/* * Pure Data Packet module. * Copyright (c) 2003 by Tom Schouten <tom@zwizwa.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "pdp.h" #include "pdp_base.h" #include <math.h> struct _pdp_histo; typedef void (*t_histo_proc)(struct _pdp_histo *); /* the cluster struct */ typedef struct _cluster { float N; float cx; float cy; } t_cluster; typedef struct _pdp_histo { t_object x_obj; t_int x_logN; t_symbol *x_array_sym; t_float x_scale; t_int x_debug; t_int x_sample_size; /* pointcloud size */ t_int x_nb_clusters; /* nb of clusters */ t_cluster *x_cluster; /* cluster data (for tracking) */ t_histo_proc x_process_method; /* what to do with the histogram */ t_outlet *x_outlet0; t_outlet *x_outlet1; /* the packet */ int x_packet0; /* packet data */ short int *x_data; int x_width; int x_height; int x_nb_pixels; /* histo data for processor: these are stored on the stack */ int *x_histo; int *x_pixel_offset; } t_pdp_histo; // join 2 clusters. clear the second one static void cluster_join(t_cluster *cA, t_cluster *cB) { float scale = 1.0f / (cA->N + cB->N); cA->cx = (cA->N * cA->cx + cB->N * cB->cx) * scale; cA->cy = (cA->N * cA->cy + cB->N * cB->cy) * scale; cA->N += cB->N; cB->N = 0.0f; } static void cluster_copy(t_cluster *cA, t_cluster *cB) { cA->cx = cB->cx; cA->cy = cB->cy; cA->N = cB->N; } static void cluster_clear(t_cluster *c) { c->N = 0.0f; } static void cluster_new(t_cluster *c, float x, float y) { c->N = 1.0f; c->cx = x; c->cy = y; } static float cluster_dsquared(t_cluster *cA, t_cluster *cB) { float dx = cA->cx - cB->cx; float dy = cA->cy - cB->cy; return dx*dx + dy*dy; } static int round_up_2log(int i) { int l = 0; i--; while (i) { i >>= 1; l++; } //post("log is %d, 2^n is %d", l, 1 << l); l = (l < 16) ? l : 15; return l; } static void compute_clusters(t_pdp_histo *x) { t_cluster c[x->x_sample_size]; int i; float scalex = 1.0f / (float)(x->x_width); float scaley = 1.0f / (float)(x->x_height); int nb_clusters = x->x_sample_size; /* build the cluster data struct */ for (i=0; i<x->x_sample_size; i++) cluster_new(c+i, ((float)(x->x_pixel_offset[i] % x->x_width)) * scalex, ((float)(x->x_pixel_offset[i] / x->x_width)) * scaley); /* the clustering loop */ while (nb_clusters > x->x_nb_clusters){ /* initialize cA, cB, d */ int cA=0; int cB=1; float d = cluster_dsquared(c+0, c+1); int i,j; /* find the closest 2 clusters: scan the distance matrix above the diagonal */ for (i=2; i<nb_clusters; i++){ for (j=0; j<i; j++){ float dij = cluster_dsquared(c+i, c+j); if (dij < d){ cA = j; cB = i; d = dij; } } } /* join the two clusters (cA < cB) */ cluster_join (c+cA, c+cB); /* reduce the distance matrix by moving the last element to the empty spot cB */ nb_clusters--; cluster_copy (c+cB, c+nb_clusters); } /* copy cluster data */ if (!x->x_cluster){ int size = sizeof(t_cluster) * x->x_nb_clusters; x->x_cluster = (t_cluster *)pdp_alloc(size); memcpy(x->x_cluster, c, size); } /* or perform tracking */ else{ int i,j; /* find best matches for the first couple of clusters */ for (i=0; i<x->x_nb_clusters - 1; i++){ int closest = 0; float d_min = cluster_dsquared(x->x_cluster+i, c); /* get closest cluster */ for (j=1; j<nb_clusters; j++){ float dj = cluster_dsquared(x->x_cluster+i, c+j); if (dj < d_min){ closest = j; d_min = dj; } } /* replace reference cluster with closest match */ cluster_copy(x->x_cluster+i, c+closest); /* shrink matrix (like above) */ nb_clusters--; cluster_copy(c+closest, c+nb_clusters); } /* copy the last cluster */ cluster_copy(x->x_cluster + x->x_nb_clusters - 1, c); } /* print the clusters */ post("clusters:"); post("\tN\tcx\tcy"); for (i=0; i<x->x_nb_clusters; i++){ post("\t%d\t%0.2f\t%0.2f", (int)x->x_cluster[i].N, x->x_cluster[i].cx, x->x_cluster[i].cy); } } static void dump_to_array(t_pdp_histo *x) { float *vec; int nbpoints; t_garray *a; int i; int *histo = x->x_histo; int N = 1 << (x->x_logN); float scale = 1.0f / (float)(x->x_nb_pixels); /* dump to array if possible */ if (!x->x_array_sym){ } /* check if array is valid */ else if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(x->x_array_sym, garray_class))){ post("pdp_histo: %s: no such array", x->x_array_sym->s_name); } /* get data */ else if (!garray_getfloatarray(a, &nbpoints, &vec)){ post("pdp_histo: %s: bad template", x->x_array_sym->s_name); } /* scale and dump in array */ else{ N = (nbpoints < N) ? nbpoints : N; for (i=0; i<N; i++) vec[i] = (float)(histo[i]) * scale * x->x_scale; //garray_redraw(a); } } static void get_sampleset(t_pdp_histo *x, int log_tmp_size, int threshold) { int N = 1 << log_tmp_size; int mask = N-1; int index, nbpoints, i; t_atom a[2]; float scalex = 1.0f / (float)(x->x_width); float scaley = 1.0f / (float)(x->x_height); t_symbol *s = gensym("list"); /* store the offsets of the points in a in an oversized array the oversizing is to eliminate a division and to limit the searching for a free location after a random index is generated */ int offset[N]; /* float versions of the coordinates */ float fx[x->x_sample_size]; float fy[x->x_sample_size]; float max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y; /* reset the array */ memset(offset, -1, N * sizeof(int)); /* get the coordinates of the tempsize brightest points and store them in a random location in the hash */ for (i=0; i<x->x_nb_pixels; i++){ if (x->x_data[i] >= threshold){ /* get a random index */ int ri = random(); //int ri = 0; /* find an empty spot to store it */ while (-1 != offset[ri & mask]) ri++; offset[ri & mask] = i; } } /* repack the array to get the requested sample size at the start */ index = 0; nbpoints = 0; while (nbpoints < x->x_sample_size){ while (-1 == offset[index]) index++; // ffwd to next nonepty slot offset[nbpoints++] = offset[index++]; // move slot } /* mark output packet samples */ memset(x->x_data, 0, 2*x->x_nb_pixels); for (i=0; i<x->x_sample_size; i++){ x->x_data[offset[i]] = 0x7fff; } /* send packet to left outlet */ pdp_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &x->x_packet0); /* run the clustering algo */ x->x_pixel_offset = offset; compute_clusters(x); } static void get_brightest(t_pdp_histo *x) { int i; int *histo = x->x_histo; int N = 1 << (x->x_logN); int index, nsamps; /* check requested size */ if (x->x_sample_size > x->x_nb_pixels){ post("WARNING: more samples requested than pixels in image"); x->x_sample_size = x->x_nb_pixels; } /* find limiting index */ index = N; nsamps = 0; while (nsamps < x->x_sample_size){ index--; nsamps += histo[index]; } /* status report */ if (x->x_debug){ post("found %d samples between h[%d] and h[%d]", nsamps, index, N-1); } /* get a representative set from the candidates the tempbuf is the rounded log of the nb of samples + 1 so it is at least 50% sparse */ get_sampleset(x, round_up_2log(nsamps) + 1, index << (15-x->x_logN)); } static void _pdp_histo_perform(t_pdp_histo *x) { short int *pp; int N = 1 << x->x_logN; int nbpixels = x->x_width * x->x_height, i; int histo[N]; /* init */ for (i=0; i<N; i++) histo[i] = 0; /* build histo */ for (i=0; i<nbpixels; i++){ int index = x->x_data[i] >> (15 - x->x_logN); if (index < 0) index = 0; /* negative -> zero */ histo[index]++; } /* save the histo stack location */ x->x_histo = histo; /* print it */ if (x->x_debug){ post("histogram:"); for (i=0; i<N; i++){ fprintf(stderr, "%d\t", histo[i]); if (!(i % 10)) post(""); } post(""); } /* call the processor */ x->x_process_method(x); } // packet is an image/*/* packet or invalid */ static void pdp_histo_perform(t_pdp_histo *x) { t_pdp *header0 = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0); void *data0 = pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet0); if (!header0 || !data0) return; x->x_width = header0->info.image.width; x->x_height = header0->info.image.height; x->x_nb_pixels = x->x_width * x->x_height; x->x_data = data0; _pdp_histo_perform(x); } static void pdp_histo_input_0(t_pdp_histo *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) { int packet = (int)f; /* register */ if (s == gensym("register_ro")){ /* replace if not compatible or we are not interpolating */ pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0); x->x_packet0 = pdp_packet_convert_rw(packet, pdp_gensym("image/grey/*")); } if (s == gensym("process")){ pdp_histo_perform(x); } } static void pdp_histo_samplesize(t_pdp_histo *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i >= x->x_nb_clusters ) x->x_sample_size = i; } static void pdp_histo_clusters(t_pdp_histo *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i>=2 && i<= x->x_sample_size){ x->x_nb_clusters = i; if (x->x_cluster) pdp_dealloc(x->x_cluster); x->x_cluster = 0; } } static void pdp_histo_scale(t_pdp_histo *x, t_floatarg f){x->x_scale = f;} static void pdp_histo_size(t_pdp_histo *x, t_floatarg f) { int i = (int)f; if (i < 1) return; x->x_logN = round_up_2log(i); } static void pdp_histo_array(t_pdp_histo *x, t_symbol *s) { //post("setting symbol %x", s); x->x_array_sym = s; } static void pdp_histo_free(t_pdp_histo *x) { pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0); if (x->x_cluster) pdp_dealloc(x->x_cluster); } t_class *pdp_histo_class; void *pdp_histo_new(t_floatarg f) { t_pdp_histo *x = (t_pdp_histo *)pd_new(pdp_histo_class); if (f == 0.0f) f = 64; pdp_histo_size(x, f); x->x_packet0 = -1; x->x_debug = 0; x->x_sample_size = 16; x->x_nb_clusters = 3; x->x_cluster = 0; return (void *)x; } void *pdp_histo_array_new(t_symbol *s, t_float f, t_float f2) { t_pdp_histo *x = (t_pdp_histo *)pdp_histo_new(f); if (f2 == 0.0f) f2 = 1.0f; pdp_histo_scale(x, f2); pdp_histo_array(x, s); x->x_process_method = dump_to_array; return (void *)x; } void *pdp_histo_sample_new(t_float nbsamples, t_float histosize) { t_pdp_histo *x; if (histosize == 0.0f) histosize = 256.0f; x = (t_pdp_histo *)pdp_histo_new(histosize); if (nbsamples == 0.0f) nbsamples = 16.0f; pdp_histo_samplesize(x, nbsamples); x->x_process_method = get_brightest; x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("anything")); //x->x_outlet1 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("anything")); inlet_new((t_object *)x, (t_pd *)&x->x_obj, gensym("float"), gensym("nbpoints")); return (void *)x; } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void pdp_histo_setup(void) { pdp_histo_class = class_new(gensym("pdp_histo"), (t_newmethod)pdp_histo_array_new, (t_method)pdp_histo_free, sizeof(t_pdp_histo), 0, A_DEFSYMBOL, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addcreator((t_newmethod)pdp_histo_sample_new, gensym("pdp_pointcloud"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_input_0, gensym("pdp"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_size, gensym("size"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_size, gensym("scale"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_array, gensym("array"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_samplesize, gensym("nbpoints"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_histo_class, (t_method)pdp_histo_clusters, gensym("nbclusters"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif