/* tcpserver.c Martin Peach 20060511 working version 20060512 */
/* 20060515 works on linux too... */
/* tcpserver.c is based on netserver: */
/* --------------------------  netserver  ------------------------------------- */
/*                                                                              */
/* A server for bidirectional communication from within Pd.                     */
/* Allows to send back data to specific clients connected to the server.        */
/* Written by Olaf Matthes <olaf.matthes@gmx.de>                                */
/* Get source at http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/maxlib                */
/*                                                                              */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                */
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                  */
/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2               */
/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                       */
/*                                                                              */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                                 */
/*                                                                              */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                  */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.  */
/*                                                                              */
/* Based on PureData by Miller Puckette and others.                             */
/*                                                                              */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//define DEBUG

#include "m_pd.h"
#include "m_imp.h"
#include "s_stuff.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(unix)
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* linux has the SIOCOUTQ ioctl */
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1
#include <winsock2.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define snprintf sprintf_s

#define MAX_CONNECT 32 /* maximum number of connections */
#define INBUFSIZE 65536L /* was 4096: size of receiving data buffer */
#define MAX_UDP_RECEIVE 65536L /* longer than data in maximum UDP packet */

/* ----------------------------- tcpserver ------------------------- */

static t_class *tcpserver_class;
static char objName[] = "tcpserver";

typedef void (*t_tcpserver_socketnotifier)(void *x);
typedef void (*t_tcpserver_socketreceivefn)(void *x, t_binbuf *b);

typedef struct _tcpserver_socketreceiver
    unsigned char               *sr_inbuf;
    int                         sr_inhead;
    int                         sr_intail;
    void                        *sr_owner;
    t_tcpserver_socketnotifier  sr_notifier;
    t_tcpserver_socketreceivefn sr_socketreceivefn;
} t_tcpserver_socketreceiver;

typedef struct _tcpserver_send_params
    int     client;
    int     sockfd;
    char    *byte_buf;
    size_t  length;
    t_int   timeout_us;
} t_tcpserver_send_params;

typedef struct _tcpserver
    t_object                    x_obj;
    t_outlet                    *x_msgout;
    t_outlet                    *x_connectout;
    t_outlet                    *x_sockout;
    t_outlet                    *x_addrout;
    t_outlet                    *x_status_outlet;
    t_int                       x_dump; // 1 = hexdump received bytes
    t_symbol                    *x_host[MAX_CONNECT];
    t_int                       x_fd[MAX_CONNECT];
    t_int                       x_fdbuf[MAX_CONNECT];
    u_long                      x_addr[MAX_CONNECT];
    t_tcpserver_socketreceiver  *x_sr[MAX_CONNECT];
    t_atom                      x_addrbytes[4];
    t_int                       x_sock_fd;
    t_int                       x_connectsocket;
    t_int                       x_nconnections;
    t_int                       x_timeout_us;
    t_atom                      x_msgoutbuf[MAX_UDP_RECEIVE];
    char                        x_msginbuf[MAX_UDP_RECEIVE];
} t_tcpserver;

static t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *tcpserver_socketreceiver_new(void *owner, t_tcpserver_socketnotifier notifier,
    t_tcpserver_socketreceivefn socketreceivefn);
static int tcpserver_socketreceiver_doread(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x);
static void tcpserver_socketreceiver_read(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x, int fd);
static void tcpserver_socketreceiver_free(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x);
static void tcpserver_send(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void tcpserver_send_bytes(int sockfd, t_tcpserver *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static int tcpserver_send_buffer_avaliable_for_client(t_tcpserver *x, int client);
static void *tcpserver_send_buf_thread(void *arg);
static size_t tcpserver_send_buf(int client, int sockfd, char *byte_buf, size_t length, t_int timeout_us);
static void tcpserver_client_send(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void tcpserver_output_client_state(t_tcpserver *x, int client);
static int tcpserver_get_socket_send_buf_size(int sockfd);
static int tcpserver_set_socket_send_buf_size(int sockfd, int size);
static void tcpserver_buf_size(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void tcpserver_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x);
static void tcpserver_client_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x, t_floatarg fclient);
static void tcpserver_socket_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x, t_floatarg fsocket);
static void tcpserver_broadcast(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
static void tcpserver_notify(t_tcpserver *x);
static void tcpserver_connectpoll(t_tcpserver *x);
static void tcpserver_print(t_tcpserver *x);
static void *tcpserver_new(t_floatarg fportno);
static void tcpserver_free(t_tcpserver *x);
void tcpserver_setup(void);
static void tcpserver_dump(t_tcpserver *x, t_float dump);
static void tcpserver_timeout(t_tcpserver *x, t_float timeout);
static void tcpserver_hexdump(unsigned char *buf, long len);

static void tcpserver_timeout(t_tcpserver *x, t_float timeout)
    /* set the timeout on the select call in tcpserver_send_buf */
    /* this is the maximum time in microseconds to wait */
    /* before abandoning attempt to send */

    t_int timeout_us = 0;
    if ((timeout >= 0)&&(timeout < 1000000))
        timeout_us = (t_int)timeout;
        x->x_timeout_us = timeout_us;

static void tcpserver_dump(t_tcpserver *x, t_float dump)
    x->x_dump = (dump == 0)?0:1;

static void tcpserver_hexdump(unsigned char *buf, long len)
#define BYTES_PER_LINE 16
    char hexStr[(3*BYTES_PER_LINE)+1];
    char ascStr[BYTES_PER_LINE+1];
    long i, j, k = 0L;
#ifdef DEBUG
    post("tcpserver_hexdump %d", len);
    while (k < len)
        for (i = j = 0; i < BYTES_PER_LINE; ++i, ++k, j+=3)
            if (k < len)
                snprintf(&hexStr[j], 4, "%02X ", buf[k]);
                snprintf(&ascStr[i], 2, "%c", ((buf[k] >= 32) && (buf[k] <= 126))? buf[k]: '.');
            { // the last line
                snprintf(&hexStr[j], 4, "   ");
                snprintf(&ascStr[i], 2, " ");
        post ("%s%s", hexStr, ascStr);

static t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *tcpserver_socketreceiver_new(void *owner, t_tcpserver_socketnotifier notifier,
    t_tcpserver_socketreceivefn socketreceivefn)
    t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x = (t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *)getbytes(sizeof(*x));
    if (!x)
        error("%s_socketreceiver: unable to allocate %d bytes", objName, sizeof(*x));
        x->sr_inhead = x->sr_intail = 0;
        x->sr_owner = owner;
        x->sr_notifier = notifier;
        x->sr_socketreceivefn = socketreceivefn;
        if (!(x->sr_inbuf = malloc(INBUFSIZE)))
            freebytes(x, sizeof(*x));
            x = NULL;
            error("%s_socketreceiver: unable to allocate %ld bytes", objName, INBUFSIZE);
    return (x);

/* this is in a separately called subroutine so that the buffer isn't
   sitting on the stack while the messages are getting passed. */
static int tcpserver_socketreceiver_doread(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x)
    char            messbuf[INBUFSIZE];
    char            *bp = messbuf;
    int             indx, i;
    int             inhead = x->sr_inhead;
    int             intail = x->sr_intail;
    unsigned char   c;
    t_tcpserver     *y = x->sr_owner;
    unsigned char   *inbuf = x->sr_inbuf;

    if (intail == inhead) return (0);
#ifdef DEBUG
    post ("%s_socketreceiver_doread: intail=%d inhead=%d", objName, intail, inhead);

    for (indx = intail, i = 0; indx != inhead; indx = (indx+1)&(INBUFSIZE-1), ++i)
        c = *bp++ = inbuf[indx];
        y->x_msgoutbuf[i].a_w.w_float = (float)c;

    if (y->x_dump)tcpserver_hexdump(&inbuf[intail], i);

    if (i > 1) outlet_list(y->x_msgout, &s_list, i, y->x_msgoutbuf);
    else outlet_float(y->x_msgout, y->x_msgoutbuf[0].a_w.w_float);

 //   intail = (indx+1)&(INBUFSIZE-1);
    x->sr_inhead = inhead;
    x->sr_intail = indx;//intail;
    return (1);

static void tcpserver_socketreceiver_read(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x, int fd)
    int         readto = (x->sr_inhead >= x->sr_intail ? INBUFSIZE : x->sr_intail-1);
    int         ret, i;
    t_tcpserver *y = x->sr_owner;

    y->x_sock_fd = fd;
    /* the input buffer might be full.  If so, drop the whole thing */
    if (readto == x->sr_inhead)
        post("%s: dropped message", objName);
        x->sr_inhead = x->sr_intail = 0;
        readto = INBUFSIZE;
        ret = recv(fd, x->sr_inbuf + x->sr_inhead,
            readto - x->sr_inhead, 0);
        if (ret < 0)
            sys_sockerror("tcpserver: recv");
            if (x->sr_notifier) (*x->sr_notifier)(x->sr_owner);
        else if (ret == 0)
            post("%s: connection closed on socket %d", objName, fd);
            if (x->sr_notifier) (*x->sr_notifier)(x->sr_owner);
#ifdef DEBUG
    post ("%s_socketreceiver_read: ret = %d", objName, ret);
            x->sr_inhead += ret;
            if (x->sr_inhead >= INBUFSIZE) x->sr_inhead = 0;
            /* output client's IP and socket no. */
            for(i = 0; i < y->x_nconnections; i++)	/* search for corresponding IP */
                if(y->x_fd[i] == y->x_sock_fd)
//                  outlet_symbol(x->x_connectionip, x->x_host[i]);
                    /* find sender's ip address and output it */
                    y->x_addrbytes[0].a_w.w_float = (y->x_addr[i] & 0xFF000000)>>24;
                    y->x_addrbytes[1].a_w.w_float = (y->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF0000)>>16;
                    y->x_addrbytes[2].a_w.w_float = (y->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF00)>>8;
                    y->x_addrbytes[3].a_w.w_float = (y->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF);
                    outlet_list(y->x_addrout, &s_list, 4L, y->x_addrbytes);
            outlet_float(y->x_sockout, y->x_sock_fd);	/* the socket number */

static void tcpserver_socketreceiver_free(t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *x)
    if (x != NULL)
        freebytes(x, sizeof(*x));

/* ---------------- main tcpserver (send) stuff --------------------- */

static void tcpserver_send_bytes(int client, t_tcpserver *x, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    static char             byte_buf[MAX_UDP_RECEIVE];// arbitrary maximum similar to max IP packet size
    int                     i, j, d;
    unsigned char           c;
    float                   f, e;
    int                     length;
    size_t                  flen = 0;
    int                     sockfd = x->x_fd[client];
    char                    fpath[FILENAME_MAX];
    FILE                    *fptr;
    t_atom                  output_atom[3];
    t_tcpserver_send_params *ttsp;
    pthread_t               sender_thread;
    pthread_attr_t          sender_attr;
    int                     sender_thread_result;

    /* process & send data */
    if(sockfd >= 0)
        /* sender thread should start out detached so its resouces will be freed when it is done */
        if (0!= (sender_thread_result = pthread_attr_init(&sender_attr)))
            error("%s: pthread_attr_init failed: %d", objName, sender_thread_result);
            goto failed;
        if(0!= (sender_thread_result = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&sender_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)))
            error("%s: pthread_attr_setdetachstate failed: %d", objName, sender_thread_result);
            goto failed;
        for (i = j = 0; i < argc; ++i)
            if (argv[i].a_type == A_FLOAT)
            { /* load floats into buffer as long as they are integers on [0..255]*/
                f = argv[i].a_w.w_float;
                d = (int)f;
                e = f - d;
#ifdef DEBUG
                post("%s: argv[%d]: float:%f int:%d delta:%f", objName, i, f, d, e);
                if (e != 0)
                    error("%s: item %d (%f) is not an integer", objName, i, f);
                    goto failed;
                if ((d < 0) || (d > 255))
                    error("%s: item %d (%f) is not between 0 and 255", objName, i, f);
                    goto failed;
                c = (unsigned char)d; /* make sure it doesn't become negative; this only matters for post() */
#ifdef DEBUG
                post("%s: argv[%d]: %d", objName, i, c);
                byte_buf[j++] = c;
                if (j >= MAX_UDP_RECEIVE)
                { /* if the argument list is longer than our buffer, send the buffer whenever it's full */
                    if (tcpserver_send_buffer_avaliable_for_client(x, client) < j)
                        error("%s: buffer too small for client(%d)", objName, client);
                        goto failed;
#endif // SIOCOUTQ
                    ttsp = (t_tcpserver_send_params *)getbytes(sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
                    if (ttsp == NULL)
                        error("%s: unable to allocate %d bytes for t_tcpserver_send_params", objName, sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
                        goto failed;
                    ttsp->client = client;
                    ttsp->sockfd = sockfd;
                    ttsp->byte_buf = byte_buf;
                    ttsp->length = j;
                    ttsp->timeout_us = x->x_timeout_us;
                    if (0 != (sender_thread_result = pthread_create(&sender_thread, &sender_attr, tcpserver_send_buf_thread, (void *)ttsp)))
                        error("%s: couldn't create sender thread (%d)", objName, sender_thread_result);
                        goto failed;
                    flen += j;
                    j = 0;
            else if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
            { /* symbols are interpreted to be file names; attempt to load the file and send it */

                atom_string(&argv[i], fpath, FILENAME_MAX);
#ifdef DEBUG
                post ("%s: fname: %s", objName, fpath);
                fptr = fopen(fpath, "rb");
                if (fptr == NULL)
                    error("%s: unable to open \"%s\"", objName, fpath);
                    goto failed;
#ifdef DEBUG
                post("%s: d is %d", objName, d);
                while ((d = fgetc(fptr)) != EOF)
                    byte_buf[j++] = (char)(d & 0x0FF);
#ifdef DEBUG
                    post("%s: byte_buf[%d] = %d", objName, j-1, byte_buf[j-1]);
                    if (j >= MAX_UDP_RECEIVE)
                    { /* if the file is longer than our buffer, send the buffer whenever it's full */
                        /* this might be better than allocating huge amounts of memory */
                        if (tcpserver_send_buffer_avaliable_for_client(x, client) < j)
                            error("%s: buffer too small for client(%d)", objName, client);
                            goto failed;
#endif // SIOCOUTQ
                        ttsp = (t_tcpserver_send_params *)getbytes(sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
                        if (ttsp == NULL)
                            error("%s: unable to allocate %d bytes for t_tcpserver_send_params", objName, sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
                            goto failed;
                        ttsp->client = client;
                        ttsp->sockfd = sockfd;
                        ttsp->byte_buf = byte_buf;
                        ttsp->length = j;
                        ttsp->timeout_us = x->x_timeout_us;
                        if ( 0!= (sender_thread_result = pthread_create(&sender_thread, &sender_attr, tcpserver_send_buf_thread, (void *)ttsp)))
                            error("%s: couldn't create sender thread (%d)", objName, sender_thread_result);
                            goto failed;
                        flen += j;
                        j = 0;
                flen += j;
                fptr = NULL;
                post("%s: read \"%s\" length %d byte%s", objName, fpath, flen, ((d==1)?"":"s"));
            { /* arg was neither a float nor a valid file name */
                error("%s: item %d is not a float or a file name", objName, i);
                goto failed;
        length = j;
        if (length > 0)
        { /* send whatever remains in our buffer */
            if (tcpserver_send_buffer_avaliable_for_client(x, client) < length)
                error("%s: buffer too small for client(%d)", objName, client);
                goto failed;
#endif // SIOCOUTQ
            ttsp = (t_tcpserver_send_params *)getbytes(sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
            if (ttsp == NULL)
                error("%s: unable to allocate %d bytes for t_tcpserver_send_params", objName, sizeof(t_tcpserver_send_params));
                goto failed;
            ttsp->client = client;
            ttsp->sockfd = sockfd;
            ttsp->byte_buf = byte_buf;
            ttsp->length = length;
            ttsp->timeout_us = x->x_timeout_us;
            if ( 0!= (sender_thread_result = pthread_create(&sender_thread, &sender_attr, tcpserver_send_buf_thread, (void *)ttsp)))
                error("%s: couldn't create sender thread (%d)", objName, sender_thread_result);
                goto failed;
            flen += length;
    else post("%s: not a valid socket number (%d)", objName, sockfd);
    SETFLOAT(&output_atom[0], client+1);
    SETFLOAT(&output_atom[1], flen);
    SETFLOAT(&output_atom[2], sockfd);
    outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("sent"), 3, output_atom);

/* SIOCOUTQ exists only(?) on linux, returns remaining space in the socket's output buffer  */
static int tcpserver_send_buffer_avaliable_for_client(t_tcpserver *x, int client)
    int sockfd = x->x_fd[client];
    int result = 0L;

    ioctl(sockfd, SIOCOUTQ, &result);
    return result;
#endif // SIOCOUTQ

// send a buffer in its own thread
static void *tcpserver_send_buf_thread(void *arg)
    t_tcpserver_send_params *ttsp = (t_tcpserver_send_params *)arg;
    int                     result;
    result = send(ttsp->sockfd, ttsp->byte_buf, ttsp->length, 0);
    if (result <= 0)
        sys_sockerror("tcpserver: send");
        post("%s_send_buf: could not send data to client %d", objName, ttsp->client+1);
    freebytes (arg, sizeof (t_tcpserver_send_params));
    return NULL;

// send a buffer one byte at a time, no thread
static size_t tcpserver_send_buf(int client, int sockfd, char *byte_buf, size_t length, t_int timeout_us)
    char            *bp;
    size_t          sent = 0;
    int             result;
    fd_set          wfds;
    struct timeval  timeout;
    for (bp = byte_buf, sent = 0; sent < length;)
        FD_SET(sockfd, &wfds);
        timeout.tv_sec = 0;
        timeout.tv_usec = timeout_us; /* give it a short time to clear buffer */
        result = select(sockfd+1, NULL, &wfds, NULL, &timeout);
        if (result == -1)
            post("%s_send_buf: select returned error %d", objName, errno);
        if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &wfds))
            result = send(sockfd, bp, 1, 0);/*(sockfd, bp, (int)(length-sent), 0);*/
            if (result <= 0)
                sys_sockerror("tcpserver: send");
                post("%s_send_buf: could not send data to client %d", objName, client+1);
                sent += result;
                bp += result;
            post ("%s_send_buf: can't send right now, sent %lu of %lu", objName, sent, length);
            return sent;/* abandon any further attempts to send so we don't block */
    return sent;

/* send message to client using socket number */
static void tcpserver_send(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int     i, sockfd;
    int     client = -1;

    if(x->x_nconnections <= 0)
        post("%s_send: no clients connected", objName);
    if(argc == 0) /* no socket specified: output state of all sockets */
        tcpserver_output_client_state(x, client);
    /* get socket number of connection (first element in list) */
    if(argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)
        sockfd = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
        for(i = 0; i < x->x_nconnections; i++) /* check if connection exists */
            if(x->x_fd[i] == sockfd)
                client = i; /* the client we're sending to */
        if(client == -1)
            post("%s_send: no connection on socket %d", objName, sockfd);
        post("%s_send: no socket specified", objName);
    if (argc < 2) /* nothing to send: output state of this socket */
        tcpserver_output_client_state(x, client+1);
    tcpserver_send_bytes(client, x, argc-1, &argv[1]);

/* disconnect the client at x_sock_fd */
static void tcpserver_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x)
    int i, fd;
    t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *y;

    if (x->x_sock_fd >= 0)
        /* find the socketreceiver for this socket */
        for(i = 0; i < x->x_nconnections; i++)
            if(x->x_fd[i] == x->x_sock_fd)
                y = x->x_sr[i];
                fd = x->x_fd[i];
                if (y->sr_notifier) (*y->sr_notifier)(x);
                x->x_sock_fd = -1;
    post("%s__disconnect: no connection on socket %d", objName, x->x_sock_fd);

/* disconnect a client by socket */
static void tcpserver_socket_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x, t_floatarg fsocket)
    int sock = (int)fsocket;

    if(x->x_nconnections <= 0)
        post("%s_socket_disconnect: no clients connected", objName);
    x->x_sock_fd = sock;

/* disconnect a client by number */
static void tcpserver_client_disconnect(t_tcpserver *x, t_floatarg fclient)
    int client = (int)fclient;

    if(x->x_nconnections <= 0)
        post("%s_client_disconnect: no clients connected", objName);
    if (!((client > 0) && (client < MAX_CONNECT)))
        post("%s: client %d out of range [1..%d]", objName, client, MAX_CONNECT);
    --client;/* zero based index*/
    x->x_sock_fd = x->x_fd[client];

/* send message to client using client number
   note that the client numbers might change in case a client disconnects! */
/* clients start at 1 but our index starts at 0 */
static void tcpserver_client_send(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int     client = -1;

    if(x->x_nconnections <= 0)
        post("%s_client_send: no clients connected", objName);
    if(argc > 0)
        /* get number of client (first element in list) */
        if(argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)
            client = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
            post("%s_client_send: specify client by number", objName);
        if (!((client > 0) && (client < MAX_CONNECT)))
            post("%s_client_send: client %d out of range [1..%d]", objName, client, MAX_CONNECT);
    if (argc > 1)
        --client;/* zero based index*/
        tcpserver_send_bytes(client, x, argc-1, &argv[1]);
    tcpserver_output_client_state(x, client);

static void tcpserver_output_client_state(t_tcpserver *x, int client)
    t_atom  output_atom[4];

    if (client == -1)
        /* output parameters of all connections via status outlet */
        for(client = 0; client < x->x_nconnections; client++)
            x->x_fdbuf[client] = tcpserver_get_socket_send_buf_size(x->x_fd[client]);
            SETFLOAT(&output_atom[0], client+1);
            SETFLOAT(&output_atom[1], x->x_fd[client]);
            output_atom[2].a_type = A_SYMBOL;
            output_atom[2].a_w.w_symbol = x->x_host[client];
            SETFLOAT(&output_atom[3], x->x_fdbuf[client]);
            outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("client"), 4, output_atom);
        client -= 1;/* zero-based client index conflicts with 1-based user index !!! */
        /* output client parameters via status outlet */
        x->x_fdbuf[client] = tcpserver_get_socket_send_buf_size(x->x_fd[client]);
        SETFLOAT(&output_atom[0], client+1);/* user sees client 0 as 1 */
        SETFLOAT(&output_atom[1], x->x_fd[client]);
        output_atom[2].a_type = A_SYMBOL;
        output_atom[2].a_w.w_symbol = x->x_host[client];
        SETFLOAT(&output_atom[3], x->x_fdbuf[client]);
        outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, gensym("client"), 4, output_atom);

/* Return the send buffer size of socket */
static int tcpserver_get_socket_send_buf_size(int sockfd)
    int                 optVal = 0;
    unsigned int        optLen = sizeof(int);
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, &optLen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        post("%_get_socket_send_buf_size: getsockopt returned %d\n", objName, WSAGetLastError());
    if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, &optLen) == -1)
        post("%_get_socket_send_buf_size: getsockopt returned %d\n", objName, errno);
    return  optVal;

/* Set the send buffer size of socket, returns actual size */
static int tcpserver_set_socket_send_buf_size(int sockfd, int size)
    int                 optVal = size;
    int                 optLen = sizeof(int);
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, optLen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
        post("%s_set_socket_send_buf_size: setsockopt returned %d\n", objName, WSAGetLastError());
    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, optLen) == -1)
        post("%s_set_socket_send_buf_size: setsockopt returned %d\n", objName, errno);
        return 0;
    else return (tcpserver_get_socket_send_buf_size(sockfd));

/* Get/set the send buffer of client socket */
static void tcpserver_buf_size(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int     client = -1;
    float   buf_size = 0;
    t_atom  output_atom[3];

    if(x->x_nconnections <= 0)
        post("%s_buf_size: no clients connected", objName);
    /* get number of client (first element in list) */
    if (argc > 0)
        if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT)
            client = atom_getfloatarg(0, argc, argv);
            post("%s_buf_size: specify client by number", objName);
        if (!((client > 0) && (client < MAX_CONNECT)))
            post("%s__buf_size: client %d out of range [1..%d]", objName, client, MAX_CONNECT);
    if (argc > 1)
        if (argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT)
            post("%s_buf_size: specify buffer size with a float", objName);
        buf_size = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
        --client;/* zero based index*/
        x->x_fdbuf[client] = tcpserver_set_socket_send_buf_size(x->x_fd[client], (int)buf_size);
        post("%s_buf_size: client %d set to %d", objName, client+1, x->x_fdbuf[client]);
    post("%s_buf_size: specify client and buffer size", objName);

/* broadcasts a message to all connected clients */
static void tcpserver_broadcast(t_tcpserver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int     client;
    /* enumerate through the clients and send each the message */
    for(client = 0; client < x->x_nconnections; client++)	/* check if connection exists */
        if(x->x_fd[client] >= 0)
        { /* socket exists for this client */
            tcpserver_send_bytes(client, x, argc, argv);

/* ---------------- main tcpserver (receive) stuff --------------------- */

static void tcpserver_notify(t_tcpserver *x)
    int     i, k;

    /* remove connection from list */
    for(i = 0; i < x->x_nconnections; i++)
        if(x->x_fd[i] == x->x_sock_fd)
            post("%s: \"%s\" removed from list of clients", objName, x->x_host[i]->s_name);
            x->x_host[i] = NULL;	/* delete entry */
            x->x_fd[i] = -1;
            x->x_sr[i] = NULL;

            /* rearrange list now: move entries to close the gap */
            for(k = i; k < x->x_nconnections; k++)
                x->x_host[k] = x->x_host[k + 1];
                x->x_fd[k] = x->x_fd[k + 1];
    outlet_float(x->x_connectout, x->x_nconnections);

static void tcpserver_connectpoll(t_tcpserver *x)
    struct sockaddr_in  incomer_address;
    unsigned int        sockaddrl = sizeof( struct sockaddr );
    int                 fd = accept(x->x_connectsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&incomer_address, &sockaddrl);
    int                 i;
    int                 optVal;
    unsigned int        optLen = sizeof(int);

    if (fd < 0) post("%s: accept failed", objName);
        t_tcpserver_socketreceiver *y = tcpserver_socketreceiver_new((void *)x,
            (t_tcpserver_socketnotifier)tcpserver_notify, NULL);/* MP tcpserver_doit isn't used I think...*/
        if (!y)
#ifdef _WIN32
        sys_addpollfn(fd, (t_fdpollfn)tcpserver_socketreceiver_read, y);
        i = x->x_nconnections - 1;
        x->x_host[i] = gensym(inet_ntoa(incomer_address.sin_addr));
        x->x_fd[i] = fd;
		x->x_sr[i] = y;
        post("%s: accepted connection from %s on socket %d",
            objName, x->x_host[i]->s_name, x->x_fd[i]);
/* see how big the send buffer is on this socket */
        x->x_fdbuf[i] = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
        if (getsockopt(x->x_fd[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, &optLen) != SOCKET_ERROR)
            /* post("%s_connectpoll: send buffer is %ld\n", objName, optVal); */
            x->x_fdbuf[i] = optVal;
        else post("%s_connectpoll: getsockopt returned %d\n", objName, WSAGetLastError());
        if (getsockopt(x->x_fd[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&optVal, &optLen) == 0)
            /* post("%s_connectpoll: send buffer is %ld\n", objName, optVal); */
            x->x_fdbuf[i] = optVal;
        else post("%s_connectpoll: getsockopt returned %d\n", objName, errno);
        outlet_float(x->x_connectout, x->x_nconnections);
        outlet_float(x->x_sockout, x->x_fd[i]);	/* the socket number */
        x->x_addr[i] = ntohl(incomer_address.sin_addr.s_addr);
        x->x_addrbytes[0].a_w.w_float = (x->x_addr[i] & 0xFF000000)>>24;
        x->x_addrbytes[1].a_w.w_float = (x->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF0000)>>16;
        x->x_addrbytes[2].a_w.w_float = (x->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF00)>>8;
        x->x_addrbytes[3].a_w.w_float = (x->x_addr[i] & 0x0FF);
        outlet_list(x->x_addrout, &s_list, 4L, x->x_addrbytes);

static void tcpserver_print(t_tcpserver *x)
    int     i;

    if(x->x_nconnections > 0)
        post("%s: %d open connections:", objName, x->x_nconnections);
        for(i = 0; i < x->x_nconnections; i++)
            post("        \"%s\" on socket %d",
                x->x_host[i]->s_name, x->x_fd[i]);
    else post("%s: no open connections", objName);

static void *tcpserver_new(t_floatarg fportno)
    t_tcpserver         *x;
    int                 i;
    struct sockaddr_in  server;
    int                 sockfd, portno = fportno;

    /* create a socket */
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
    post("%s: receive socket %d", objName, sockfd);
    if (sockfd < 0)
        sys_sockerror("tcpserver: socket");
        return (0);
    server.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
#ifdef IRIX
    /* this seems to work only in IRIX but is unnecessary in
        Linux.  Not sure what NT needs in place of this. */
    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0, 0) < 0)
        post("setsockopt failed\n");
    /* assign server port number */
    server.sin_port = htons((u_short)portno);
    /* name the socket */
    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0)
        sys_sockerror("tcpserver: bind");
        return (0);
    x = (t_tcpserver *)pd_new(tcpserver_class);
    x->x_msgout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything); /* 1st outlet for received data */
   /* streaming protocol */
    if (listen(sockfd, 5) < 0)
        sys_sockerror("tcpserver: listen");
        sockfd = -1;
        sys_addpollfn(sockfd, (t_fdpollfn)tcpserver_connectpoll, x);
        x->x_connectout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); /* 2nd outlet for number of connected clients */
        x->x_sockout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); /* 3rd outlet for socket number of current client */
        x->x_addrout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); /* 4th outlet for ip address of current client */
        x->x_status_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything);/* 5th outlet for everything else */
    x->x_connectsocket = sockfd;
    x->x_nconnections = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++)
        x->x_fd[i] = -1;
        x->x_sr[i] = NULL;
    /* prepare to convert the bytes in the buffer to floats in a list */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_UDP_RECEIVE; ++i)
        x->x_msgoutbuf[i].a_type = A_FLOAT;
        x->x_msgoutbuf[i].a_w.w_float = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        x->x_addrbytes[i].a_type = A_FLOAT;
        x->x_addrbytes[i].a_w.w_float = 0;
    x->x_timeout_us = 1000;/* default 1 ms for select call timeout when sending */
    return (x);

static void tcpserver_free(t_tcpserver *x)
    int     i;

    for(i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECT; i++)
        if (x->x_fd[i] >= 0)
        if (x->x_sr[i] != NULL) tcpserver_socketreceiver_free(x->x_sr[i]);
    if (x->x_connectsocket >= 0)


void tcpserver_setup(void)
    tcpserver_class = class_new(gensym(objName),(t_newmethod)tcpserver_new, (t_method)tcpserver_free,
        sizeof(t_tcpserver), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_print, gensym("print"), 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_send, gensym("send"), A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_client_send, gensym("client"), A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_buf_size, gensym("clientbuf"), A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_client_disconnect, gensym("disconnectclient"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_socket_disconnect, gensym("disconnectsocket"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_dump, gensym("dump"), A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_broadcast, gensym("broadcast"), A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addmethod(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_timeout, gensym("timeout"), A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addlist(tcpserver_class, (t_method)tcpserver_send);

/* end of tcpserver.c */