proc ::toxy::kb {path target remote noctaves size} { set lft [expr {round(5 * $size)}] set top [expr {round(5 * $size)}] set bot [expr {round(100 * $size)}] set dx [expr {round(17 * $size)}] set wid [expr {round($dx - $size * .5)}] set blbot [expr {round($bot * .65)}] $path config -height [expr {$bot + $top}] \ -width [expr {$dx * ($noctaves * 7 + 1) + $lft * 2 - 1}] for {set octave 0} {$octave <= $noctaves} {incr octave} { set prevkey 0 foreach key {0 2 4 5 7 9 11} { set ndx [expr $octave * 12 + $key] set id [$path create rect $lft $top \ [expr {$lft + $wid}] $bot -fill white -tags $path.$ndx] $path bind $id <1> [concat ::toxy::kbset \ $path $target $remote $ndx] if {$key - $prevkey > 1} { incr ndx -1 set x [expr {$lft - $wid * .22}] set id [$path create rect $x $top [expr {$x + $wid * .44}] \ $blbot -fill black -tags $path.$ndx] $path bind $id <1> [concat ::toxy::kbset \ $path $target $remote $ndx] } set prevkey $key incr lft $dx if {$octave == $noctaves && $key == 0} break } } set ::toxy::kbval($target) 0 set ::toxy::kbcol($target) white $path itemconfig $path.0 -fill grey } proc ::toxy::kbout {path target remote} { pd [concat $target _cb $::toxy::kbval($target) \;] if {$remote != "."} { pd [concat $remote $::toxy::kbval($target) \;] } } proc ::toxy::kbset {path target remote value} { $path itemconfig $path.$::toxy::kbval($target) \ -fill $::toxy::kbcol($target) set ::toxy::kbval($target) $value set ::toxy::kbcol($target) [lindex [$path itemconfig $path.$value -fill] 4] $path itemconfig $path.$value -fill grey ::toxy::kbout $path $target $remote } #> kb canvas #. -bg yellow -cursor hand1 #. #oct 4 #size .75 #. @bang ::toxy::kbout .- .| . #. @float ::toxy::kbset .- .| . .#1 ::toxy::kb .- .| . .#oct .#size # undo the "bind Canvas <1> {+focus %W}" from the setup.wid bind .- {focus .^.c}