#N canvas 1 88 534 360 10; #X text 22 332 (c) Antoine Rousseau 2001; #X obj 21 19 tabenv; #X text 78 21 A envelope follower for table (not in real-time).; #X text 35 65 args: arrayname [computation_num_points [output_period]] ; #X text 147 151 change the array; #X msg 64 181 reset; #X msg 64 152 set Array1; #X obj 64 255 tabenv Array0; #X floatatom 64 283 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 64 209 0 44100; #X text 125 209 compute 1 sec from the beginning; #X text 126 181 reset the computation buffers; #X obj 258 86 env~; #X text 294 85 ); #X text 217 86 (like; #X text 151 84 ); #X text 47 86 (like; #X obj 90 86 tabplay~; #X text 79 38 (in fact it's a mix between tabplay and env~); #N canvas 379 147 494 344 META 0; #X text 12 25 LICENSE GPL v2; #X text 12 105 AUTHOR Antoine Rousseau; #X text 12 125 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Antoine Rousseau. "pd meta" information added by Jonathan Wilkes for Pd version 0.42.; #X text 12 45 DESCRIPTION dump the contents of a table as a list; #X text 12 65 INLET_0 set reset list; #X text 12 85 OUTLET_0 float; #X text 12 5 KEYWORDS control array; #X restore 471 332 pd META; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 7 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 9 0 7 0;