/* * OpenGL Extension Module for pdp - texture packet implementation * Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* this modules implemtents the opengl texture packet it contains only portable opengl code */ #include #include #include #include "pdp_opengl.h" #include "pdp_texture.h" #include "pdp_dpd_command.h" static t_pdp_class *texture_class; static t_pdp_dpd_commandfactory _tex_cf; typedef struct _texture_command { t_pdp_dpd_command base; int p_src; int p_dst; } t_texture_command; /* all symbols are C-style */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* returns a pointer to the packet subheader given the pdp header */ static t_texture *_pdp_tex_info(t_pdp *x) { return (t_texture *)&(x->info.raw); } /* create a pow of 2 texture dimension, ge than 8 */ static int _round_to_pow_2(int n){ int r = 8; while (n > r) r <<= 1; return r; } t_pdp_symbol *_pdp_get_tex_description_from_params(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint format) { char description[1024]; char *c = description; c += sprintf(c, "texture"); switch(format){ case GL_LUMINANCE: c += sprintf(c, "/grey"); break; case GL_RGB: c += sprintf(c, "/rgb"); break; case GL_RGBA: c += sprintf(c, "/rgba"); break; default: c += sprintf(c, "/unknown"); goto exit; } c += sprintf(c, "/%dx%d", width, height); exit: return pdp_gensym(description); } t_pdp_symbol *_pdp_tex_get_description(t_pdp *header) { t_texture *texture = _pdp_tex_info(header); int encoding; if (!header) return pdp_gensym("invalid"); else if (!header->desc){ if (header->type == PDP_TEXTURE){ /* if description is not defined, try to construct it */ return _pdp_get_tex_description_from_params(texture->width, texture->height, texture->format); } else return pdp_gensym("unknown"); } else return header->desc; } static int _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(u32 width, u32 height, s32 format); static void _pdp_packet_gentexture(int packet); static void texture_command_convert_bitmap_to_texture(t_texture_command *c) { t_texture *t = (t_texture *)pdp_packet_subheader(c->p_dst); /* make sure packet contains a texture, since it is created with _pdp_packet_reuse_texture */ _pdp_packet_gentexture(c->p_dst); /* flip source image before uploading */ pdp_packet_bitmap_flip_top_bottom(c->p_src); /* fill texture */ pdp_packet_texture_make_current(c->p_dst); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, t->sub_width, t->sub_height, t->format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (char *)pdp_packet_data(c->p_src)); /* decrease refcount */ pdp_packet_mark_unused(c->p_src); pdp_packet_mark_unused(c->p_dst); //post("conversion done"); pdp_dpd_command_suicide(c); } /* converters to standard pdp types */ int _pdp_packet_texture_convert_image_to_texture(int packet, t_pdp_symbol *dest_template) { int p_temp, p; //post ("converting to bitmap"); p_temp = pdp_packet_convert_rw(packet, pdp_gensym("bitmap/*/*")); if (p_temp == -1) return -1; //post ("converting to texture"); p = pdp_packet_convert_rw(p_temp, pdp_gensym("texture/*/*")); pdp_packet_mark_unused(p_temp); return p; } /* converters to standard pdp types */ int _pdp_packet_texture_convert_bitmap_to_texture(int packet, t_pdp_symbol *dest_template) { t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(packet); void *data = pdp_packet_data (packet); int new_p; u32 w; u32 h; t_texture_command *c; if (!pdp_packet_bitmap_isvalid(packet)) return -1; w = header->info.image.width; h = header->info.image.height; switch (header->info.image.encoding){ case PDP_BITMAP_GREY: /* create greyscale texture */ new_p = _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(w,h, GL_LUMINANCE); break; case PDP_BITMAP_RGB: /* create rgb texture */ new_p = _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(w,h, GL_RGB); break; case PDP_BITMAP_RGBA: /* create greyscale texture */ new_p = _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(w,h, GL_RGBA); break; default: new_p = -1; break; } if (new_p != -1){ /* remark: this is a hack. a texture has to be created when a rendering context is active. this means it has to be created in the correct thread. therefore a dpd command is added to the 3dp queue. this seems to work, but without a dropping mechanism, this can overload the queue. the real solution would be to add a converter object to a 3dp chain, or to accept image or bitmap packets in 3dp objects */ /* dispatch command */ c = (t_texture_command *)pdp_dpd_commandfactory_get_new_command(&_tex_cf); c->p_src = pdp_packet_copy_rw(packet); c->p_dst = pdp_packet_copy_ro(new_p); pdp_procqueue_add(pdp_opengl_get_queue(), c, texture_command_convert_bitmap_to_texture, 0, 0); } return new_p; } int _pdp_packet_texture_convert_texture_to_bitmap(int packet, t_pdp_symbol *dest_template0) { post("_pdp_packet_texture_convert_texture_to_bitmap not implemented."); return -1; } t_texture *pdp_packet_texture_info(int packet) { t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(packet); if (pdp_packet_texture_isvalid(packet)) return _pdp_tex_info(header); else return 0; } /* check if valid texture packet. all other methods assume packet is valid */ int pdp_packet_texture_isvalid(int packet) { t_pdp *header; if (!(header = pdp_packet_header(packet))) return 0; if (PDP_TEXTURE != header->type) return 0; return glIsTexture(_pdp_tex_info(header)->tex_obj); } static void _tex_init_obj(t_texture *t) { //u8 *dummydata; //int i; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t->tex_obj); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, t->format, t->width, t->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0); /* debug dummydata = (u8 *)malloc(t->width*t->height*4); for (i=0; iwidth*t->height*4; i++){dummydata[i] = random(); } glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, t->format, t->width, t->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, dummydata); free(dummydata); */ } static void _pdp_tex_copy(t_pdp *dst, t_pdp *src); static void _pdp_tex_clone(t_pdp *dst, t_pdp *src); static void _pdp_tex_reinit(t_pdp *dst); static void _pdp_tex_cleanup(t_pdp *dst); static void _pdp_tex_init_methods(t_pdp *h) { h->theclass = texture_class; } static void _pdp_tex_reinit(t_pdp *dst) { /* this does nothing. texture is assumed to be in a valid state */ } static void _pdp_tex_clone(t_pdp *dst, t_pdp *src) { t_texture *dst_t = _pdp_tex_info(dst); t_texture *src_t = _pdp_tex_info(src); //post("WARNING: _pdp_tex_clone: should not be called from outside 3d thread"); /* determine if destination texture is valid */ if (glIsTexture(dst_t->tex_obj)){ /* check format */ if ((dst_t->width >= src_t->width) && (dst_t->height >= src_t->height) && (dst_t->format == src_t->format)){ dst_t->sub_width = src_t->sub_width; dst_t->sub_height = src_t->sub_height; return; } } /* not initialized, so we need to create a new one */ else { glGenTextures(1, (GLuint*)&dst_t->tex_obj); } /* setup header */ dst_t->width = src_t->width; dst_t->height = src_t->height; dst_t->format = src_t->format; dst_t->sub_width = src_t->sub_width; dst_t->sub_height = src_t->sub_height; /* setup packet methods */ _pdp_tex_init_methods(dst); /* init description */ dst->desc = _pdp_tex_get_description(dst); } static void _pdp_tex_copy(t_pdp *dst, t_pdp *src) { /* texture copying is inefficient. for the tex extensions there is no analogy for "efficient in-place processing" this means the pdp_packet_register_rw() call should be avoided this inconsistency should be tucked away in a texture base class */ /* todo: use texture combining extensions for this */ post("WARNING: fanout is not yet implemented correctly for texture packets"); /* not implemented yet, just a call to the clone method */ _pdp_tex_clone(dst, src); } static void _pdp_tex_cleanup(t_pdp *dst) { t_texture *t = _pdp_tex_info(dst); glDeleteTextures(1, (GLuint*)&t->tex_obj); t->tex_obj = -1; /* is this value guaranteed to be invalid? */ } /* texture constructors */ /* reuse a texture, or create a "dummy" == packet with everything except a valid texture object */ static int _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(u32 width, u32 height, s32 format) { int p = -1; t_pdp *h; t_texture *t; int p2_w = _round_to_pow_2(width); int p2_h = _round_to_pow_2(height); /* try to reuse a texture packet or get a new one */ p = pdp_packet_reuse(_pdp_get_tex_description_from_params(p2_w, p2_h, format)); if (-1 == p) p = pdp_packet_brandnew(PDP_TEXTURE, 0); if (-1 == p) return -1; h = pdp_packet_header(p); t = _pdp_tex_info(h); /* check if alloc succeded */ if (!h) return -1; /* check if tex is already initialized */ if (pdp_packet_texture_isvalid(p)){ /* check format */ if ((t->width >= width) && (t->height >= height) && (t->format == format)){ //post("pdp_packet_new_tex: reused"); t->sub_width = width; t->sub_height = height; return p; } post("ERROR: pdp_packet_new_texture: pdp_packet_reuse returned wrong type"); } /* determine the texture dims * setup rest of data struct */ t->width = 64; t->height = 64; while (t->width < width) t->width <<= 1; while (t->height < height) t->height <<= 1; t->format = format; t->sub_width = width; t->sub_height = height; _pdp_tex_init_methods(h); /* init the texture */ //_tex_init_obj(t); /* init description */ h->desc = _pdp_tex_get_description(h); return p; } /* don't call this method on a non-texture object! */ static void _pdp_packet_gentexture(int p) { t_texture *t; if (!pdp_packet_texture_isvalid(p)){ /* not initialized, so we need to create a new one */ // post("generating texture"); t = (t_texture *)pdp_packet_subheader(p); /* create the texture object */ glGenTextures(1, (GLuint *)&t->tex_obj); /* init the texture */ _tex_init_obj(t); } } int pdp_packet_new_texture(u32 width, u32 height, s32 format) { t_texture *t; int p = _pdp_packet_texture_old_or_dummy(width, height, format); //post("WARNING: pdp_packet_new_texture: this method should not be called outside the 3dp thread"); if (p == -1) return -1; _pdp_packet_gentexture(p); return p; } /* high level texture packet operators */ /* make a texture the current texture context */ void pdp_packet_texture_make_current(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t->tex_obj); } void pdp_packet_texture_make_current_enable(int packet) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); pdp_packet_texture_make_current(packet); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); } float pdp_packet_texture_fracx(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0.0; return (float)t->sub_width/t->width; } float pdp_packet_texture_fracy(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0.0; return (float)t->sub_height/t->height; } u32 pdp_packet_texture_total_width(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0; return t->width; } u32 pdp_packet_texture_total_height(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0; return t->height; } u32 pdp_packet_texture_sub_width(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0; return t->sub_width; } u32 pdp_packet_texture_sub_height(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0; return t->sub_height; } float pdp_packet_texture_sub_aspect(int packet) { t_texture *t = pdp_packet_texture_info(packet); if (!t) return 0; return (float)t->sub_width/t->sub_height; } /* setup for 2d operation from texture dimensions */ void pdp_packet_texture_setup_2d_context(int p) { u32 w; u32 h; float asp; if (!pdp_packet_texture_isvalid(p)) return; w = pdp_packet_texture_sub_width(p); h = pdp_packet_texture_sub_height(p); asp = pdp_packet_texture_sub_aspect(p); /* set the viewport to the size of the sub texture */ glViewport(0, 0, w, h); /* set orthogonal projection, with a relative frame size of (2asp x 2) */ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0.0, 2*asp, 0, 2); /* set the center of view */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(asp, 1, 0); glScalef(1,-1,1); } void pdp_texture_setup(void) { t_pdp_conversion_program *program; /* setup packet class */ texture_class = pdp_class_new(pdp_gensym("texture/*/*"), 0); texture_class->cleanup = _pdp_tex_cleanup; texture_class->reinit = _pdp_tex_reinit; texture_class->clone = _pdp_tex_clone; texture_class->copy = _pdp_tex_copy; /* init command list */ pdp_dpd_commandfactory_init(&_tex_cf, sizeof(t_texture_command)); /* setup programs */ program = pdp_conversion_program_new(_pdp_packet_texture_convert_bitmap_to_texture, 0); pdp_type_register_conversion(pdp_gensym("bitmap/*/*"), pdp_gensym("texture/*/*"), program); /* this is a hack to use until the type conversion system has a proper search algo */ program = pdp_conversion_program_new(_pdp_packet_texture_convert_image_to_texture, 0); pdp_type_register_conversion(pdp_gensym("image/*/*"), pdp_gensym("texture/*/*"), program); program = pdp_conversion_program_new(_pdp_packet_texture_convert_texture_to_bitmap, 0); pdp_type_register_conversion(pdp_gensym("texture/*/*"), pdp_gensym("bitmap/*/*"), program); } /* all symbols are C-style */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif