mjLib by mark williamson mailto:mark@junklight.com http://www.junklight.com The code is free for anyone to use under the GNU GPL. But if you use it, please mention me somewhere - its not like its going to cost you anything :-). If you need support you can try mailing me at the address above - I can be quite busy but I will try and deal with any queries. GNU/Linux Run: "make -f makefile.linux" and all of the objects will be compiled individually. MacOS X Run: "make -f makefile.darwin" and all of the objects will be compiled individually. Windows There is a VC++ 6 project file included an it builds fine with that. I haven't tried anyother tools as yet. However there is a binary version included in case you haven't got the compiler. To install - add mjLib.dll to your pd library path: -lib C:\pd\mjLib\mjLib and copy the contents of doc\mjLib into [pd home]\docs\5.reference\mjLib that should be you done. General notes This library will grow a bit - there are a few more objects that I want to put into it. There are currently five objects: pin~ - randomly delivers the input signal to either the right or left outlet with a given probability metroplus - allows complex timing bangs to be delivered prob - generates random events with a given probability monorhythm - basic rhythm pattern building blocks that allows polyrhthms to be generated quickly and easily about - delivers a number that is "about" the same as the input number. mark williamson January 2002 ___________________________________________________________ history: 6th April 2004 added code to the Pd CVS and made all of the objects compile on MacOS X and GNU/Linux. 1st February release 2 added new mode to monorhythm (exclusive - allows the beat and accent bangs to be mutually exclusive) added about object 1st february release 1 added linux build files - not properly tested 31st January 2002 added prob and monorythm 30th January 2002 mods to metroplus to allow it to work just like metro is complex time mode not needed 29th january 2002 first release containing pin~ and metroplus