+: Added -: Done ------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEMS - QUESTIONS - FEATURES - clk-quantization-help.pd ? Yep. It is used in clk* - param-enabled-help.pd should be where? Where it is. - gems-fft~ : readsf~ fonctionne pas - Aha! Tu as sauvegardé le fichier avec lorsque tu avais la mauvaise version de tof/increment! - gems-sobel_filter fonctionne pas au complet (le video n'est pas affecte pas les differents settings) - La vidéo est changée, je ne comprend pas le problème que tu soulignes - gemsPolygon 1148-dynamicpatch 0 30 3 31 (route->polygon) connection failed - Aucune erreure ici non plus? - browser hightlight tags - slider remonte pas - remove all libs and path from auto-build and check if all mtl are loading correctly - Add param to tracker4 - Fix tabread with tabread4~'s second inlet? (bah, I do not think it is so important) - make a list concatenator - Option in browser to browse with love or without - rename soundfileIndexer to sfIndexer - Class/Abstraction should be sorted alphabetically (by class name, not by folder name) - param /nopresets? - Change all "pdmtl" in help files to "mtl" - gem /antialising: nbx - flow.inbetweens no more? (What is it for?) - 3dPantilt - demo need to be fixed (grid, light) - arpeggio - demo need to be fixed - I do not think "drone" is really descriptive of the drone.* - crank~ drone* (mix.pan~) - conversion - smpToBpm.pd ------------------------------------------------------ CATEGORIES TO PORT - 2d - 3d + ambi - anal - convert - count - data - debug - dyn: something like this already exists. See mtl/instrument~ - file - flow - fx - gems - gui - hardware: not supported anymore (so the abs of olivier will not be included? korg, lanbox) - init - input - list - lua: can not add since lua is not part of pd-extended - midi - mix - musical - net - number - param - random - sample - sampler - scale - script: see lua above - seq - synth - table - timing ------------------------------------------------------ INTERESTING STUFF IN PD-EXTENDED will readanysf~ be included in the next release of pdextended? bsaylor/susloop~ bsaylor/zhzxh~ cxc/delta~ moonlib/readsfv~ moonlib/sfread2~ ------------------------------------------------------ INTERESTING STUFF IN PD DOC 3.audio.examples/ B15 H15.phaser H16.adsr.filter I03.resynthesis I05.compressor I06.timbre stamp I08.pvoc.reverb J08.classic.synth