#N canvas 421 92 475 404 12; #X text 20 10 first entry; #X text 50 50 three ways of linking to a; #X obj 270 50 pddplink pddplink-test-01.html -text local html page ; #X obj 50 75 pddplink pddplink-test-01.html; #X obj 50 110 pddplink pddplink-test-01.html -box; #X text 50 170 three ways of linking to a; #X obj 270 170 pddplink http://puredata.info -text remote html page ; #X obj 50 195 pddplink http://puredata.info; #X obj 50 230 pddplink http://puredata.info -box; #X text 50 290 three ways of linking to; #X obj 260 290 pddplink pddplink-test-02.pd -text another local patch ; #X obj 50 315 pddplink pddplink-test-02.pd; #X obj 50 350 pddplink pddplink-test-02.pd -box;