=pod README for pd external 'locale' Last updated for locale v0.01 =head1 DESCRIPTION The 'locale' object provides access to the internationalization facilities in locale.h =head1 INSTALLATION Issue the following commands to the shell: cd locale-X.YY (or wherever you extracted the distribution) ./configure make make install =head1 BUILD OPTIONS The 'configure' script supports the following options, among others: =over 4 =item * --enable-debug , --disable-debug Whether to enable verbose debugging messages. Default=no. =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PD by Miller Puckette and others. Ideas, black magic, and other nuggets of information drawn from code by Guenter Geiger, Larry Troxler, and iohannes m zmoelnig. =head1 KNOWN BUGS Injudicious use of the "set" method can confuse Pd float-parsing mechanisms. See locale-help.pd for details. =head1 AUTHOR Bryan Jurish Emoocow@ling.uni-potsdam.deE