clone 0.0.6 - Pure Data 'abstraction cloner' external copyright (c) 2002 by Olaf Matthes clone is an 'abstraction cloning' external for pd (by Miller Puckette). It allows to have several instances of one abstraction being executed in one object. Input data gets routed to the independent instances according to the first element. This object is based on 'rabin~' written by Krzysztof Czaja. Compilation: In the makefile adjust the path to where your m_pd.h can be found (on Win: additionally change the path to MS VC++). Linux: type 'make pd_linux' & (optionally) 'make install' MAC OS X: type 'make pd_darwin' & (optionally) 'make install' WinNT: type 'nmake pd_nt' Restrictions: - a maximum of 8 signal outlets/inlets and a maximum of 256 control outlets/inlets allowed - order of outlets reflects order of creation, not order in terms of position on canvas; signal outlets (if any) come first - deleting or adding any inlets / outlets from abstraction crashes Pd -> build your abstraction before loading it into clone!!! - externals have to be loaded using -lib flag, otherwise clone will not recognise any externals in your abstraction - no abstractions in the abstraction allowed - changing font size in abstraction crashes Pd - there are probably more things that crash Pd For a detailed description how to use clone see the file readme.pdf and the help patches supplied. clone is published under GPL terms. See file LICENSE for details. Get latest version at Send bugs to