset(sp); result = scriptlet_doread(sp, 0, fp, 0, 0, 0); fclose(fp); } else { loud_error(sp->s_owner, "error while loading file \"%s\"", fn->s_name); result = SCRIPTLET_NOFILE; } return (result); } int scriptlet_write(t_scriptlet *sp, t_symbol *fn) { int size = sp->s_tail - sp->s_head; if (size > 0 && *sp->s_head) { FILE *fp; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; post("saving scriptlet file \"%s\"", fn->s_name); if (sp->s_glist) canvas_makefilename(sp->s_glist, fn->s_name, buf, MAXPDSTRING); else strncpy(buf, fn->s_name, MAXPDSTRING); sys_bashfilename(buf, buf); if (fp = fopen(buf, "w")) { int result = fwrite(sp->s_head, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); if (result == size) return (SCRIPTLET_OK); } loud_error(sp->s_owner, "error while saving file \"%s\"", fn->s_name); return (fp ? SCRIPTLET_BADFILE : SCRIPTLET_NOFILE); } else { loud_warning(sp->s_owner, "empty scriptlet not written"); return (SCRIPTLET_IGNORED); } } char *scriptlet_getcontents(t_scriptlet *sp, int *lenp) { *lenp = sp->s_tail - sp->s_head; return (sp->s_head); } char *scriptlet_getbuffer(t_scriptlet *sp, int *sizep) { *sizep = sp->s_size; return (sp->s_buffer); } void scriptlet_setowner(t_scriptlet *sp, t_pd *owner) { sp->s_owner = owner; } void scriptlet_clone(t_scriptlet *to, t_scriptlet *from) { scriptlet_reset(to); to->s_separator = ' '; /* LATER add a flag to optionally use from's buffer with refcount */ scriptlet_doappend(to, from->s_head); } void scriptlet_append(t_scriptlet *to, t_scriptlet *from) { to->s_separator = ' '; scriptlet_doappend(to, from->s_head); } void scriptlet_free(t_scriptlet *sp) { if (sp) { if (sp->s_buffer != sp->s_bufini) freebytes(sp->s_buffer, sp->s_size * sizeof(*sp->s_buffer)); freebytes(sp, sizeof(*sp)); } } /* The parameter 'gl' (null accepted) is necessary, because the 's_glist' field, if implicitly set, would be dangerous (after a glist is gone) and confusing (current directory used for i/o of a global scriptlet). */ t_scriptlet *scriptlet_new(t_pd *owner, t_symbol *rptarget, t_symbol *cbtarget, t_symbol *item, t_glist *gl, t_scriptlet_cvfn cvfn) { t_scriptlet *sp = getbytes(sizeof(*sp)); if (sp) { static int configured = 0; if (!configured) { sys_gui("image create bitmap ::toxy::img::empty -data {}\n"); } sp->s_owner = owner; sp->s_glist = gl; sp->s_rptarget = rptarget; sp->s_cbtarget = cbtarget; sp->s_item = item; sp->s_cvfn = cvfn; sp->s_size = SCRIPTLET_INISIZE; sp->s_buffer = sp->s_bufini; scriptlet_reset(sp); } return (sp); }