SCAF - simple cellular automaton forth scaf is a virtual machine / forth environment for binary arithmic tailored to 2D 1 cell neighbourhood cellular automata. scaf is a compiled language. programs run inside a "feeder" (sort of operating system if you want) the feeder is responsable for loading/storing CA cells from/to memory. data in memory is organized as a scanline encoded toroidial bitplane (lsb = left). to simplify the feeder and the stack machine, the top left corner of the rectangular grid of pixels will shift down every processing step. this enables to keep a cell neighbourhood in a couple of registers. the stack machine has the following architecture: CA stack: (%esi), TOS: %mm0 (32x2 cells. lsb = top left) CA horizon: (%edi) (64x4 cells. (%edi) = top row. lsb = left) scratch register: %mm1, %mm2 bitmask register: %mm3 = 0xffffffffffffffff 4 bit counter: %mm4-%mm7 the stack size / organization is not known to the stack machine. it can be thought of as operating on a 3x3 cell neightbourhood. the only purpose of the forth program is to determine the CA local update rule. the machine is supposed to be very minimal. no looping control. no adressing modes. no conditional code. so recursion is not allowed (no way to stop it) there are 9 words to load the cell neigbourhood on the stack. the rest is just logic and stack manips. the counter can be used for counting neighbourhood cells, like in the game of life. the zero test and sign bit can be used for comparisons. there are kernel words for loading constants into the counter register, and for communication between stack and register. the horizon is limited to 3x3, however it can be easily extended to 32x3. extending it further than that would require a redesign of the forth + feeder. HOW TO CREATE NEW CA RULES edit scaf/modules/carules.scaf or create your own source lib and add the name to the scaf/modules/Makefile. type make in scaf/modules to compile. if you get error messages from the assembler saying things like Error: no such instruction: `xxx' or Error: invalid character '_' in mnemonic this means there are undefined words in your source file. since not all characters are allowed in an asm file, the offending characters are converted to _SOMETHINGELSE_ if you are stuck somewhere, just look at the output of on your .scaf file to determine where the problem is. words that can be accessed from inside pdp_ca have to start with the prefix rule_ and have to leave a single item on the data stack (the return value) other rules can have all the stack effect you want, but for safety reasons they can't be accessed from within pdp_ca. FORTH SYSTEM CODE the forth system is made up of the following files: kernel.scaf: a collection of forth kernel words scafmacro.s: a set of asm macro definitions used in kernel.scaf optim.rules: some substitution rules to eliminate redundant stack manipulations the compiler is run like this: -Isystemdir source.scaf if the -I switch is left out, the current directory is searched for the system files. the compiler produces an assembler source that includes scafmacro.s on standard output. the code it produces is relatively fast. it only uses and/or/xor and shift mmx instructions. it's not optimal use of silicon but it's pretty fast given what's possible. the feeder routine could be improved though. porting to another platform would require a rewrite of scafmacro.s the rest can be reused. if the target machine has 64 bit registers (or if you can emulate this one using more registers) porting is relatively easy. for larger registers a small change needs to be made to the feeder routine in pdp_ca.c