#ifdef __gnu_linux__ /* 'pd_joystik' (An external library for Miller Puckette's 'PD' software adding PC and/or USB joystik control capabilities) Copyright (C) 2001 Antoine Rousseau (from the initial file of Joseph A. Sarlo) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*0=normal joystick: /dev/jsXX 1=usb joystick: /dev/input/jsXX */ static GList *(joy_lists)[2][16]={{0},{0}}; static int fds[2][16]; typedef struct _joystik { t_object t_ob; t_outlet *x_axis_out; t_outlet *x_button_out; guchar x_connected; guchar x_usb; /*0:normal 1:usb*/ gushort x_number; /*0 to 15*/ }t_joystik; t_class *joystik_class; void joystik_setup(void); static void joystik_read(GList *l,int fd); static void fd_open(int usb,int n) { char filename[128]; int *fd=&fds[(int)usb][(int)n]; GList *l=joy_lists[(int)usb][(int)n]; if(usb) sprintf(filename,"/dev/input/js%d",n); else sprintf(filename,"/dev/js%d",n); if(*fd<=0){ *fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if(*fd<0){ post("open (%s, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)",filename); perror("open"); return; } } sys_addpollfn(*fd,(t_fdpollfn)joystik_read,(void*)l); /*post("joystick: adding poll");*/ } static void fd_close(int usb,int n) { int *fd=&fds[(int)usb][(int)n]; sys_rmpollfn(*fd); close(*fd); *fd=-1; /*post("joystick: removing poll");*/ } static void joystik_connect(t_joystik *x) { GList *l=joy_lists[x->x_usb][x->x_number]; if(g_list_find(l,(void*)x)) return; g_list_append(l,(void*)x); if(g_list_length(l)==2){ fd_open(x->x_usb,x->x_number); } } static void joystik_deconnect(t_joystik *x) { GList *l=joy_lists[x->x_usb][x->x_number]; if(!g_list_find(l,(void*)x)) return; g_list_remove(l,(void*)x); if(g_list_length(l)==1){ fd_close(x->x_usb,x->x_number); } } static void joystik_float(t_joystik *x,t_floatarg connect) { connect=(connect!=0); if(x->x_connected==connect) return; if(connect) joystik_connect(x); else joystik_deconnect(x); x->x_connected=connect; } static void *joystik_new(t_float num, t_float usb) { t_joystik *x = (t_joystik *)pd_new(joystik_class); int n=num; GList **l=0; if((n<0)||(n>16)) { post("ERROR in joystik_new : device number out of range"); return (void*)x; } usb=(usb!=0); x->x_axis_out = outlet_new(&x->t_ob, &s_list); x->x_button_out = outlet_new(&x->t_ob, &s_list); x->x_connected=0; x->x_usb=usb; x->x_number=n; l=&joy_lists[(int)usb][(int)n]; if(!*l) *l=g_list_alloc(); return (void *)x; } void joystik_setup(void) { joystik_class = class_new(gensym("joystik"),(t_newmethod)joystik_new, (t_method)joystik_deconnect, sizeof(t_joystik), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addfloat(joystik_class, joystik_float); } static void joystik_read(GList *l,int fd) { #define AMP 32767.0 int rt; struct js_event e; t_atom ats[2]; GList *ltmp; while (read (fd, &e, sizeof(struct js_event)) > -1) { SETFLOAT(&ats[0],e.number); if (e.type == JS_EVENT_AXIS) { SETFLOAT(&ats[1],e.value/AMP); ltmp=l; while(ltmp->next){ ltmp=ltmp->next; outlet_list(((t_joystik*)ltmp->data)->x_axis_out,0,2,ats); } } else if (e.type == JS_EVENT_BUTTON) { SETFLOAT(&ats[1],e.value); ltmp=l; while(ltmp->next){ ltmp=ltmp->next; outlet_list(((t_joystik*)ltmp->data)->x_button_out,0,2,ats); } } } } #endif /* __gnu_linux__ */