#N canvas 280 108 468 497 12; #X declare -stdpath extra/Gem; #X text 20 10 [helplink] makes a clickable link to a help patch based on the object name. It is useful for providing links to help patches in other patches.; #X obj 51 101 helplink select; #X obj 54 304 helplink; #X obj 50 143 helplink cyclone/counter; #X obj 50 181 helplink iemguts/propertybang; #X text 29 234 If the help patch or object does not exist \, [helplink] will not output an error until someone clicks on the link.; #X obj 55 339 helplink Gem/scale; #X obj 250 308 helplink gemwin; #X obj 239 153 declare -stdpath extra/Gem; #X text 33 384 helplink also has a hidden inlet. You can send a bang to simulate clicking a helplink:; #X obj 54 447 helplink select; #X obj 54 425 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1; #X connect 11 0 10 0;