path: root/doc/reference.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/reference.txt')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doc/reference.txt b/doc/reference.txt
index dc0ec3d..7635927 100644
--- a/doc/reference.txt
+++ b/doc/reference.txt
@@ -7,66 +7,139 @@ general purpose pdp modules:
pdp_del a packet delay line
pdp_reg a packet register
pdp_snap takes a snapshot of a packet stream
-pdp_trigger sends out a bang message when a packet is recieved
+pdp_trigger similar to pd's trigger object
pdp_route routes a packet to a specific outlet
+pdp_loop a packet loop sampler (packet array)
+pdp_description output a symbol describing the packet type
+pdp_convert convert between packet types
image inputs/outputs:
pdp_xv displays images using the xvideo extension
+pdp_glx displays images using opengl
pdp_v4l reads images from a video4linux device
pdp_qt reads quicktime movies
image processors:
+pdp_abs absolute value
pdp_add adds two images
+pdp_and bitwize and
+pdp_bitdepth set bit depth
+pdp_bitmask apply a bit mask
pdp_bq spatial biquad filter
pdp_bqt temporal biquad filter
+pdp_cog gaussian blob estimator
pdp_constant fills an image with a constant
pdp_conv horizontal/vertical seperable convolution filter
pdp_cheby chebyshev color shaper
pdp_chrot rotates the chroma components
-pdp_gradient converts a greyscale image using a colour palette
+pdp_flip_lr flip left <-> right
+pdp_flip_tb flip top <-> bottom
pdp_grey converts an image to greyscale
pdp_grey2mask converts a greyscale image to an image mask
+pdp_hthresh hard thresholding
pdp_mul multiplies two images
-pdp_affine shifts and scales a colour plane
pdp_mix crossfade between 2 images
pdp_mix2 mixes 2 images after applying a gain to each of them
-pdp_randmix crossfades 2 images by taking random pixels
pdp_noise a noise generator
+pdp_not bitwize not
+pdp_or bitwize or
+pdp_plasma plasma generator
+pdp_pointcloud convert an image to a point cloud
+pdp_positive sign function that creates a bitmask
+pdp_randmix crossfades 2 images by taking random pixels
pdp_rotate tiled rotate
-pdp_scope~ a very simple oscilloscope
pdp_scale rescale an image
-pdp_scan~ phase input scanned synthesis oscillator
-pdp_scanxy~ x,y coordinate input scanned synthesis oscillator
+pdp_sign sign function
+pdp_sthresh soft thresholding
pdp_zoom tiled zoom
pdp_zrot tiled zoom + rotate
+pdp_zthresh zero threshold (x<0 -> 0)
+pdp_xor bitwize xor
+dsp objects
+pdp_scope~ a very simple oscilloscope
+pdp_scan~ phase input scanned synthesis oscillator
+pdp_scanxy~ x,y coordinate input scanned synthesis oscillator
utility abstractions
pdp_pps computes the packet rate in packets/sec
-image abstractions:
+image abstractions
+pdp_agc automatic gain control (intensity maximizer)
pdp_blur blurs an image
pdp_blur_hor horizontal blur
pdp_blur_ver vertical blur
+pdp_contrast contrast enhancement
+pdp_dither a dither effect
pdp_phase applies an allpass filter to an image
pdp_phase_hor horizontal allpass
pdp_phase_ver vertical allpass
pdp_motion_blur blurs motion
pdp_motion_phase phase shifts motion
+pdp_offset add an offset to an image
pdp_alledge an all edge detector
pdp_conv_emboss emboss
pdp_conv_sobel_hor horizontal sobel edge detector
pdp_conv_sobel_ver vertical sobel edge detector
pdp_conv_sobel_edge sum of squares of hor and ver
pdp_saturation change colour saturation
+pdp_sub subtract 2 images
pdp_invert inverse video
+pdp_gain3 set 3 channel gains independently
+pdp_gradient converts a greyscale to colour using a colour gradient
+pdp_png_to convert a png file (on disk) to a certain packet type
+pdp_tag tag a packet (to use it with route)
+matrix processors
+pdp_m_mv matrix vector multiply
+pdp_m_mm matrix matrix multiply
+pdp_m_+=mm matrix matrix multiply add
+pdp_m_LU compute LU decomposition
+pdp_m_LU_inverse compute matrix inverse from LU decomp
+pdp_m_LU_solve solve a linear system using LU decomp
+matrix abstractions
+pdp_m_inverse compute matrix inverse
+cellular automata
+pdp_ca computes a cellular automaton (as a generator or a filter)
+pdp_ca2image convert a CA packet to a greyscale image (obsolete: use pdp_convert)
+pdp_image2ca convert an image to a CA packet (black and white) (obsolete: use pdp_convert)
+3d drawing objects
+3dp_windowcontext a drawable window
+3dp_draw draw objects (cube, sphere, ...)
+3dp_view viewing transforms (rotate, translate, ...)
+3dp_light light source
+3dp_push push a matrix (modelview, texture, ...)
+3dp_dlist compile a display list
+3dp_snap copies the drawing buffer to a texture packet
+3dp_mode set the current matrix mode
+3dp_toggle set some opengl state variables
+3d drawing abstractions (pdp_opengl)
-cellular automata (separate lib):
+3dp_mouserotate connect to 3dp_windowcontext to rotate the scene
+3dp_blend turn on accumulative blending mode
-pdp_ca computes a cellular automaton (as a generator or a filter)
-pdp_ca2image converts a CA packet to a greyscale image
-pdp_image2ca converts an image to a CA packet (black and white)