#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __pdoctave_c__ #include "m_pd.h" #include "pdoctave_send.h" #include "pdoctave_get.h" #include "pdoctave_command.h" //#include "math.h" //#include "d_mayer_fft.c" //#include "/home/fzotter/downloads/pd-0.38-4/src/d_mayer_fft.c" //#include "/home/pd/src/pd-0.37-1-alsamm/src/d_mayer_fft.c" static t_class *pdoctave_class; static int obj_instances = 0; static int octave_pid; static int fd[2]; /* PDOCTAVE is an object that starts an octave process and holds a pipe to its stdin. * other sub-routines can use the 'writeToOctaveStdIN' routine to write commands * to octave. */ typedef struct _PDOctave_ PDOctave; struct _PDOctave_ { t_object x_obj; }; int getPDOctaveInstances () { return obj_instances; } // writing commands to the octave-process int writeToOctaveStdIN (const char *cmd) { int bytes_written; if (obj_instances > 0) { bytes_written = write(fd[1], (void*)cmd, strlen(cmd)); if (bytes_written == -1) { post("error writing to pipe"); return -1; } // post("wrote %d bytes", bytes_written); return 0; } else return -1; } static void deletePDOctave (PDOctave *pdoctave_obj) { if (obj_instances-- == 1) { int err = 0; close(fd[1]); if ((waitpid(octave_pid, NULL, 0) == -1) && (errno != ECHILD)) { err = 1; } if (err) { post("error closing octave"); } } } static void *newPDOctave (t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { PDOctave * pdoctave_obj; pdoctave_obj = (PDOctave *) pd_new (pdoctave_class); // creating only one pipe! if (!obj_instances++) { if (pipe(fd) == -1) { post("Error creating pipe."); } if ((octave_pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child process */ // execution of octave and pipe to octave stdin close(fd[1]); if (dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) { post("error duplicating filedescriptor to STDIN"); exit(1); return; } close(fd[0]); execlp("octave", "octave", "-i", NULL); // this is only reached, when the octave process is // dying before the pdoctave object post("shell command ``octave'' could not be executed"); } else if (octave_pid == -1) { // Error handling } else { /* parent process */ close(fd[0]); // waiting for the child process having the octave pipe // and process properly set up sleep(1); } } return ((void *) pdoctave_obj); } void pdoctave_setup (void) { pdoctave_class = class_new (gensym("pdoctave"), (t_newmethod) newPDOctave, (t_method) deletePDOctave, sizeof (PDOctave), CLASS_NOINLET, 0); class_sethelpsymbol(pdoctave_class, gensym("pdoctave-help.pd")); post("pdoctave successfully loaded!"); pdoctave_send_setup (); pdoctave_command_setup (); pdoctave_get_setup (); } #define __pdoctave_c_ #endif