TODO for toxy * widget . push long message handlers if defined, instead of short . widgetcontainer: woc and wiw-list . better megawidgets . editor: handle semicolons (need to revisit resolution rules) . editor: break editorhook into separate properties, add them in single mode . find a way for "package require" to work out-of-the-box on windows * tow: canvas-wide and type-on-canvas-wide broadcasting * plustot: . do not evaluate if fresh, unless explicitly forced to (are side-effects to be modal, requested with a flag, or triggered with a message?) . creation time evaluation DONE for toxy alpha18 * plustot: . adjusted to the new, stubified +bob handling . +selectors registered as creation selectors, so that, e.g. "+in" is a valid input form for "plustot +in" ("+tot +in" remains valid too) . "save" callback changes every "+tot" selector to "plustot", and every "+selector" to "plustot +selector" . customized appearance: - creation selector omitted if equals "plustot" or "+tot" - text, border and i/o outline is brown, border is thicker, inlets and outlets are lightgrey inside and taller . mouse click interpreted as the message 'bang' . accepting commands without arguments (beware: this is yet to be debugged) alpha17 * widget: . first sketch of an editor widget (bpf), introducing a basic set of rules: - instance data kept in its own namespace - gui sends '_data' (replaces '_value') requests to pd, specifying one of the standard submessages: add, delete, set, get - pd uses the new special handler for replying: @data (for the time being, there is only an idle loop between the two sides) . maintaining a scriptlet collection, which mirrors type and instance handler properties (including specials: @vis, @new, @free and @data) . lookup in the mirror for faster and more robust handling of messages . '@ini' section and 'ini' message removed, after being unified as the @vis special handler (use 'set @vis' message form for passing options) . all special handlers support short definitions (inside #. comments) and long definitions (tagged with #@ comments), however only short ones may be overriden by instance definitions . long message handlers are stored, but not used yet . .wid file header may include requirements (base widget definitions) . fixed: patch's directory handling in 'redefine' alpha16 * widget: . editor for options, handlers and arguments made more or less functional . better 'redefine' (although still only external types may be redefined) * tow: . fixed handling of gop-ed targets and missing windows . new messages: 'retarget', 'pwd' * tot: . scriptlet editor improved a little bit (still unfinished) alpha15 * fixes for megawidgets . setting sub-item bindings in ::toxy::subwidget (to be called explicitly from type initializer) . handling widget's state through virtual events . getting implicit geometry (needed for Frame widgets) . automatically rebinding focus for Canvas widgets alpha14 * 'redefine' message to widget * version control, using package provide (both in tcl and parsed from pd) * "> master" section removed: master initializer defined directly by proc ::toxy::master * better kb: chords (shift-click), latch (control-click), dragging alpha13 * @new and @free handlers, defined in #@ new and #@ free sections, invoked by widget object creation and destruction * optional sections #@ ini (aka #@ vis) appended to initializer (which still defines in default section too -- old .wid files do not need updating) * .#args parameter of message handlers, replaced (during scriptlet evaluation) by all arguments of an invoking message