#ifdef NT #include "stdafx.h" #include #endif #include "m_pd.h" #include #include #include #include "morse.h" /** * The morse object is designed to translate messages into * morse code. There are two outlets - a dot outlet and a dash * outlet (from left to right). In addition there is an end of * current message outlet. Each character in the current message * is emited upon reciept of a bang allowing external control over the * timing. A dot lasts one bang - a dash lasts three bangs, the space * between dots and dashes is one bang, the space between characters is * three bangs, the space between words is seven bangs * it currently only does digits and numbers */ static t_class *morse_class; char* morseletter[] = { ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--..", }; char * morsedigit[] = { "-----", ".----", "..---", "...--", "....-", ".....", "-....", "--...", "---..", "----.", }; char* wordspace = "X"; /** * a bang causes a reset to the start of the bar - used to * synchronize multiple morse's. If the rhythm is not * running it is started */ static void morse_bang(t_morse *x) { if( x->x_spaceticks > 0 ) { //post("Tick"); x->x_spaceticks--; } else { if ( x->x_curmsg != NULL) { if ( x->x_curmsg->idx != x->x_curmsg->length ) { if( x->x_curmsg->msg == wordspace ) { //post("Doing wordspace"); x->x_spaceticks =6; x->x_curmsg->idx = 0; x->x_curmsg = x->x_curmsg->next; } else { //post("Doing %c" , x->x_curmsg->msg[ x->x_curmsg->idx++ ]); if( x->x_curmsg->msg[ x->x_curmsg->idx ] == '.') { outlet_bang( x->x_dot ); x->x_spaceticks = 1; } else { outlet_bang( x->x_dash ); x->x_spaceticks = 3; } x->x_curmsg->idx++ ; } } else { if( x->x_curmsg->next != NULL ) { if( x->x_curmsg->next->msg != wordspace ) { //post( "Doing space" ); x->x_spaceticks =2; } else if ( x->x_curmsg->next->next == NULL ) { //post("message end"); outlet_bang( x->x_end ); x->x_curmsg->idx = 0; x->x_spaceticks = 0; x->x_curmsg = x->x_curmsg->next; } } x->x_curmsg->idx = 0; x->x_curmsg = x->x_curmsg->next; } } } } static void morse_rewind( t_morse *x) { x->x_curmsg->idx = 0; x->x_spaceticks = 0; x->x_curmsg = x->x_msg; } /** * free our clock and our timer array */ static void morse_free(t_morse *x) { outlet_free( x->x_dot ); outlet_free( x->x_dash ); outlet_free( x->x_end ); if( x->x_msg != NULL ) { morse_freemsg( x->x_msg ); } } static void morse_freemsg( morse_msglet* msg) { if ( msg->next != NULL ) { morse_freemsg( msg->next ); } freebytes( (void*) msg , sizeof( morse_msglet) ); } /* * make a new morse - we can provide a list of times * so read these in too */ static void *morse_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { float f; t_morse *x = (t_morse *)pd_new(morse_class); x->x_msg = NULL; // parse any settings if ( argc > 0 ) { morse_message( x, s , argc , argv ); } // make us some ins and outs x->x_dot = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("dot")); x->x_dash = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("dash")); x->x_end = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("end")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("list"), gensym("msg")); return (x); } /** * set a message and free the old array */ static void morse_message( t_morse *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av ) { int i,j,l; if ( x->x_msg != NULL ) { morse_freemsg( x->x_msg ); x->x_msg = NULL; x->x_curmsg = NULL; x->x_spaceticks =0; } if ( ac > 0 ) { char buf[256]; for( i = 0 ; i < ac ; i++ ) { atom_string( &av[i] , buf, 255 ); l = strlen( buf ); #ifdef NT /* this is not part of ANSI or ISO standard C, only Microsoft and Borland use it. */ strlwr( buf ); #else /* Probably needs a loop using tolower(char c) from ctype.h * This way it'll just be case sensitive */ #endif for( j = 0 ; j < l ; j++ ) { morse_add_msg_part( x , morse_lookup( buf[j] )); } morse_add_msg_part( x , wordspace ); } x->x_curmsg = x->x_msg; x->x_spaceticks =0; } else { // if there is no pattern it doens't do anything x->x_msg = NULL; x->x_curmsg = NULL; x->x_spaceticks =0; } } /** * add a non null msg part onto the end of the message list - if its null * the lookup failed and we just ignore it */ static void morse_add_msg_part( t_morse *x , char *msgpart ) { morse_msglet* idx; morse_msglet* nmsg; if ( msgpart != NULL ) { idx = x->x_msg; if ( idx == NULL ) { nmsg = idx = (morse_msglet*) getbytes( sizeof( morse_msglet) ); x->x_msg = nmsg; } else { while( idx->next != NULL ) { idx = idx->next; } idx->next = nmsg = (morse_msglet*) getbytes( sizeof( morse_msglet) ); } nmsg->next = NULL; nmsg->idx = 0; if( msgpart == wordspace ) { nmsg->length = -1; } else { nmsg->length = strlen( msgpart ); } nmsg->msg = msgpart; } } /** * morse lookup returns a pointer to a character representation of the morse * code for a given character. If the character is not recognized then NULL * is returned. DO NOT TRY TO FREE THE RETURNED POINTER - its part * of the array above */ static char *morse_lookup( char c ) { if( ( c>= 'a') && ( c<='z')) { return ( morseletter[ c - 'a'] ); } else if( ( c>= '0') && ( c<='9')) { return ( morsedigit[ c - '0'] ); } return NULL; } /** * make a new one and setup all of our messages */ void morse_setup(void) { morse_class = class_new(gensym("morse"), (t_newmethod)morse_new, (t_method)morse_free, sizeof(t_morse), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addbang(morse_class, morse_bang); class_addmethod(morse_class, (t_method)morse_message, gensym("msg" ), A_GIMME, 0); //class_addmethod(morse_class, (t_method)morse_set_time, gensym("timeinterval" ), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(morse_class, (t_method)morse_rewind,gensym("rewind"),0); //class_addmethod(morse_class, (t_method)morse_set_nonexclusive,gensym("nonexclusive"),0); class_sethelpsymbol(morse_class, gensym("mjLib/morse")); }