path: root/msd/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'msd/src')
2 files changed, 2143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/msd/src/build.sh b/msd/src/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f3b3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msd/src/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# build the 3 msd objects using flext and its configuration
+# build
+cd ../msd
+../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc
+cd ../msd2D
+../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc
+cd ../msd3D
+../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc
+cd ../src
+# move objects
+UNAME=`uname -s`
+if [ $UNAME = "Darwin" ]
+ mv ../msd/pd-darwin/release-single/msd.pd_darwin ../msd/msd.pd_darwin
+ mv ../msd2D/pd-darwin/release-single/msd2D.pd_darwin ../msd2D/msd2D.pd_darwin
+ mv ../msd3D/pd-darwin/release-single/msd3D.pd_darwin ../msd3D/msd3D.pd_darwin
+if [ $UNAME = "Linux" ]
+ cd ../msd
+ ../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc install
+ cd ../msd2D
+ ../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc install
+ cd ../msd3D
+ ../../../grill/flext/build.sh pd gcc install
+ cd ../src
diff --git a/msd/src/msd.h b/msd/src/msd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353002d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msd/src/msd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2111 @@
+ msd - mass spring damper model for Pure Data or Max/MSP
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Nicolas Montgermont
+ Written by Nicolas Montgermont
+ Optimized by Thomas Grill for Flext
+ Based on pmpd by Cyrille Henry
+ Based on Pure Data by Miller Puckette and others
+ Contact : Nicolas Montgermont, nicolas_montgermont @ yahoo dot fr
+ Cyrille Henry, Cyrille.Henry @ la-kitchen dot fr
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Version 0.09 -- 12.09.2010
+// include flext header
+#include <flext.h>
+#include <flmap.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+// define constants
+#define MSD_VERSION 0.09
+#define PI 3.1415926535
+// check for appropriate flext version
+#if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 500)
+#error You need at least flext version 0.5.0
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define NEWARR(type,var,size) type *var = new type[size]
+#define DELARR(var) delete[] var
+#define NEWARR(type,var,size) type var[size]
+#define DELARR(var) ((void)0)
+// Maths functions
+inline t_float sqr(t_float x) { return x*x; }
+template<int N> class Link;
+class t_buffer {
+ t_int nbr;
+ const t_symbol *Id;
+ flext::buffer *buf;
+ bool tested;
+ t_int size;
+ t_buffer(t_int n,const t_symbol *id):nbr(n),Id(id) {
+ buf = new flext::buffer(Id);
+ tested=true;
+ if(!buf->Ok()) {
+ post("error : table %s not found!", *Id);
+ tested = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ~t_buffer() {
+ if(buf) {
+ delete buf;
+ buf=NULL;
+ Id=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void buffer_test() {
+ if(!buf || !buf->Ok() ) {
+ post("no %s table",*Id);
+ tested = false;
+ }
+ else if(!buf->Valid()) {
+ post("no valid %s table",*Id);
+ tested = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!buf || buf->Update()) {
+ // buffer parameters have been updated
+ if(buf->Valid()) {
+ post("updated buffer %s reference", *Id);
+ tested = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ post("buffer %s has become invalid", *Id);
+ tested = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ tested = true;
+ }
+ }
+ inline t_float interp_buf(t_float indexf, t_float factor) {
+ t_float size_buf=buf->Frames();
+ t_float index_factor = indexf*(size_buf-1)/factor;
+ if (index_factor > size_buf - 1)
+ return buf->Data()[(int)size_buf - 1];
+ else if (index_factor < 0)
+ return buf->Data()[0];
+ else {
+ t_int index = floor(index_factor);
+ t_float interp = index_factor - (float)index;
+ if (index==index_factor)
+ return buf->Data()[index];
+ else
+ return (1-interp) * buf->Data()[index] + interp * buf->Data()[index+1];
+ }
+ }
+template<int N>
+class LinkList : public std::vector<Link<N> *> {
+ void insert(Link<N> *l)
+ {
+ for(typename LinkList<N>::iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it)
+ if(*it == l) return;
+ // not found -> add
+ push_back(l);
+ }
+ void erase(Link<N> *l)
+ {
+ for(typename LinkList<N>::iterator it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it)
+ if(*it == l) {
+ // found
+ std::vector<Link<N> *>::erase(it);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+template<int N>
+class Mass {
+ t_int nbr;
+ const t_symbol *Id;
+ t_float M,invM;
+ t_float speed[N];
+ t_float pos[N];
+ t_float pos2[N];
+ t_float force[N];
+ t_float out_force[N];
+ LinkList<N> links;
+ Mass(t_int n,const t_symbol *id,bool mob,t_float m,t_float p[N])
+ : nbr(n),Id(id)
+ , M(m)
+ {
+ if(mob) setMobile(); else setFixed();
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ pos[i] = pos2[i] = p[i];
+ force[i] = speed[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void setForce(int n,t_float f) { force[n] += f; }
+ inline void setForce(t_float f[N])
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) setForce(i,f[i]);
+ }
+ inline void setPos(int n,t_float p) { pos[n] = pos2[n] = p; }
+ inline void setPos(t_float p[N])
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) setPos(i,p[i]);
+ }
+ inline bool getMobile() const { return invM != 0; }
+ inline void setMobile() { invM = M?1/M:0.; }
+ inline void setFixed() { invM = 0; }
+ inline void compute(t_float limit[N][2])
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ t_float pold = pos[i];
+ t_float pnew;
+ if(invM) // if mass is mobile
+ pnew = force[i] * invM + 2*pold - pos2[i]; // x[n] =Fx[n]/M+2x[n]-x[n-1]
+ else // if mass is fixed
+ pnew = pos[i];
+ // check limit
+ if(pnew < limit[i][0]) pnew = limit[i][0]; else if(pnew > limit[i][1]) pnew = limit[i][1];
+ speed[i] = (pos[i] = pnew) - (pos2[i] = pold); // x[n-2] = x[n-1], x[n-1] = x[n],vx[n] = x[n] - x[n-1]
+ // clear forces
+ out_force[i] = force[i];
+ force[i] = 0; // Fx[n] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ static inline t_float dist(const Mass &m1,const Mass &m2)
+ {
+ if(N == 1)
+ return fabs(m1.pos[0]-m2.pos[0]); // L[n] = |x1 - x2|
+ else {
+ t_float distance = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) distance += sqr(m1.pos[i]-m2.pos[i]);
+ return sqrt(distance);
+ }
+ }
+template<int N>
+class Link {
+ t_int nbr;
+ const t_symbol *Id;
+ Mass<N> *mass1,*mass2;
+ t_float K1, D1, D2;
+ t_float longueur, long_min, long_max;
+ t_float distance_old;
+ t_float puissance;
+ t_int link_type; //0 : no, 1 : tangential, 2 : normal, 3 : table
+ t_float tdirection1[N], tdirection2[N];
+ t_float l_tab, l_tab2;
+ t_int buffer_tested;
+ t_buffer *k_buffer,*d_buffer;
+ Link(t_int n,const t_symbol *id,Mass<N> *m1,Mass<N> *m2,t_float k1,t_float d1, t_int o=0, t_float tangent[N]=NULL,t_float pow=1, t_float lmin = 0,t_float lmax = 1e10,t_buffer *ktab=NULL, t_float ltab=1, t_buffer *dtab=NULL, t_float ltab2=1)
+ : nbr(n),Id(id)
+ , mass1(m1),mass2(m2)
+ , K1(k1),D1(d1),D2(0),link_type(o),puissance(pow)
+ , long_min(lmin),long_max(lmax)
+ , l_tab(ltab), l_tab2(ltab2)
+ , buffer_tested(1)
+ , k_buffer(ktab),d_buffer(dtab)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ tdirection1[i] = 0;
+ tdirection2[i] = 0;
+ }
+ if (link_type == 1) { // TANGENTIAL LINK
+ t_float norme = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ norme += sqr(tangent[i]);
+ norme = sqrt(norme);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ tdirection1[i] = tangent[i]/norme;
+ distance_old = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ distance_old += sqr((m1->pos[i]-m2->pos[i])*tdirection1[i]);
+ distance_old = sqrt(distance_old);
+ longueur = distance_old;
+ }
+ else
+ distance_old = longueur = Mass<N>::dist(*mass1,*mass2); // L[n-1]
+ mass1->links.insert(this);
+ mass2->links.insert(this);
+ }
+ ~Link() {
+ mass1->links.erase(this);
+ mass2->links.erase(this);
+ }
+ // compute link forces
+ inline void compute()
+ {
+ t_float distance=0;
+ t_float F;
+ Mass<N> *m1 = mass1,*m2 = mass2; // cache locally
+ if (m1->invM || m2->invM) {
+ if (link_type == 1) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ distance += sqr((m1->pos[i]-m2->pos[i])*tdirection1[i]);
+ distance = sqrt(distance);
+ }
+ else if (link_type == 2) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ distance += sqr((m1->pos[i]-m2->pos[i])*(tdirection1[i] +tdirection2[i]));
+ distance = sqrt(distance);
+ }
+ else
+ distance = Mass<N>::dist(*m1,*m2);
+ if (distance < long_min || distance > long_max || distance == 0) {
+ // pas de forces
+ }
+ else { // Lmin < L < Lmax
+ // F[n] = k1 (L[n] - L[0])/L[n] + D1 (L[n] - L[n-1])/L[n]
+ if (link_type == 3 ) {//&& buffer_tested) { // tabLink
+ t_float k_temp = distance-longueur;
+ if (k_buffer && k_buffer->tested) {
+ k_temp = k_buffer->interp_buf(distance,l_tab);
+ }
+ t_float d_temp = distance-distance_old;
+ if (d_buffer && d_buffer->tested) {
+ if (distance>distance_old)
+ d_temp = d_buffer->interp_buf(distance-distance_old,l_tab2);
+ else
+ d_temp = -d_buffer->interp_buf(distance_old - distance,l_tab2);
+ }
+ F = (K1*k_temp + D1*d_temp)/distance;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((distance - longueur)>0)
+ F = (K1 * pow(distance - longueur,puissance) + D1 * (distance - distance_old))/distance ;
+ else
+ F = (-K1 * pow(longueur - distance,puissance) + D1 * (distance - distance_old))/distance ;
+ }
+ if (link_type == 1 || (link_type == 2 && N == 2)) // tangential
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ const t_float Fn = F * (m1->pos[i] - m2->pos[i])*tdirection1[i]; // Fx = F * Lx[n]/L[n]
+ m1->force[i] -= Fn + D2 * m1->speed[i]; // Fx1[n] = -Fx, Fx1[n] = Fx1[n] - D2 * vx1[n-1]
+ m2->force[i] += Fn - D2 * m2->speed[i]; // Fx2[n] = Fx, Fx2[n] = Fx2[n] - D2 * vx2[n-1]
+ }
+ else if (link_type == 2 && N == 3) // deprecated
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ const t_float Fn = F * (m1->pos[i] - m2->pos[i])*(tdirection1[i] +tdirection2[i]); // Fx = F * Lx[n]/L[n]
+ m1->force[i] -= Fn + D2 * m1->speed[i]; // Fx1[n] = -Fx, Fx1[n] = Fx1[n] - D2 * vx1[n-1]
+ m2->force[i] += Fn - D2 * m2->speed[i]; // Fx2[n] = Fx, Fx2[n] = Fx2[n] - D2 * vx2[n-1]
+ }
+ else // usual link
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ const t_float Fn = F * (m1->pos[i] - m2->pos[i]); // Fx = F * Lx[n]/L[n]
+ m1->force[i] -= Fn + D2 * m1->speed[i]; // Fx1[n] = -Fx, Fx1[n] = Fx1[n] - D2 * vx1[n-1]
+ m2->force[i] += Fn - D2 * m2->speed[i]; // Fx2[n] = Fx, Fx2[n] = Fx2[n] - D2 * vx2[n-1]
+ }
+ }
+ distance_old = distance; // L[n-1] = L[n]
+ }
+ }
+template <typename T>
+inline T bitrev(T k) {
+ T r = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(k)*8; ++i) r = (r<<1)|(k&1),k >>= 1;
+ return r;
+// use bit-reversed key to pseudo-balance the map tree
+template <typename T>
+class IndexMap : TablePtrMap<unsigned int,T,64> {
+ typedef TablePtrMap<unsigned int,T,64> Parent;
+ virtual ~IndexMap() { reset(); }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ // delete all associated items
+ for(typename Parent::iterator it(*this); it; ++it) delete it.data();
+ Parent::clear();
+ }
+ inline int size() const { return Parent::size(); }
+ inline T insert(unsigned int k,T v) { return Parent::insert(bitrev(k),v); }
+ inline T find(unsigned int k) { return Parent::find(bitrev(k)); }
+ inline T remove(unsigned int k) { return Parent::remove(bitrev(k)); }
+ class iterator
+ : public Parent::iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ iterator() {}
+ iterator(IndexMap &m): Parent::iterator(m) {}
+ inline unsigned int key() const { return bitrev(Parent::key()); }
+ };
+template <typename T>
+class IDMap : TablePtrMap<const t_symbol *,TablePtrMap<T,T,4> *,4> {
+ // that's the container holding the data items (masses, links) of one ID
+ typedef TablePtrMap<T,T,4> Container;
+ // that's the map for the key ID (symbol,int) relating to the data items
+ typedef TablePtrMap<const t_symbol *,Container *,4> Parent;
+ typedef typename Container::iterator iterator;
+ IDMap() {}
+ virtual ~IDMap() { reset(); }
+ void reset()
+ {
+ typename Parent::iterator it(*this);
+ for(; it; ++it) delete it.data();
+ Parent::clear();
+ }
+ void insert(T item)
+ {
+ Container *c = Parent::find(item->Id);
+ if(!c)
+ Parent::insert(item->Id,c = new Container);
+ c->insert(item,item);
+ }
+ iterator find(const t_symbol *key)
+ {
+ Container *c = Parent::find(key);
+ if(c)
+ return iterator(*c);
+ else
+ return iterator();
+ }
+ void erase(T item)
+ {
+ Container *c = Parent::find(item->Id);
+ if(c) c->remove(item);
+ }
+template<int N>
+class msdN: public flext_base {
+ FLEXT_HEADER_S(msdN,flext_base,setup) //class with setup
+ // constructor with no arguments
+ msdN(int argc,t_atom *argv) : id_mass(0),id_link(0) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) limit[i][0] = -1.e10,limit[i][1] = 1.e10;
+ // --- define inlets and outlets ---
+ AddInAnything("bang, reset, etc."); // default inlet
+ AddOutAnything("infos on masses"); // outlet for integer count
+ AddOutAnything("control"); // outlet for bang
+ }
+ virtual ~msdN() { clear(); }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECTED VARIABLES
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef Mass<N> t_mass;
+ typedef Link<N> t_link;
+ IndexMap<t_link *> link; // links
+ IDMap<t_link *> linkids; // links by name
+ IndexMap<t_mass *> mass; // masses
+ IDMap<t_mass *> massids; // masses by name
+ IndexMap<t_buffer *> buffers; // buffers
+ IDMap<t_buffer *> buffersids; // buffers by name
+ t_float limit[N][2]; // Limit values
+ unsigned int id_mass, id_link, id_buffer, mouse_grab, nearest_mass, link_deleted, mass_deleted;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------- RESET
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void m_reset() {
+ clear();
+ ToOutAnything(1,S_Reset,0,NULL);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTE
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void m_bang() {
+ // test all buffers
+ for (typename IndexMap<t_buffer *>::iterator bit(buffers); bit; ++bit) bit.data()->buffer_test();
+ // update all links
+ for (typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) lit.data()->compute();
+ // update all masses
+ for (typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) mit.data()->compute(limit);
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- MASSES
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // add a mass
+ // Id, nbr, mobile, invM, speedX, posX, forceX
+ void m_mass(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if(argc != 3+N) {
+ error("mass : Id mobile mass X%s%s",N >= 2?" Y":"",N >= 3?" Z":"");
+ return;
+ }
+ t_float pos[N];
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) pos[i] = GetAFloat(argv[3+i]);
+ t_mass *m = new t_mass(
+ id_mass, // index
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ GetABool(argv[1]), // mobile
+ GetAFloat(argv[2]), // mass
+ pos // pos
+ );
+ outmass(S_Mass,m);
+ massids.insert(m);
+ mass.insert(id_mass++,m);
+ }
+ // add a force to mass(es) named Id or No
+ void m_force(int argc,t_atom *argv,int n) {
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/Nomass value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float f = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ t_mass *m = it.data();
+ m->setForce(n,f);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m)
+ m->setForce(n,f);
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ inline void m_forceX(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_force(argc,argv,0); }
+ inline void m_forceY(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_force(argc,argv,1); }
+ inline void m_forceZ(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_force(argc,argv,2); }
+ inline void m_forceN(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ t_atom arglist[2];
+ if(argc != 3) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : N Id/Nomass value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[1]))
+ SetSymbol(arglist[0],GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ else
+ SetInt(arglist[0],GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ SetFloat(arglist[1],GetFloat(argv[2]));
+ m_force(argc-1,arglist,GetAInt(argv[0])-1);
+ }
+ // displace mass(es) named Id or No to a certain position
+ void m_pos(int argc,t_atom *argv,int n) {
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/Nomass value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float p = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(p > limit[n][1] || p < limit[n][0]) return;
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->setPos(n,p);
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m)
+ m->setPos(n,p);
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ inline void m_posX(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_pos(argc,argv,0); }
+ inline void m_posY(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_pos(argc,argv,1); }
+ inline void m_posZ(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_pos(argc,argv,2); }
+ inline void m_posN(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ t_atom arglist[2];
+ if(argc != 3) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : N Id/Nomass value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[1]))
+ SetSymbol(arglist[0],GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ else
+ SetInt(arglist[0],GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ SetFloat(arglist[1],GetFloat(argv[2]));
+ m_pos(argc-1,arglist,GetAInt(argv[0])-1);
+ }
+ // set mass to mobile
+ void m_set_mobile(int argc,t_atom *argv,bool mob = true) {
+ if (argc != 1) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/Nomass",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it;
+ if(mob)
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->setMobile();
+ else
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->setFixed();
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m)
+ if(mob) m->setMobile();
+ else m->setFixed();
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set mass No to fixed
+ inline void m_set_fixe(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_set_mobile(argc,argv,false); }
+ // Delete mass
+ void m_delete_mass(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 1) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Nomass",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m) {
+ // Delete all associated links
+ while(!m->links.empty())
+ deletelink(m->links.front());
+ outmass(S_Mass_deleted,m);
+ massids.erase(m);
+ mass.remove(m->nbr);
+ delete m;
+ mass_deleted = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // set X,Y,Z min/max
+ void m_limit(int argc,t_atom *argv,int n,int i) {
+ if (argc != 1)
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ else
+ limit[n][i] = GetAFloat(argv[0]);
+ }
+ inline void m_Xmin(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,0,0); }
+ inline void m_Ymin(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,1,0); }
+ inline void m_Zmin(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,2,0); }
+ inline void m_Nmin(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ t_atom arglist[1];
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : N value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ SetFloat(arglist[0],GetFloat(argv[1]));
+ m_limit(argc-1,arglist,GetAInt(argv[0])-1,0);
+ }
+ inline void m_Xmax(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,0,1); }
+ inline void m_Ymax(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,1,1); }
+ inline void m_Zmax(int argc,t_atom *argv) { m_limit(argc,argv,2,1); }
+ inline void m_Nmax(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ t_atom arglist[1];
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : N value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ SetFloat(arglist[0],GetFloat(argv[1]));
+ m_limit(argc-1,arglist,GetAInt(argv[0])-1,1);
+ }
+ // set Id of mass(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setMassId(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : OldId/NoMass NewId",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_symbol *id = GetSymbol(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->Id = id;
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m)
+ m->Id = id;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set mass of mass(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setM(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float ma = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it;
+ //typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ it.data()->M = ma;
+ it.data()->invM = ma?1/ma:0.;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(m) {
+ m->M = ma;
+ m->invM = ma?1/ma:0.;
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // grab nearest mass
+ void m_grab_mass(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ // grab nearest mass X Y
+ t_mass **mi;
+ t_float aux, distance;
+ t_atom aux2[2];
+ bool mobil;
+ // if click
+ if (GetInt(argv[2])==1 && mass.size()>0) {
+ if (argc != 3)
+ error("grabMass : X Y click");
+ // first time we grab this mass?Find nearest mass
+ if (mouse_grab == 0) {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(0);
+ aux = sqr(m->pos[0]-GetFloat(argv[0])) + sqr(m->pos[1]-GetFloat(argv[1]));
+ nearest_mass = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ distance = sqr(mit.data()->pos[0]-GetFloat(argv[0])) + sqr(mit.data()->pos[1]-GetFloat(argv[1]));
+ if (distance<aux) {
+ aux = distance;
+ nearest_mass = mit.data()->nbr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set fixed if mobile
+ mobil = mass.find(nearest_mass)->invM;
+ SetInt(aux2[0],nearest_mass);
+ if (mobil != 0)
+ m_set_fixe(1,aux2);
+ // Set XY
+ SetFloat(aux2[1],GetFloat(argv[0]));
+ m_posX(2,aux2);
+ SetFloat(aux2[1],GetFloat(argv[1]));
+ m_posY(2,aux2);
+ // Set mobile
+ if(mobil != 0)
+ m_set_mobile(1,aux2);
+ // Current grabbing on
+ mouse_grab = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ // Grabing off
+ mouse_grab = 0;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- LINKS
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // add a link
+ // Id, *mass1, *mass2, K1, D1, D2, (Lmin,Lmax)
+ void m_link(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc < 5 || argc > 8) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id No/Idmass1 No/Idmass2 K D1 (pow Lmin Lmax)",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // ID & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it2,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(; it1; ++it1) {
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it1.data(),it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 0,NULL,
+ argc >= 6?GetFloat(argv[5]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7?GetFloat(argv[6]):0,
+ argc >= 8?GetFloat(argv[7]):1e10
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_iLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1])==0 && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // No & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it2,it;
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 0,NULL,
+ argc >= 6?GetFloat(argv[5]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7?GetFloat(argv[6]):0,
+ argc >= 8?GetFloat(argv[7]):1e10
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_iLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])==0) { // ID & No
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it1; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it.data(),mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 0,NULL,
+ argc >= 6?GetFloat(argv[5]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7?GetFloat(argv[6]):0,
+ argc >= 8?GetFloat(argv[7]):1e10
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_iLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // No & No
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ if(!mass1 || !mass2) {
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 0,NULL,
+ argc >= 6?GetFloat(argv[5]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7?GetFloat(argv[6]):0, // Lmin
+ argc >= 8?GetFloat(argv[7]):1e10// Lmax
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_Link,l);
+ }
+ }
+ // add interactor link (for compatibility)
+ // Id, Id masses1, Id masses2, K1, D1, D2, (Lmin, Lmax)
+ void m_ilink(int argc,t_atom *argv) {m_link(argc,argv); }
+ // add a tangential link
+ // Id, *mass1, *mass2, K1, D1, D2, (Lmin,Lmax)
+ void m_tlink(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc < 5+N || argc > 8+N) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id Nomass1 Nomass2 K D1 xa%s%s (pow Lmin Lmax)",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()),N >= 2?" ya":"",N >= 3?" za":"");
+ return;
+ }
+ t_float tangent[N];
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) tangent[i] = GetAFloat(argv[5+i]);
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // ID & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it2,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(; it1; ++it1) {
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it1.data(),it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 1, // tangential
+ tangent,
+ argc >= 6+N?GetFloat(argv[5+N]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7+N?GetFloat(argv[6+N]):0, // Lmin
+ argc >= 8+N?GetFloat(argv[7+N]):1e10 // Lmax
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_iLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1])==0 && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // No & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it2,it;
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 1, // tangential
+ tangent,
+ argc >= 6+N?GetFloat(argv[5+N]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7+N?GetFloat(argv[6+N]):0, // Lmin
+ argc >= 8+N?GetFloat(argv[7+N]):1e10 // Lmax
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])==0) { // ID & No
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it1; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it.data(),mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 1,
+ tangent, // tangential
+ argc >= 6+N?GetFloat(argv[5+N]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7+N?GetFloat(argv[6+N]):0, // Lmin
+ argc >= 8+N?GetFloat(argv[7+N]):1e10 // Lmax
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // No & No
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ if(!mass1 || !mass2) {
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // D1
+ 1, // tangential
+ tangent, // tangential
+ argc >= 6+N?GetFloat(argv[5+N]):1, // power
+ argc >= 7+N?GetFloat(argv[6+N]):0, // Lmin
+ argc >= 8+N?GetFloat(argv[7+N]):1e10 // Lmax
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ // add a tab link
+ // Id, *mass1, *mass2, k_tabname/K1, d_tabname/D1, l_tab
+ void m_tablink(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 7) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id No/Idmass1 No/Idmass2 ktab lk dtab ld",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Searching exisiting buffers or create one.
+ t_buffer *bk,*bd;
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[3])) { // K tab
+ typename IDMap<t_buffer *>::iterator itk;
+ itk = buffersids.find(GetSymbol(argv[3]));
+ if(!itk) {
+ bk = new t_buffer(id_buffer,GetSymbol(argv[3]));
+ buffersids.insert(bk);
+ buffers.insert(id_buffer++,bk);
+ }
+ else
+ bk = itk.data();
+ }
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[5])) { // D tab
+ typename IDMap<t_buffer *>::iterator itd;
+ itd = buffersids.find(GetSymbol(argv[5]));
+ if(!itd) {
+ bd = new t_buffer(id_buffer,GetSymbol(argv[5]));
+ buffersids.insert(bd);
+ buffers.insert(id_buffer++,bd);
+ }
+ else
+ bd = itd.data();
+ }
+ if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // ID & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it2,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(; it1; ++it1) {
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it1.data(),it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?1:GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1 = 1 if buffer
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?1:GetAFloat(argv[5]), // D1
+ 3,NULL,
+ 1, // power
+ 0, // Lmin
+ 1e10, // Lmax
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?bk:NULL, // k_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // l_tab
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?bd:NULL, // d_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[6]) // l_tab2
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tabLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1])==0 && IsSymbol(argv[2])) { // No & ID
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it2,it;
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ it2 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it2; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,it.data(), // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?1:GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1 = 1 if buffer
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?1:GetAFloat(argv[5]), // D1
+ 3,NULL,
+ 1, // power
+ 0, // Lmin
+ 1e10, // Lmax
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?bk:NULL, // k_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // l_tab
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?bd:NULL, // d_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[6]) // l_tab2
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tabLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (IsSymbol(argv[1]) && IsSymbol(argv[2])==0) { // ID & No
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator it1,it;
+ it1 = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ for(it = it1; it; ++it) {
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ it1.data(),mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?1:GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1 = 1 if buffer
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?1:GetAFloat(argv[5]), // D1
+ 3,NULL,
+ 1, // power
+ 0, // Lmin
+ 1e10, // Lmax
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?bk:NULL, // k_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // l_tab
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?bd:NULL, // d_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[6]) // l_tab2
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tabLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // No & No
+ t_mass *mass1 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[1]));
+ t_mass *mass2 = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[2]));
+ if(!mass1 || !mass2) {
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_link *l = new t_link(
+ id_link,
+ GetSymbol(argv[0]), // ID
+ mass1,mass2, // pointer to mass1, mass2
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?1:GetAFloat(argv[3]), // K1 = 1 if buffer
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?1:GetAFloat(argv[5]), // D1
+ 3,NULL,
+ 1, // power
+ 0, // Lmin
+ 1e10, // Lmax
+ IsSymbol(argv[3])?bk:NULL, // k_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[4]), // l_tab
+ IsSymbol(argv[5])?bd:NULL, // d_tabname
+ GetAFloat(argv[6]) // l_tab2
+ );
+ linkids.insert(l);
+ link.insert(id_link++,l);
+ outlink(S_tabLink,l);
+ }
+ }
+ // add a normal link
+ // Id, *mass1, *mass2, K1, D1, D2, (Lmin,Lmax)
+ void m_nlink(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ // deprecated
+ }
+ // set Id of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setLinkId(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : OldId/NoLink NewId",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_symbol *id = GetSymbol(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->Id = id;
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l)
+ l->Id = id;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set rigidity of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setK(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float k1 = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->K1 = k1;
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l)
+ l->K1 = k1;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set damping of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setD(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float d1 = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->D1 = d1;
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l)
+ l->D1 = d1;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set max lenght of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setLmax(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float lon = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ it.data()->long_max = lon;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l) {
+ l->long_max = lon;
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set min lenght of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setLmin(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float lon = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ it.data()->long_min = lon;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l) {
+ l->long_min = lon;
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set initial lenght of link(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setL(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float lon = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ it.data()->longueur = lon;
+ it.data()->distance_old = lon;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l) {
+ l->longueur = lon;
+ l->distance_old = lon;
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set l_tab of tablink(s) named Id or number No
+ void m_setLtab(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : Id/NoLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ const t_float lon = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[0])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it) {
+ if(it.data()->link_type==3)
+ it.data()->l_tab = lon;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : set Ltab is working only on tablink",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l) {
+ if(l->link_type==3)
+ l->l_tab = lon;
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : set Ltab is working only on tablink",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ // set damping of link(s) named Id
+ void m_setD2(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : IdLink Value",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_float d2 = GetAFloat(argv[1]);
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator it;
+ for(it = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[0])); it; ++it)
+ it.data()->D2 = d2;
+ }
+ // Delete link
+ void m_delete_link(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if (argc != 1) {
+ error("%s - %s Syntax : NtLink",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[0]));
+ if(l) {
+ deletelink(l);
+ link_deleted = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- GET
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get attributes
+ void m_get(int argc,t_atom *argv) {
+ if(argc == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ t_atom sortie[1+2*N];
+ t_float mean[N] ,std[N], nombre;
+ const t_symbol *auxtype = GetSymbol(argv[0]);
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ if (auxtype == S_massesPos) { // get all masses positions
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],mit.data()->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPos,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesPosName) { // get all masses positions output Id
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPosName,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesPosMean) { // get all masses positions mean
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->pos[i];
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],mean[i]/nombre);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPosMean,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesPosStd) { // get all masses positions std
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ std[i] = 0;
+ }
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->pos[i];
+ std[i] += sqr(mit.data()->pos[i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],sqrt(std[i]/nombre-sqr(mean[i]/nombre)));
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPosStd,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesForces) { // get all masses forces
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],mit.data()->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->out_force[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForces,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesForcesName) { // get all masses forces
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->out_force[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForcesName,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesForcesMean) { // get all masses forces mean
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->out_force[i];
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],mean[i]/nombre);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForcesMean,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesForcesStd) { // get all masses forces std
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ std[i] = 0;
+ }
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->out_force[i];
+ std[i] += sqr(mit.data()->out_force[i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],sqrt(std[i]/nombre-sqr(mean[i]/nombre)));
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForcesStd,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksPos) { // get all links positions
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],lit.data()->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+i],lit.data()->mass1->pos[i]);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+N+i],lit.data()->mass2->pos[i]);
+ }
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksPos,1+2*N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksPosName) { // get all links positions
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],lit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+i],lit.data()->mass1->pos[i]);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+N+i],lit.data()->mass2->pos[i]);
+ }
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksPosName,1+2*N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksLenghts) { // get all links lenghts
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],lit.data()->nbr);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1],lit.data()->distance_old);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksLenghts,2,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksLenghtsMean) { // get all links lenghts mean
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ mean[0] += lit.data()->distance_old;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0],mean[0]/nombre);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksLenghtsMean,1,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksLenghtsStd) { // get all links lenghts std
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ std[i] = 0;
+ }
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ mean[0] += lit.data()->distance_old;
+ std[0] += sqr(lit.data()->distance_old) ;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0],sqrt(std[0]/nombre-sqr(mean[0]/nombre)));
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksLenghtsStd,1,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesSpeeds) { // get all masses speeds
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],mit.data()->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->speed[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeeds,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesSpeedsName) { // get all masses speeds
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->speed[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeedsName,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesSpeedsMean) { // get all masses forces mean
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->speed[i];
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],mean[i]/nombre);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeedsMean,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesSpeedsStd) { // get all masses forces std
+ for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] = 0;
+ std[i] = 0;
+ }
+ nombre = 0;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit) {
+ ++nombre;
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ mean[i] += mit.data()->speed[i];
+ std[i] += sqr(mit.data()->speed[i]) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ SetFloat(sortie[0+i],sqrt(std[i]/nombre-sqr(mean[i]/nombre)));
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeedsStd,0+N,sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Syntax error",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // more than 1 args
+ if (auxtype == S_massesPos) // get mass positions
+ {
+ for(int j = 1; j<argc; j++) {
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[j])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit;
+ for(mit = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[j])); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPosId,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[j]));
+ if(m) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],m->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],m->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesPosNo,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+// else
+// error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_massesForces) // get mass forces
+ {
+ for(int j = 1; j<argc; j++) {
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[j])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit;
+ for(mit = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[j])); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->out_force[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForcesId,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[j]));
+ if(m) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],m->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],m->out_force[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesForcesNo,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+// else
+// error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksPos) // get links positions
+ {
+ for(int j = 1; j<argc; j++) {
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[j])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator lit;
+ for(lit = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[j])); lit; ++lit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],lit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+i],lit.data()->mass1->pos[i]);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+N+i],lit.data()->mass2->pos[i]);
+ }
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksPosId,1+2*N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[j]));
+ if(l) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],l->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+i],l->mass1->pos[i]);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1+N+i],l->mass2->pos[i]);
+ }
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksPosNo,1+2*N,sortie);
+ }
+// else
+// error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (auxtype == S_linksLenghts) // get links lenghts
+ {
+ for(int j = 1; j<argc; j++) {
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[j])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_link *>::iterator lit;
+ for(lit = linkids.find(GetSymbol(argv[j])); lit; ++lit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],lit.data()->Id);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1],lit.data()->distance_old);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksLenghtsId,2,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_link *l = link.find(GetAInt(argv[j]));
+ if(l) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],l->nbr);
+ SetFloat(sortie[1],l->distance_old);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_linksLenghtsNo,2,sortie);
+ }
+// else
+// error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // get mass speeds
+ {
+ for(int j = 1; j<argc; j++) {
+ if(IsSymbol(argv[j])) {
+ typename IDMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit;
+ for(mit = massids.find(GetSymbol(argv[j])); mit; ++mit) {
+ SetSymbol(sortie[0],mit.data()->Id);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],mit.data()->speed[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeedsId,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t_mass *m = mass.find(GetAInt(argv[j]));
+ if(m) {
+ SetInt(sortie[0],m->nbr);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(sortie[1+i],m->speed[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0,S_massesSpeedsNo,1+N,sortie);
+ }
+// else
+// error("%s - %s : Index not found",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // List of masses positions on first outlet
+ void m_mass_dumpl() {
+ if (mass_deleted ==0) {
+ int sz = mass.size();
+ NEWARR(t_atom,sortie,sz*N);
+ t_atom *s = sortie;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(s[mit.data()->nbr*N+i],mit.data()->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0, S_massesPosL, sz*N, sortie);
+ DELARR(sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Message Forbidden when deletion is used",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // List of masses x positions on first outlet
+ void m_mass_dump_xl() {
+ if (mass_deleted ==0) {
+ int sz = mass.size();
+ NEWARR(t_atom,sortie,sz);
+ t_atom *s = sortie;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ SetFloat(s[mit.data()->nbr],mit.data()->pos[0]);
+ ToOutAnything(0, S_massesPosXL, sz, sortie);
+ DELARR(sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Message Forbidden when deletion is used",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // List of masses y positions on first outlet
+ void m_mass_dump_yl() {
+ if (mass_deleted ==0) {
+ int sz = mass.size();
+ NEWARR(t_atom,sortie,sz);
+ t_atom *s = sortie;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ SetFloat(s[mit.data()->nbr],mit.data()->pos[1]);
+ ToOutAnything(0, S_massesPosYL, sz, sortie);
+ DELARR(sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Message Forbidden when deletion is used",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // List of masses z positions on first outlet
+ void m_mass_dump_zl() {
+ if (mass_deleted ==0) {
+ int sz = mass.size();
+ NEWARR(t_atom,sortie,sz);
+ t_atom *s = sortie;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ SetFloat(s[mit.data()->nbr],mit.data()->pos[2]);
+ ToOutAnything(0, S_massesPosZL, sz, sortie);
+ DELARR(sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Message Forbidden when deletion is used",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // List of masses forces on first outlet
+ void m_force_dumpl() {
+ if (mass_deleted ==0) {
+ int sz = mass.size();
+ NEWARR(t_atom,sortie,sz*N);
+ t_atom *s = sortie;
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat(s[mit.data()->nbr*N+i],mit.data()->out_force[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(0, S_massesForcesL, sz*N, sortie);
+ DELARR(sortie);
+ }
+ else
+ error("%s - %s : Message Forbidden when deletion is used",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()));
+ }
+ // List of masses and links infos on second outlet
+ void m_info_dumpl() {
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_mass *>::iterator mit(mass); mit; ++mit)
+ outmass(S_Mass,mit.data());
+ for(typename IndexMap<t_link *>::iterator lit(link); lit; ++lit)
+ outlink(S_Link,lit.data());
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- SETUP
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void clear() {
+ buffersids.reset();
+ buffers.reset();
+ linkids.reset();
+ link.reset();
+ massids.reset();
+ mass.reset();
+ // Reset state variables
+ id_mass = id_link = id_buffer = mouse_grab = mass_deleted = link_deleted = 0;
+ }
+ void deletelink(t_link *l) {
+ outlink(S_Link_deleted,l);
+ linkids.erase(l);
+ link.remove(l->nbr);
+ delete l;
+ }
+ void outmass(const t_symbol *s,const t_mass *m) {
+ t_atom sortie[4+N];
+ SetInt((sortie[0]),m->nbr);
+ SetSymbol((sortie[1]),m->Id);
+ SetBool((sortie[2]),m->getMobile());
+ SetFloat((sortie[3]),m->M);
+ for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) SetFloat((sortie[4+i]),m->pos[i]);
+ ToOutAnything(1,s,4+N,sortie);
+ }
+ void outlink(const t_symbol *s,const t_link *l) {
+ t_atom sortie[15];
+ int size=6;
+ SetInt((sortie[0]),l->nbr);
+ SetSymbol((sortie[1]),l->Id);
+ SetInt((sortie[2]),l->mass1->nbr);
+ SetInt((sortie[3]),l->mass2->nbr);
+ l->k_buffer?SetSymbol(sortie[4],l->k_buffer->Id):SetFloat((sortie[4]),l->K1);
+ l->d_buffer?SetSymbol(sortie[5],l->d_buffer->Id):SetFloat((sortie[5]),l->D1);
+ if (l->link_type == 1 ||(l->link_type == 2 && N ==2)) {
+ for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
+ SetFloat((sortie[6+i]),l->tdirection1[i]);
+// ToOutAnything(1,s,6+N,sortie);
+ size = 6+N;
+ }
+ else if (l->link_type == 2 && N==3) {
+ for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ SetFloat((sortie[6+i]),l->tdirection1[i]);
+ SetFloat((sortie[6+i+N]),l->tdirection2[i]);
+ }
+// ToOutAnything(1,s,6+2*N,sortie);
+ size = 6+2*N;
+ }
+ if(l->long_max != 1e10) {
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->puissance);
+ size++;
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->long_min);
+ size++;
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->long_max);
+ size++;
+ }
+ else if(l->long_min != 0) {
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->puissance);
+ size++;
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->long_min);
+ size++;
+ }
+ else if(l->puissance != 1) {
+ SetFloat((sortie[size]),l->puissance);
+ size++;
+ }
+ ToOutAnything(1,s,size,sortie);
+ }
+ // Static symbols
+ const static t_symbol *S_Reset;
+ const static t_symbol *S_Mass;
+ const static t_symbol *S_Link;
+ const static t_symbol *S_iLink;
+ const static t_symbol *S_tLink;
+ const static t_symbol *S_nLink;
+ const static t_symbol *S_tabLink;
+ const static t_symbol *S_Mass_deleted;
+ const static t_symbol *S_Link_deleted;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPos;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosName;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosMean;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosStd;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosNo;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosId;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksPos;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksPosName;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksPosNo;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksPosId;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksLenghts;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksLenghtsMean;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksLenghtsStd;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksLenghtsNo;
+ const static t_symbol *S_linksLenghtsId;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForces;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesName;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesMean;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesStd;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesNo;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesId;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeeds;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeedsName;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeedsMean;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeedsStd;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeedsNo;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesSpeedsId;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosL;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosXL;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosYL;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesPosZL;
+ const static t_symbol *S_massesForcesL;
+ static void setup(t_classid c) {
+ S_Reset = MakeSymbol("Reset");
+ S_Mass = MakeSymbol("Mass");
+ S_Link = MakeSymbol("Link");
+ S_iLink = MakeSymbol("iLink");
+ S_tLink = MakeSymbol("tLink");
+ S_nLink = MakeSymbol("nLink");
+ S_tabLink = MakeSymbol("tabLink");
+ S_Mass_deleted = MakeSymbol("Mass deleted");
+ S_Link_deleted = MakeSymbol("Link deleted");
+ S_massesPos = MakeSymbol("massesPos");
+ S_massesPosName = MakeSymbol("massesPosName");
+ S_massesPosMean = MakeSymbol("massesPosMean");
+ S_massesPosStd = MakeSymbol("massesPosStd");
+ S_massesPosNo = MakeSymbol("massesPosNo");
+ S_massesPosId = MakeSymbol("massesPosId");
+ S_linksPos = MakeSymbol("linksPos");
+ S_linksPosName = MakeSymbol("linksPosName");
+ S_linksPosNo = MakeSymbol("linksPosNo");
+ S_linksPosId = MakeSymbol("linksPosId");
+ S_linksLenghts = MakeSymbol("linksLenghts");
+ S_linksLenghtsMean = MakeSymbol("linksLenghtsMean");
+ S_linksLenghtsStd = MakeSymbol("linksLenghtsStd");
+ S_linksLenghtsNo = MakeSymbol("linksLenghtsNo");
+ S_linksLenghtsId = MakeSymbol("linksLenghtsId");
+ S_massesForces = MakeSymbol("massesForces");
+ S_massesForcesName = MakeSymbol("massesForcesName");
+ S_massesForcesMean = MakeSymbol("massesForcesMean");
+ S_massesForcesStd = MakeSymbol("massesForcesStd");
+ S_massesForcesNo = MakeSymbol("massesForcesNo");
+ S_massesForcesId = MakeSymbol("massesForcesId");
+ S_massesSpeeds = MakeSymbol("massesSpeeds");
+ S_massesSpeedsName = MakeSymbol("massesSpeedsName");
+ S_massesSpeedsMean = MakeSymbol("massesSpeedsMean");
+ S_massesSpeedsStd = MakeSymbol("massesSpeedsStd");
+ S_massesSpeedsNo = MakeSymbol("massesSpeedsNo");
+ S_massesSpeedsId = MakeSymbol("massesSpeedsId");
+ S_massesPosL = MakeSymbol("massesPosL");
+ S_massesPosXL = MakeSymbol("massesPosXL");
+ S_massesPosYL = MakeSymbol("massesPosYL");
+ S_massesPosZL = MakeSymbol("massesPosZL");
+ S_massesForcesL = MakeSymbol("massesForcesL");
+ // --- set up methods (class scope) ---
+ // register a bang method to the default inlet (0)
+ FLEXT_CADDBANG(c,0,m_bang);
+ // set up tagged methods for the default inlet (0)
+ // the underscore _ after CADDMETHOD indicates that a message tag is used
+ // no, variable list or anything and all single arguments are recognized automatically, ...
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"reset",m_reset);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"forceX",m_forceX);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posX",m_posX);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Xmax",m_Xmax);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Xmin",m_Xmin);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"forceN",m_forceN);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posN",m_posN);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Nmax",m_Nmax);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Nmin",m_Nmin);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"massesPosL",m_mass_dumpl);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"massesPosXL",m_mass_dump_xl);
+ if(N >= 2) {
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"forceY",m_forceY);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posY",m_posY);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Ymax",m_Ymax);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Ymin",m_Ymin);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"massesPosYL",m_mass_dump_yl);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"grabMass",m_grab_mass);
+ }
+ if(N >= 3) {
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"forceZ",m_forceZ);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posZ",m_posZ);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Zmax",m_Zmax);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"Zmin",m_Zmin);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"massesPosZL",m_mass_dump_zl);
+ }
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setMobile",m_set_mobile);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setFixed",m_set_fixe);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setMassId",m_setMassId);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setLinkId",m_setLinkId);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setK",m_setK);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setD",m_setD);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setL",m_setL);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setLtab",m_setLtab);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setLMin",m_setLmin);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setLMax",m_setLmax);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setM",m_setM);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"setD2",m_setD2);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"mass",m_mass);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"link",m_link);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"iLink",m_ilink);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"tLink",m_tlink);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"nLink",m_nlink);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"tabLink",m_tablink);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"get",m_get);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"deleteLink",m_delete_link);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"deleteMass",m_delete_mass);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"infosL",m_info_dumpl);
+ FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"massesForcesL",m_force_dumpl);
+ }
+ // for every registered method a callback has to be declared
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_mass_dumpl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_mass_dump_xl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_mass_dump_yl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_mass_dump_zl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_info_dumpl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_force_dumpl)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_set_mobile)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_set_fixe)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_tablink)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_delete_link)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_delete_mass)
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_grab_mass)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------- STATIC VARIABLES
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_Reset;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_Mass;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_Link;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_iLink;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_tLink;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_nLink;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_tabLink;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_Mass_deleted;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_Link_deleted;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPos;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosName;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosNo;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosId;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksPos;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksPosName;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksPosNo;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksPosId;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksLenghts;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksLenghtsMean;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksLenghtsStd;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksLenghtsNo;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_linksLenghtsId;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForces;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesName;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesMean;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesStd;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesNo;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesId;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeeds;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeedsName;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeedsMean;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeedsStd;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeedsNo;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesSpeedsId;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosL;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosXL;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosYL;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosZL;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosStd;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesPosMean;
+template<int N> const t_symbol *msdN<N>::S_massesForcesL;
+#define MSD(NAME,CLASS,N) \
+typedef msdN<N> CLASS; \