/* Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Miller Puckette, krzYszcz, and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* Put here bits and pieces likely to break with any new Pd version. */ #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "common/loud.h" #include "unstable/pd_imp.h" #include "unstable/fragile.h" int fragile_class_count(void) { return (pd_objectmaker->c_nmethod); } void fragile_class_getnames(t_atom *av) { int ac = pd_objectmaker->c_nmethod; t_methodentry *mp = pd_objectmaker->c_methods; while (ac--) { SETSYMBOL(av, mp->me_name); mp++; av++; } } /* Raising and voluntary mutation is a method of resolving name clashes. A raised class hides other equivocal candidates. A simpler method, raising and lowering, works only in global scope, because, currently, Pd has only one visibility stack. Until this is changed, abstraction scope will involve some kind of a hack for overriding global visibility stack. */ void fragile_class_raise(t_symbol *cname, t_newmethod thiscall) { t_methodentry *mp = pd_objectmaker->c_methods, *topmp = 0; int count = pd_objectmaker->c_nmethod; while (count--) { if (mp->me_name == cname) { if (mp->me_fun == (t_gotfn)thiscall) { if (topmp) { t_methodentry auxmp; /* no linkage there, but anyway... */ loud_warning(0, 0, "%s is raising itself...", cname->s_name); memcpy(&auxmp, mp, sizeof(t_methodentry)); memcpy(mp, topmp, sizeof(t_methodentry)); memcpy(topmp, &auxmp, sizeof(t_methodentry)); } return; } else if (!topmp) topmp = mp; } mp++; } loudbug_bug("fragile_class_raise"); } t_pd *fragile_class_mutate(t_symbol *cname, t_newmethod thiscall, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_newmethod fn; t_atomtype *argtypes; if (fn = fragile_class_getalien(cname, thiscall, &argtypes)) { t_pd *z; loud_warning(0, 0, "%s is mutating now...", cname->s_name); if (z = fragile_class_createobject(cname, fn, argtypes, ac, av)) { post("...succeeded"); return (z); } else post("...failed"); } return (0); } t_newmethod fragile_class_getalien(t_symbol *cname, t_newmethod thiscall, t_atomtype **argtypesp) { t_methodentry *mp = pd_objectmaker->c_methods; int count = pd_objectmaker->c_nmethod; while (count--) { if (mp->me_name == cname && mp->me_fun != (t_gotfn)thiscall) { *argtypesp = mp->me_arg; return ((t_newmethod)mp->me_fun); } mp++; } return (0); } /* A specialized copy of pd_typedmess() from m_class.c, somewhat simplified for readability. */ typedef t_pd *(*t_newgimme)(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av); typedef t_pd *(*t_new0)( t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new1)( t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new2)( t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new3)( t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new4)( t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new5)( t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); typedef t_pd *(*t_new6)( t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_symbol*, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg, t_floatarg); t_pd *fragile_class_createobject(t_symbol *cname, t_newmethod callthis, t_atomtype *argtypes, int ac, t_atom *av) { t_floatarg ff[MAXPDARG+1], *fp = ff; t_symbol *ss[MAXPDARG+1], **sp = ss; int nsymbols = 0; t_atomtype wanttype; if (*argtypes == A_GIMME) return ((*((t_newgimme)(callthis)))(cname, ac, av)); if (ac > MAXPDARG) ac = MAXPDARG; while (wanttype = *argtypes++) { switch (wanttype) { case A_POINTER: goto badarg; case A_FLOAT: if (!ac) goto badarg; case A_DEFFLOAT: if (!ac) *fp = 0; else { if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT) *fp = av->a_w.w_float; else goto badarg; ac--; av++; } fp++; break; case A_SYMBOL: if (!ac) goto badarg; case A_DEFSYM: if (!ac) *sp = &s_; else { if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) *sp = av->a_w.w_symbol; else if (av->a_type == A_FLOAT && av->a_w.w_float == 0) *sp = &s_; else goto badarg; ac--; av++; } nsymbols++; sp++; } } switch (nsymbols) { case 0: return ((*(t_new0)(callthis)) (ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 1: return ((*(t_new1)(callthis)) (ss[0], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 2: return ((*(t_new2)(callthis)) (ss[0], ss[1], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 3: return ((*(t_new3)(callthis)) (ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 4: return ((*(t_new4)(callthis)) (ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 5: return ((*(t_new5)(callthis)) (ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ss[4], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); case 6: return ((*(t_new6)(callthis)) (ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ss[4], ss[5], ff[0], ff[1], ff[2], ff[3], ff[4])); } badarg: loud_error(0, "bad creation arguments for class '%s'", cname->s_name); return (0); } void fragile_class_printnames(char *msg, int firstndx, int lastndx) { t_methodentry *mp = pd_objectmaker->c_methods; int ndx, len = strlen(msg); startpost(msg); for (ndx = firstndx, mp += ndx; ndx <= lastndx; ndx++, mp++) { t_symbol *s = mp->me_name; if (s && s->s_name[0] != '_') { int l = 1 + strlen(s->s_name); if ((len += l) > 66) { endpost(); startpost(" "); len = 3 + l; } poststring(s->s_name); } } endpost(); } /* This structure is local to g_array.c. We need it, because there is no other way to get into array's graph. */ struct _garray { t_gobj x_gobj; t_glist *x_glist; /* ... */ }; t_glist *fragile_garray_glist(void *arr) { return (((struct _garray *)arr)->x_glist); } /* This is local to m_obj.c. LATER export write access to o_connections field ('grab' class). LATER encapsulate 'traverseoutlet' routines (not in the stable API yet). */ struct _outlet { t_object *o_owner; struct _outlet *o_next; t_outconnect *o_connections; t_symbol *o_sym; }; /* obj_starttraverseoutlet() replacement */ t_outconnect *fragile_outlet_connections(t_outlet *o) { return (o ? o->o_connections : 0); } t_outconnect *fragile_outlet_nextconnection(t_outconnect *last, t_object **destp, int *innop) { t_inlet *dummy; return (obj_nexttraverseoutlet(last, destp, &dummy, innop)); } /* silent, if caller is empty */ t_object *fragile_outlet_destination(t_outlet *op, int ntypes, t_symbol **types, t_pd *caller, char *errand) { t_object *booty = 0; t_symbol *badtype = 0; int count = 0; t_outconnect *tobooty = fragile_outlet_connections(op); while (tobooty) { t_object *ob; int inno; count++; tobooty = fragile_outlet_nextconnection(tobooty, &ob, &inno); if (ob && inno == 0) { /* LATER ask for class_getname()'s symbol version */ t_symbol **tp, *dsttype = gensym(class_getname(*(t_pd *)ob)); int i; for (i = 0, tp = types; i < ntypes; i++, tp++) { if (*tp == dsttype) { booty = ob; break; } else badtype = dsttype; } } } if (booty) { if (count > 1 && caller) loud_warning(caller, 0, "multiple targets"); } else if (caller) { if (badtype) loud_error(caller, "bad target type '%s'", badtype->s_name); else loud_error(caller, "no target"); if (errand) loud_errand(caller, errand); } return (booty); } /* These are local to m_obj.c. */ union inletunion { t_symbol *iu_symto; t_gpointer *iu_pointerslot; t_float *iu_floatslot; t_symbol **iu_symslot; t_sample iu_floatsignalvalue; }; struct _inlet { t_pd i_pd; struct _inlet *i_next; t_object *i_owner; t_pd *i_dest; t_symbol *i_symfrom; union inletunion i_un; }; /* simplified obj_findsignalscalar(), works for non-left inlets */ t_sample *fragile_inlet_signalscalar(t_inlet *i) { return (&i->i_un.iu_floatsignalvalue); }