/* Life2x.c -- The Game of Life (2D Cellular Automaton) ------- */ /* � Bill Vorn 2002 */ /* modified by Martin Peach September 2002 */ /* implemented grey scale display*/ /* change gen_ arrays to pointers for better memory peformance */ /* <<better memory!>> */ /* MP20060517 Windows version */ /* MP 20080819 pd version with no graphics */ #include "m_pd.h" #include <stdio.h> /* for sprintf() */ #include <stdlib.h> /* for random() */ #include <time.h> /* for clock() */ #define MAXSIZE 1024 #define DEFAULT_DIM 16 static t_class *life2x_class; typedef struct life2x { t_object x_obj; char *gen_origin_ptr; /* [MAXSIZE]X[MAXSIZE]; */ char *gen_finale_ptr; /* [MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; */ char *gen_start_ptr; /* [MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; */ char *gen_shift_ptr; /* [MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; */ t_atom *l_column_list; /* values for one column */ long l_cellmax; /* number of bytes in gen */ long l_xcellnum; long l_ycellnum; long l_gennum; long l_livenum; long l_deltanum; long l_lastdeltanum; long l_novarinum; long l_novar; short l_deadflag; short l_thruflag; short l_xshift; short l_yshift; short l_invertflag; t_outlet *l_genout; t_outlet *l_liveout; t_outlet *l_deltaout; t_outlet **l_cellouts; t_outlet *l_novariout; t_outlet *l_deadout; t_outlet *l_dumpout; char l_survive[9]; /* rule for survival according to neighbour count */ char l_born[9]; /* rule for birth according to neighbour count */ } t_life2x; static void life2x_bang(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_output_cells(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_set(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg xx, t_floatarg yy, t_floatarg state); static void life2x_clear(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_reset(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_return(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_dump(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_rule(t_life2x *x, t_symbol *s); static void life2x_randomize(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f); static void life2x_thru(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f); static void life2x_shift(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2); static void life2x_flipv(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_fliph(t_life2x *x); static void life2x_invert(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f); static void life2x_novar(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f); static void life2x_free(t_life2x *x); static void *life2x_new(t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av); void life2x_setup(void) { life2x_class = class_new(gensym("life2x"), (t_newmethod)life2x_new, (t_method)life2x_free, sizeof(t_life2x), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0); class_addbang(life2x_class, life2x_bang); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_clear, gensym("clear"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_reset, gensym("reset"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_return, gensym("return"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_dump, gensym("dump"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_rule, gensym("rule") ,A_DEFSYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_randomize, gensym("randomize"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_thru, gensym("thru") ,A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_shift, gensym("shift"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_set, gensym("set"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_flipv, gensym("flipv"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_fliph, gensym("fliph"), 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_invert, gensym("invert"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(life2x_class, (t_method)life2x_novar, gensym("novar"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); return; } static void life2x_bang(t_life2x *x) { short i, j, m, n, p, q; short i_pre, i_post, j_pre, j_post; short xmax, ymax; unsigned long cellmax; short xshft, yshft; char c; short cellval; long gendiff, lastgendiff; char *g_start, *g_origin, *g_final, *g_shift; int c_live; xmax = x->l_xcellnum - 1; ymax = x->l_ycellnum - 1; cellmax = x->l_xcellnum * x->l_ycellnum; xshft = x->l_xshift; yshft = x->l_yshift; if (x->l_gennum == 0) { g_start = x->gen_start_ptr; g_origin = x->gen_origin_ptr; for (j = 0; j < cellmax; ++j) *g_start++ = *g_origin++; } for (j = 0; j <= ymax; j++) { j_pre = j-1; if (j_pre < 0) j_pre = ymax; j_post = j+1; if (j_post > ymax) j_post = 0; for (i = 0; i <= xmax; i++) { i_pre = i-1; if (i_pre < 0) i_pre = xmax; i_post = i+1; if (i_post > xmax) i_post = 0; /* check each neighbour */ cellval = (*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_pre*x->l_xcellnum)+(i_pre)) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_pre*x->l_xcellnum)+i) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_pre*x->l_xcellnum)+i_post) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i_pre) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i_post) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_post*x->l_xcellnum)+i_pre) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_post*x->l_xcellnum)+i) != 0) +(*(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j_post*x->l_xcellnum)+i_post) != 0); c = *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); /* current value of cell */ g_final = (x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); /* apply the rule */ if (c == 0) c_live = x->l_born[cellval]; /* cell is born if it has the right number of neighbours */ else c_live = x->l_survive[cellval]; /* cell survives if it has the right number of neighbours */ if (c_live == 1) { if (c < 8) *g_final = c + 1; else *g_final = 8; } else *g_final = 0; } } if ((xshft != 0) || (yshft != 0)) { /* if there is a shift offset */ for (j = 0; j <= ymax; j++) { n = j + yshft; if (n < 0) q = (n + ymax) + 1; else if (n > ymax) q = (n - ymax) - 1; else q = n; for (i = 0; i <= xmax; i++) { m = i + xshft; if (m < 0) p = (m + xmax) + 1; else if (m > xmax) p = (m - xmax) - 1; else p = m; *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(q * x->l_xcellnum)+p) = *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j * x->l_xcellnum)+i); } } g_final = x->gen_finale_ptr; g_shift = x->gen_shift_ptr; for (j = 0; j <= cellmax; j++) *g_final++ = *g_shift++; } x->l_gennum = x->l_gennum + 1; /* increment generation # */ outlet_float(x->l_genout, x->l_gennum); /* output generation # */ life2x_output_cells(x); gendiff = x->l_livenum - x->l_deltanum; /* compare # of live cells from last gen to current gen */ outlet_float(x->l_deltaout, gendiff); /* output delta # of live cells from last gen to current gen */ x->l_deltanum = x->l_livenum; /* store # of live cells from current gen */ outlet_float(x->l_liveout, x->l_livenum); /* output # of live cells in current generation */ lastgendiff = x->l_lastdeltanum; if (gendiff == lastgendiff) x->l_novar--; else x->l_novar = x->l_novarinum; /* reset countdown */ if (x->l_novar == 0) { outlet_bang(x->l_novariout); x->l_novar = x->l_novarinum; } x->l_lastdeltanum = gendiff; x->l_deadflag = 0; for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; j++) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; i++) { g_final = (x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); g_origin = (x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); /* check for gen difference: */ if (*g_final != *g_origin) x->l_deadflag = 1; *g_origin = *g_final; /* this generation becomes last generation */ } } /* check for dead world: */ if (x->l_deadflag == 0) outlet_bang(x->l_deadout); return; } static void life2x_output_cells(t_life2x *x) { char *g_final; short i, j; long d = 0; for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; i++) { /* output all cells state for each column */ for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; j++) { g_final = (x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); if (x->l_invertflag != 0) x->l_column_list[j].a_w.w_float = (10 - *g_final)%9; else x->l_column_list[j].a_w.w_float = *g_final; if (*g_final != 0) d++; } outlet_list(x->l_cellouts[x->l_xcellnum-1-i], &s_list, j, x->l_column_list); } x->l_livenum = d; return; } static void life2x_set(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg xx, t_floatarg yy, t_floatarg state) { /* a list of three floats to set the state of cell (xx,yy) */ short i, j, k; if (xx < 0) i = 0; if (xx >= x->l_xcellnum) i = x->l_xcellnum - 1; else i = (short)xx; if (yy < 0) j = 0; if (yy > x->l_ycellnum) j = x->l_ycellnum - 1; else j = (short)yy; if (state < 0) k = 0; if (state > 8) k = 8; else k = (short)state; *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum+i)) = k; *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum+i)) = k; if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_clear(t_life2x *x) { short j; char *g_origin, * g_final; g_origin = x->gen_origin_ptr; g_final = x->gen_finale_ptr; for (j = 0; j < x->l_cellmax; ++j) *g_origin++ = *g_final++ = 0; if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_reset(t_life2x *x) { short j; char *g_origin, * g_final; g_origin = x->gen_origin_ptr; g_final = x->gen_finale_ptr; x->l_gennum = 0; outlet_float (x->l_genout, x->l_gennum); /* output generation 0 */ for (j = 0; j < x->l_cellmax; ++j) *g_origin++ = *g_final++ = 0; x->l_xshift = 0; x->l_yshift = 0; x->l_deltanum = 0; x->l_novar = x->l_novarinum; if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_return(t_life2x *x) { short i, j; char *g_origin, *g_start, *g_final; x->l_gennum = 0; outlet_float (x->l_genout, x->l_gennum); /* output generation 0 */ for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; j++) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; i++) { g_origin = (x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); g_start = (x->gen_start_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); g_final = (x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); *g_origin = *g_start; *g_final = *g_start; } } if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_dump(t_life2x *x) { short i, j, k; unsigned long count = 0; unsigned long outVal[3]; t_atom outList[3]; char *g_final = x->gen_finale_ptr; for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; ++i) { if (*g_final++) { outVal[0] = count; outVal[1] = i; outVal[2] = j; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) SETFLOAT(&outList[k], outVal[k]); outlet_list (x->l_dumpout, &s_list, 3, outList); count++; } } } return; } static void life2x_rule(t_life2x *x, t_symbol *s) { short i; char survive[9]; /* one entry for each possible neighbour count, set to one if cell survives with that many neighbours */ char born[9]; /* one entry for each possible neighbour count, set to one if cell is born with that many neighbours */ for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) survive[i] = born[i] = 0; for (i = 0; s->s_name[i] != 0; ++i) { if (s->s_name[i] == '/') break; if ((s->s_name[i] < 0x30)||(s->s_name[i] > 0x38)) { error("life2x_rule: bad character in rule: %c", s->s_name[i]); return; } survive[s->s_name[i]-0x30] = 1; } if (s->s_name[i] != '/') { error("life2x_rule: missing / separator"); return; } for (++i; s->s_name[i] != 0; ++i) { if ((s->s_name[i] < 0x30)||(s->s_name[i] > 0x38)) { error("life2x_rule: bad character in rule: %c", s->s_name[i]); return; } born[s->s_name[i]-0x30] = 1; } for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { /* update the rule */ x->l_survive[i] = survive[i]; x->l_born[i] = born[i]; } return; } static void life2x_randomize(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f) { /* set a random fraction of the array alive */ short i, j; float threshold; if (f > 1.0) f = 1.0; else if (f < 0.0) f = 0.0; threshold = RAND_MAX*f; /* RAND_MAX is 0x7FFFFFFF on linux */ for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; j++) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; i++) { if ((random() < threshold)) { *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 1; *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 1; } } } if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_thru(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f) { long n = (long)f; x->l_thruflag = (n == 0)? 0: 1; return; } static void life2x_shift(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2) { long n = (long)f1; n %= x->l_xcellnum; x->l_xshift = n; n = (long)f2; n %= x->l_ycellnum; x->l_yshift = n; return; } static void life2x_flipv(t_life2x *x) { short a, i, j; for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; ++i) { a = x->l_xcellnum - 1; for (j = 0; j < x->l_xcellnum; ++j) { *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(a*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); a--; } } for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; ++i) { *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); } } if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_fliph(t_life2x *x) { short a, i, j; for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum - 1; ++j) { a = x->l_xcellnum - 1; for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum; ++i) { *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+a) = *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); a--; } } for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum - 1; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < x->l_xcellnum - 1; ++i) { *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i); } } if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_invert(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f) { x->l_invertflag = (f == 0)? 0: 1; if (x->l_thruflag != 0) life2x_output_cells(x); return; } static void life2x_novar(t_life2x *x, t_floatarg f) { long n = (long)f; if (n < 0) { error("life2x: novar argument must be positive"); return; } else { x->l_novarinum = n; x->l_novar = n; } return; } static void life2x_free(t_life2x *x) { if (x->gen_origin_ptr != NULL) freebytes (x->gen_origin_ptr, x->l_cellmax); if (x->gen_finale_ptr != NULL) freebytes (x->gen_finale_ptr, x->l_cellmax); if (x->gen_start_ptr != NULL) freebytes (x->gen_start_ptr, x->l_cellmax); if (x->gen_shift_ptr != NULL) freebytes (x->gen_shift_ptr, x->l_cellmax); if (x->l_column_list != NULL) freebytes(x->l_column_list, x->l_ycellnum*sizeof (t_atom)); if (x->l_cellouts != NULL) freebytes(x->l_cellouts, x->l_xcellnum*sizeof (t_outlet*)); return; } static void *life2x_new(t_symbol *s, short ac, t_atom *av) { t_life2x *x; short i; short j; short xmax, ymax; x = (t_life2x *)pd_new(life2x_class); if (ac > 0) { /* if there is at least 1 argument */ if (av[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) { /* if first arg is an int */ x->l_xcellnum = av[0].a_w.w_float; /* arg sets # of horiz cells */ if (x->l_xcellnum < 4) { error("Life: first argument < 4, set to 4"); x->l_xcellnum = 4; /* min # of horiz cells */ } if (x->l_xcellnum > MAXSIZE) { error("Life: first argument > %d, set to %d", MAXSIZE, MAXSIZE); x->l_xcellnum = MAXSIZE; /* max # of horiz cells */ } /* if 2 arguments */ if ((ac > 1) && (av[1].a_type == A_FLOAT)) { /* if 2nd arg is an int */ x->l_ycellnum = av[1].a_w.w_float; /* 2nd arg sets # of verti cells */ if (x->l_ycellnum < 4) { error("Life: 2nd argument < 4, set to 4"); x->l_ycellnum = 4; /* min # of verti cells */ } if (x->l_ycellnum > MAXSIZE) { error("Life: 2nd argument > %d, set to %d", MAXSIZE, MAXSIZE); x->l_ycellnum = MAXSIZE; /* max # of verti cells */ } } else if (ac > 1) { /* if 2nd arg not an int */ error("Life: 2nd argument must be int"); x->l_ycellnum = DEFAULT_DIM; /* default # of verti cells */ } else { /* if no 2nd arg */ x->l_ycellnum = x->l_xcellnum; /* # of verti cells = # of horiz cells */ } } else { /*if first arg not an int */ error("Life: first argument must be int"); x->l_xcellnum = DEFAULT_DIM; /* default # of horiz cells */ x->l_ycellnum = DEFAULT_DIM; /* default # of verti cells */ } } else { /* if no arg */ x->l_xcellnum = DEFAULT_DIM; /* default # of horiz cells */ x->l_ycellnum = DEFAULT_DIM; /* default # of verti cells */ } x->l_cellmax = x->l_xcellnum*x->l_ycellnum; if ((x->gen_origin_ptr = getbytes(x->l_cellmax)) != NULL) if ((x->gen_finale_ptr = getbytes(x->l_cellmax)) != NULL) if ((x->gen_start_ptr = getbytes(x->l_cellmax)) != NULL) x->gen_shift_ptr = getbytes(x->l_cellmax); if ( (x->gen_origin_ptr == NULL) || (x->gen_finale_ptr == NULL) || (x->gen_start_ptr == NULL) || (x->gen_shift_ptr == NULL) ) { error ("Unable to allocate memory for the life array (%luX%lu needs %lu bytes)", x->l_xcellnum, x->l_ycellnum, x->l_cellmax*4L); life2x_free (x); return x; } x->l_column_list = getbytes(x->l_ycellnum*sizeof (t_atom)); if (x->l_column_list == NULL) { error("life2x_new: Unable to allocate %lu bytes for column list", x->l_ycellnum*sizeof (t_atom)); life2x_free (x); return x; } for (j = 0; j < x->l_ycellnum; ++j) SETFLOAT(&x->l_column_list[j], 0); /* (we can go faster later by making the atoms floats now) */ xmax = x->l_xcellnum - 1; ymax = x->l_ycellnum - 1; post("life new...(%d X %d)", x->l_xcellnum, x->l_ycellnum); for (j = 0; j <= ymax; j++) { /* sets all cells to 0 */ for (i = 0; i <= xmax; i++) { *(x->gen_origin_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 0; *(x->gen_finale_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 0; *(x->gen_start_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 0; *(x->gen_shift_ptr+(j*x->l_xcellnum)+i) = 0; } } x->l_xshift = 0; x->l_yshift = 0; x->l_deltanum = 0; x->l_lastdeltanum = 0; x->l_novarinum = 32; x->l_novar = 32; x->l_cellouts = getbytes(x->l_xcellnum*sizeof (t_outlet*)); if (x->l_cellouts == NULL) { error("life2x_new: Unable to allocate %lu bytes for column outlets", x->l_xcellnum*sizeof (t_outlet*)); life2x_free (x); return x; } for (i = xmax; i >= 0; i--) x->l_cellouts[i] = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);/* create an outlet for each column */ x->l_deltaout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); /* create outlet for live cell diff from previous gen */ x->l_liveout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); /* sets outlet for # of live cells in current generation */ x->l_genout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); /* sets outlet for current generation # */ x->l_dumpout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); /* sets outlet for list dumping */ x->l_novariout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang); /* sets outlet for no variation period bang */ x->l_deadout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang); /* sets first outlet for dead world bang */ x->l_gennum = 0; /* sets first generation # */ outlet_float(x->l_genout, x->l_gennum); x->l_thruflag = 1; /* sets thru mode on */ x->l_invertflag = 0; /* sets invert off */ /* set up default Conway rule */ life2x_rule(x, gensym("23/3")); /* survive if 2 or 3 neighbours / born if 3 neighbours */ srandom(clock()); /* seed the random number generator */ return (x); } /* end of life2x.c */