From c46992b703c81de0b69e9ffc5fd4d385dd894dac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hans-Christoph Steiner Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 17:43:58 +0000 Subject: This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r385, which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. svn path=/trunk/externals/olafmatt/; revision=386 --- shoutcast~/shoutcast~-help.pd | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+) create mode 100644 shoutcast~/shoutcast~-help.pd diff --git a/shoutcast~/shoutcast~-help.pd b/shoutcast~/shoutcast~-help.pd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2d4ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/shoutcast~/shoutcast~-help.pd @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +#N canvas 268 21 787 723 10; +#X floatatom 18 36 0 40 16000 0 - - -; +#X msg 426 657 \; pd dsp 1; +#X floatatom 17 692 0 0 0 0 - - -; +#X msg 183 416 disconnect; +#X text 251 415 <-- close connection; +#X text 210 38 <-- settings for mp3 stream; +#X text 270 92 1 = joint stereo (default); +#X text 234 80 mode: 0 = stereo; +#X msg 92 63 mpeg 48000 224 1 5; +#X obj 18 63 osc~ 1000; +#X msg 215 464 print; +#X msg 492 657 \; pd dsp 0; +#X msg 149 354 passwd letmein; +#X msg 155 283 icecast; +#X msg 144 261 shoutcast; +#X text 207 260 <-- use SHOUTcast server (default); +#X text 148 240 ---------- select and configure server ----------; +#X text 165 332 ---------- connect / disconnect -----------; +#X obj 426 631 loadbang; +#X text 384 7 SHOUTcast server ----------; +#X floatatom 108 678 10 0 0 0 - - -; +#X text 230 130 quality: 1 = high \, 9 = low (default = 5); +#X text 233 69 bitrate: bitrate of stream (default = 224kbit/s); +#X msg 173 392 connect localhost puredata.mp3 8000; +#X text 179 677 <-- kilobytes sent to server; +#X msg 118 151 vbr 48000 0 4; +#X obj 17 606 shoutcast~ 2 512; +#X msg 194 437 connect; +#X text 245 436 <-- connect to default or last server again; +#X text 129 649 (default value shown); +#X text 176 374 "connect "; +#X text 212 149 <-- use variable bitrate encoding (VBR); +#X text 474 162 quality: 0 = high \, 9 = low; +#X text 231 50 "mpeg "; +#X text 270 104 2 = dual channel (not supported by lame); +#X text 238 162 "vbr "; +#X text 401 375 (defaults shown); +#X text 242 178 a quality setting of "4" gives roughly 128k max. bitrate +; +#X text 127 633 "shoutcast~ "; +#X text 47 692 <-- connection state; +#X text 270 117 3 = mono; +#X msg 103 113 mpeg 24000 16 3 5; +#X msg 100 85 mpeg 32000 32 1 5; +#X msg 87 39 mpeg 22050 128 0 5; +#X text 18 7 -------- shoutcast~ 0.3d - send mp3 encoded audio stream +to; +#X text 217 484 ----- set stream comments -----; +#X msg 227 521 name test stream; +#X msg 238 541 genre experimental; +#X msg 247 563 url; +#X msg 262 585 public 0; +#X text 209 281 <-- use full IceCast server support (it's possible +to connect to Icecast using the shoutcast setting but not the other +way round!); +#X text 246 353 <-- your password for the server (default = letmein) +; +#X msg 140 202 printlame; +#X text 205 202 <-- print lame settings to console window; +#X text 253 462 <-- print settings to console window; +#X text 227 500 these comments will be displayed by users mp3 player... +; +#X text 325 586 <-- tell the server if this stream should be published +on or wherever (also depends on your server's config +settings...); +#X connect 0 0 9 0; +#X connect 3 0 26 0; +#X connect 8 0 26 0; +#X connect 9 0 26 0; +#X connect 9 0 26 1; +#X connect 10 0 26 0; +#X connect 12 0 26 0; +#X connect 13 0 26 0; +#X connect 14 0 26 0; +#X connect 18 0 1 0; +#X connect 23 0 26 0; +#X connect 25 0 26 0; +#X connect 26 0 2 0; +#X connect 26 1 20 0; +#X connect 27 0 26 0; +#X connect 41 0 26 0; +#X connect 42 0 26 0; +#X connect 43 0 26 0; +#X connect 46 0 26 0; +#X connect 47 0 26 0; +#X connect 48 0 26 0; +#X connect 49 0 26 0; +#X connect 52 0 26 0; -- cgit v1.2.1