AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-04-10initial commit of the puremapping abstraction collectionCyrille Henry
2009-01-21renamed help patches to standard *-help.pd formatHans-Christoph Steiner
2008-05-12removed the executable bitsIOhannes m zmölnig
2007-02-05*** empty log message ***Cyrille Henry
2005-06-192$ spacialisationCyrille Henry
2005-06-19simple distortion with audio controlCyrille Henry
2005-06-19try to clean up the nusmuk folderCyrille Henry
2005-05-01new abstractions of the day!Cyrille Henry
2005-04-27*** empty log message ***Cyrille Henry
2005-04-22an other granulator synthesys abstraction...svn2git-root.0Cyrille Henry