(	Pure Data Packet - ca rules library.					)
(	Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <tom@zwizwa.be>			)
(										) 
(	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify	)
(	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by	)
(	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or	)
(	[at your option] any later version.					)
(										) 
(	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,		)
(	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of		)
(	GNU General Public License for more details.				)
(										)
(	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License	)
(	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software		)
(	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.		)

( this is the standard ca rules library )
( a rule that is accessible from the ouside should start with "rule_" )
( and has to return exactly one item on the stack (this is checked in pdp_ca) )

( a word is a sequence of non whitespace characters (\S+) )
( words are separated by whitespace (\s+)  )
( so "word ;" is not the same as "word;" )

( all words between the "(" word and the ")" word are ignored )

( ":" starts a definition, the next word is the name of the new word )
( newline ends a definition )

( no more than one definition per line )
( no more than one line per definition )

( ";" returns to calling word )
( if no ";" is encountered the next defined word is executed )
( this is to have multiple entry points )
( multiple exit points don't make sense since there are no conditional words )

: +(4) ++++ ; 						( 4 bit add TOS - carry on TOS )
: +(3) +++ ;						( 3 bit add TOS - carry on TOS )
: +(2) ++ ;						( 2 bit add TOS - carry on TOS )

: +top @-+ +(4) drop @0+ +(4) drop @++ +(4) ;		( add top row to reg - carry on TOS ) 
: +mid @-0 +(4) drop @00 +(4) drop @+0 +(4) ;		( add mid row to reg - carry on TOS )
: +bot @-- +(4) drop @0- +(4) drop @+- +(4) ;		( add bot row to reg - carry on TOS )
: +all +top drop +mid drop +bot ;			( add all cells to reg - carry on TOS )

: +mid-1 @-0 +(4) drop @+0 +(4) ;			( add mid row except center element to reg - carry on TOS )
: +all-1 +top drop +mid-1 drop +bot ;			( add all cells expet middle one to reg - carry on TOS )

: countall a-0 +all drop ;				( count all cells - no stack effect )
: countall-1 a-0 +all-1 drop ;				( count all cells except middle one - no stack effect )

: +topbot  @0+ +(3) drop @0- +(3) ;
: +leftright  @+0 +(3) drop @-0 +(3) ;
: +star +topbot drop +leftright ;
: countstar a-0 +star drop ;

: =2or3? @a2 not @a1 and ;	 			( sum equal to 2 or 3? only checks 3 bits )
: =3? =2or3? @a0 and ;					( sum equal to 3 ? )
: =2? =2or3? @a0 not and ;				( sum equal to 2 ? )
: =4? @a2 @a1 not and @a0 not and ;			( sum equal to 4 ? )

( some test rules )

( : rule_one 1 ; )
( : rule_zero 0 ; )
( : rule_id @00 ; )

: rule_shiftleft @+0 ;
: rule_shifttop  @0- ;
: rule_shiftbot  @0+ ;
: rule_shifttopright @-- ;
: rule_strobe @00 not ;

( game of life )

: rule_gameoflife countall-1 =2? @00 and =3? or ;

( wolfram's rule 110)

: rule_w110 @00 @+0 and not @-0 @00 @+0 or or and ;

( some other rules )

: rule_w110mod @0+ @+0 and not @-+ @0+ @++ or or and ;

: rule_w110mod2 @0+ @+0 and not @-+ @0+ @+0 or or and ;
: rule_w110mod3 @0+ @++ and not @-+ @0+ @++ or or and @-0 @00 @+0 or or and ;

: rule_golmod countall-1 =3? @00 and =2? or ;
: rule_golmod2 countall-1 =2? @0+ and =3? or ;
: rule_golmod3 countall-1 =2? @++ and =3? or ;
: rule_golmod4 countall-1 =2? @++ @-- or and =3? or ;
: rule_golmod5 countall-1 =2? @++ @-- or and =3? @+- and or ;
: rule_golmod6 countall-1 =2? @++ @-- or and =3? @+- and or @0+ or ;
: rule_golmod7 countall-1 =2? @++ @-- or and =3? @+- and or @0+ or @00 and ;

( ca's with a short settling time )

: rule_block countstar =4? not =2? and @00 or ;
: rule_noiseedges countstar =4? =3? or not =2? and @00 or @++ xor ;
: rule_noiseplanes countstar =4? =3? or not =2? and @00 or @++ xor @-- xor ;

( : rule_noiseplanes countstar =4? =3? or not =2? and @00 or @++ xor @-- xor ; )

: rule_fire countall-1 =2? @0+ and =3? or ;