/* * Pure Data Packet. common image processing routines. * Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* This file contains common code for (portable) low level image processing objects pdp_imageproc_* methods The rest is int pdp_imageproc_.c There are also highlevel dispatcher methods that operate on packets: pdp_imageproc_dispatch_* methods */ #include #include #include #include "pdp_imageproc.h" #include "pdp_image.h" #include "pdp_mem.h" #include "pdp_packet.h" #define CLAMP16(x) (((x) > 0x7fff) ? 0x7fff : (((x) < -0x7fff) ? -0x7fff : (x))) u32 pdp_imageproc_legalwidth(int i) { if (i>1024) return 1024; if (i>0) return ((((i-1)>>3)+1)<<3); return 8; } u32 pdp_imageproc_legalheight(int i) { if (i>1024) return 1024; if (i>0) return ((((i-1)>>3)+1)<<3); return 8; } u32 pdp_imageproc_legalwidth_round_down(int i) { if (i>1024) return 1024; if (i>8) return ((i>>3)<<3); return 8; } u32 pdp_imageproc_legalheight_round_down(int i) { if (i>1024) return 1024; if (i>8) return ((i>>3)<<3); return 8; } /* check if two packets are allocated and of the same type */ bool pdp_packet_compat(int packet0, int packet1) { t_pdp *header0 = pdp_packet_header(packet0); t_pdp *header1 = pdp_packet_header(packet1); if (!(header1)) return 0; if (!(header0)) return 0; if (header0->type != header1->type) return 0; return 1; } /* some operations */ /* logic operators */ void pdp_imageproc_xor_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image, s16 *image2) { u32 *plane = (u32 *)image; u32 *plane2 = (u32 *)image2; int count = (width * height) >> 1; int i; for (i=0; i> 1; int i; for (i=0; i> 1; int i; for (i=0; i> 1; int i; for (i=0; i> 1; int i; mask = (mask & 0xffff) | (mask << 16); for (i=0; i> 1) + (two >> 1) + ((scale * _rand_s16()) >> 16)); //return (one >> 1) + (two >> 1); } void *pdp_imageproc_plasma_new(void){return pdp_alloc(sizeof(t_plasma));} void pdp_imageproc_plasma_delete(void *x){pdp_dealloc(x);} void pdp_imageproc_plasma_setseed(void *x, float seed) { *((float *)x) = seed; } void pdp_imageproc_plasma_setturbulence(void *x, float f) { ((t_plasma *)x)->scale = CLAMP16(f * ((float)0x7fff)); } static void _plasma_subdiv(u32 w, u32 h, u32 s, s16 *image, int calc_left, int calc_top, s32 scale) { int w0 = ((w-1)>>1); // width of left segments int h0 = ((h-1)>>1); // heigth of top segments int w1 = w - w0; int h1 = h - h0; /* conditions: w0 <= w1, h0 <= h1 */ /* original coordinates */ int topleft = 0; int topright = w-1; int bottomleft = s * (h-1); int bottomright = bottomleft + topright; /* new subdivision coordinates */ int top = w0; int left = s * h0; int bottom = bottomleft + w0; int right = topright + left; int center = left + top; if (w0 && h0){ /* left-right and top-bottom subdivide */ /* calculate corner pixel colours */ if (calc_top) image[top] = _new_color(image[topleft], image[topright], scale); if (calc_left) image[left] = _new_color(image[topleft], image[bottomleft], scale); image[right] = _new_color(image[topright], image[bottomright], scale); image[bottom] = _new_color(image[bottomleft], image[bottomright], scale); image[center] = (_new_color(image[top], image[bottom], scale) >> 1) +(_new_color(image[left], image[right], scale) >> 1); /* subdivide (with overlap) */ _plasma_subdiv(w0+1, h0+1, s, &image[topleft], 1, 1, scale); _plasma_subdiv(w1, h0+1, s, &image[top], 0, 1, scale); _plasma_subdiv(w0+1, h1, s, &image[left], 1, 0, scale); _plasma_subdiv(w1, h1, s, &image[center], 0, 0, scale); } else if(h0) { /* top-bottom subdivide */ //post("h:%d", h); /* calculate corner pixel colours */ if(calc_left) image[left] = _new_color(image[topleft], image[bottomleft], scale); image[right] = _new_color(image[topright], image[bottomright], scale); /* subdivide (without overlap) */ _plasma_subdiv(w, h0+1, s, &image[topleft], 1, 0, scale); _plasma_subdiv(w, h1, s, &image[left], 1, 0, scale); } else if (w0){ /* left-right subdivide */ /* calculate corner pixel colours */ if (calc_top) image[top] = _new_color(image[topleft], image[topright], scale); image[bottom] = _new_color(image[bottomleft], image[bottomright],scale); /* subdivide with overlap */ _plasma_subdiv(w0+1, h, s, &image[topleft], 0, 1, scale); _plasma_subdiv(w1, h, s, &image[top], 0, 1, scale); } } void pdp_imageproc_plasma_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { s32 scale = (((t_plasma *)x)->scale); srandom (((t_plasma *)x)->seed); /* set initial border colours */ image[0] = _rand_s16(); image[width-1] = _rand_s16(); image[width * (height-1)] = _rand_s16(); image[width * height - 1] = _rand_s16(); /* subdivide */ _plasma_subdiv(width, height, width, image, 1, 1, scale); ((t_plasma *)x)->seed = random(); } void pdp_imageproc_zero_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { int bytesize = (width * height) << 1; memset(image, 0, bytesize); } void pdp_imageproc_constant_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { int i; u32 value = (u32)x; u32 *plane = (u32 *)image; int wordsize = (width * height) >> 1; value = (value & 0xffff) | (value << 16); for (i=0; i>= 15; /* shift sign bit into top word */ mask_bot >>= 15; mask_bot = (s32)(((u32)mask_bot) >> 16); /* shift top word into bottom word */ return mask_top |mask_bot; } /* clear the least significant bit of the top word to ensure a decoupled vector add */ static inline void _decouple(s32 *invec) { *invec &= 0xfffeffff; } void pdp_imageproc_abs_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { int i; s32 *wimage = (s32 *)image; int wsize = (width * height) >> 1; for (i=0; i= 0) ? (c) : (~c) */ /* not is used instead of neg to prevent overflow on 0x8000 */ /* this maps both 0 and -1 to 0 */ wimage[i] ^= _sign(wimage[i]); } } void pdp_imageproc_zthresh_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { int i; s32 *wimage = (s32 *)image; int wsize = (width * height) >> 1; for (i=0; i= 0) ? (c) : (0) */ wimage[i] &= ~_sign(wimage[i]); } } /* hard thresholding: x contains a positive unsigned short int */ void pdp_imageproc_hardthresh_process(void *x, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { int i; s32 thresh = (s32)x; s32 sign1, isign2, a; s32 *wimage = (s32 *)image; int wsize = (width * height) >> 1; thresh |= (thresh << 16); for (i=0; i> 1; thresh |= thresh << 16; for (i=0; i> 1; for (i=0; i> 1; for (i=0; i right */ void pdp_imageproc_flip_lr_process(void *dummy, u32 width, u32 height, s16 *image) { u32 y; s16 tmp, *l, *r; for (y=0; ywidth; h = image0->height; d = image0->depth; plane_size = w*h; if (image0->chanmask) chanmask = image0->chanmask; image0->chanmask = 0; switch(image0->encoding){ case PDP_IMAGE_GREY: if (chanmask & 1) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0); break; case PDP_IMAGE_YV12: if (chanmask & 1) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0); idata0 += plane_size; plane_size >>= 2; w >>= 1; h >>= 1; if (chanmask & 2) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0); idata0 += plane_size; if (chanmask & 4) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0); break; case PDP_IMAGE_MCHP: mask = 1; while (d--){ if (chanmask & mask) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0); idata0 += plane_size; mask <<= 1; } break; default: break; } } void pdp_imageproc_dispatch_2buf(void (*process_routine)(void*, u32, u32, s16*, s16 *), void *x, u32 chanmask, int packet0, int packet1) { t_pdp *header0; t_image *image0; s16 *idata0, *idata1; unsigned int w,h,d,plane_size,mask; /* if packets are not compatible images, return without doing anything */ if (!(pdp_packet_image_compat(packet0, packet1))) return; header0 = pdp_packet_header(packet0); image0 = pdp_packet_image_info(packet0); idata0 = pdp_packet_data (packet0); idata1 = pdp_packet_data (packet1); w = image0->width; h = image0->height; d = image0->depth; plane_size = w*h; if (image0->chanmask) chanmask = image0->chanmask; image0->chanmask = 0; switch(image0->encoding){ case PDP_IMAGE_GREY: if (chanmask & 1) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1); break; case PDP_IMAGE_YV12: if (chanmask & 1) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; plane_size >>= 2; w >>= 1; h >>= 1; if (chanmask & 2) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; if (chanmask & 4) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1); break; case PDP_IMAGE_MCHP: mask = 1; while (d--){ if (chanmask & mask) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; mask <<= 1; } break; default: break; } } void pdp_imageproc_dispatch_3buf(void (*process_routine)(void*, u32, u32, s16*, s16 *, s16 *), void *x, u32 chanmask, int packet0, int packet1, int packet2) { t_pdp *header0; t_image *image0; s16 *idata0, *idata1, *idata2; unsigned int w,h,d,plane_size, mask; /* if packets are not compatible images, return without doing anything */ if (!((pdp_packet_image_compat(packet0, packet1)) &&(pdp_packet_image_compat(packet0, packet1)))) return; header0 = pdp_packet_header(packet0); image0 = pdp_packet_image_info(packet0); idata0 = pdp_packet_data (packet0); idata1 = pdp_packet_data (packet1); idata2 = pdp_packet_data (packet2); w = image0->width; h = image0->height; d = image0->depth; plane_size = w*h; if (image0->chanmask) chanmask = image0->chanmask; image0->chanmask = 0; switch(image0->encoding){ case PDP_IMAGE_GREY: if (chanmask & 1)(*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1, idata2); break; case PDP_IMAGE_YV12: if (chanmask & 1)(*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1, idata2); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; idata2 += plane_size; plane_size >>= 2; w >>= 1; h >>= 1; if (chanmask & 2)(*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1, idata2); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; idata2 += plane_size; if (chanmask & 4)(*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1, idata2); break; case PDP_IMAGE_MCHP: mask = 1; while (d--){ if (chanmask & mask) (*process_routine)(x, w, h, idata0, idata1, idata2); idata0 += plane_size; idata1 += plane_size; idata2 += plane_size; mask <<= 1; } break; default: break; } }