----------------------------------------------------------------------------- oscbank~: for additive synthesis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The oscbank external is an object for Miller Pucketter's PureData ("pd"). It was written in order to synthesize sinusoidal models that consist of hundreds of partial sinewave components. The external takes three parameters for each partial: index(unique), frequency, and amplitude. It then synthesizes the partial's information in a bank and synthesizes it. If the partial's frequency or amplitude are modified (by providing another set with the same index), the parameters are ramped to the new values. note: the oscbank~ external is published under the Gnu General Public License that is included (GnuGPL.txt). some parts of the code are taken directly from the pd source-code, they, of course, fall under the license pd is published under. installation (from this directory): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux: make pd_linux mac: make pd_darwin windows: make pd_nt author: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- this software is copyleft 2007-2015 by Richie Eakin < reakinator [at] gmail [dot] com with the kind help of Tom Erbe. history: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-15-2007 - v0.1 - The code has been sitting around for a while with a bunch of bugs, finally got around to fixing them all. So here is the first version.