flashserver 0.2 - Pure Data server external for Flash clients copyright (c) 2002 - 2003 by Olaf Matthes flashserver is a server external for pd (by Miller Puckette). It allows multiple Flash clients to connect to it and to communicate with Pd in both directions. It can be used to control Pd using one or more Flash frontends over the internet. This object has been inspired by work done by Eric Skogen (http://www.audionerd.com/) and Oliver Thuns (http://www.radiostudio.org/streaps/). It is based on my netserver object which is part of the maxlib library for Pd (http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/maxlib/). flashserver supports the FUDI and the XML protocol. Have a look at the Flash files to see how data transfer works. Flash version 5.0 or later is required. KNOWN BUG: In case the other end (i.e. the Flash client) drops the connection flashserver only recognises this when it attempts to send data to that client. It then kicks the client. Otherwise the client would remain there forever. Thus it is a good idea to sporadically send data back (even if not needed) just to see if clients are still alive! flashserver is published under GPL terms. See file LICENSE for details. Get latest version at http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/flash/ Send bugs to info@akustische-kunst.org