/* * Pure Data Packet system file: memory allocation * Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include "pdp_mem.h" #include "pdp_debug.h" // defined here so we don't need to rebuild when changing it (deps for headers are broken) #define PDP_FASTALLOC_BLOCK_ELEMENTS 4096 //#define PDP_FASTALLOC_BLOCK_ELEMENTS 1 #define D if (0) /* malloc wrapper that calls garbage collector */ void *pdp_alloc(int size) { void *ptr = malloc(size); PDP_ASSERT(ptr); D fprintf(stderr, "alloc %p %d\n", ptr, size); return ptr; //TODO: REPAIR THIS //post ("malloc failed in a pdp module: running garbage collector."); //pdp_pool_collect_garbage(); //return malloc(size); } void pdp_dealloc(void *stuff) { D fprintf(stderr, "dealloc %p\n", stuff); free (stuff); } /* fast atom allocation object well, this is not too fast yet, but will be later when it suports linux futexes or atomic operations */ //#include /* private linked list struct */ typedef struct _fastalloc { struct _fastalloc * next; } t_fastalloc; static void _pdp_fastalloc_lock(t_pdp_fastalloc *x){pthread_mutex_lock(&x->mut);} static void _pdp_fastalloc_unlock(t_pdp_fastalloc *x){pthread_mutex_unlock(&x->mut);} static void _pdp_fastalloc_refill_freelist(t_pdp_fastalloc *x) { t_fastalloc *atom; unsigned int i; PDP_ASSERT(x->freelist == 0); /* get a new block there is no means of freeing the data afterwards, this is a fast implementation with the tradeoff of data fragmentation "memory leaks".. */ x->freelist = pdp_alloc(x->block_elements * x->atom_size); /* link all atoms together */ atom = x->freelist; for (i=0; iblock_elements-1; i++){ atom->next = (t_fastalloc *)(((char *)atom) + x->atom_size); atom = atom->next; } atom->next = 0; } #define USE_FASTALLOC 1 #if USE_FASTALLOC void *pdp_fastalloc_new_atom(t_pdp_fastalloc *x) { t_fastalloc *atom; _pdp_fastalloc_lock(x); /* get an atom from the freelist or refill it and try again */ while (!(atom = x->freelist)){ _pdp_fastalloc_refill_freelist(x); } /* delete the element from the freelist */ x->freelist = x->freelist->next; atom->next = 0; _pdp_fastalloc_unlock(x); return (void *)atom; } void pdp_fastalloc_save_atom(t_pdp_fastalloc *x, void *atom) { _pdp_fastalloc_lock(x); ((t_fastalloc *)atom)->next = x->freelist; x->freelist = (t_fastalloc *)atom; _pdp_fastalloc_unlock(x); } t_pdp_fastalloc *pdp_fastalloc_new(unsigned int size) { t_pdp_fastalloc *x = pdp_alloc(sizeof(*x)); if (size < sizeof(t_fastalloc)) size = sizeof(t_fastalloc); x->freelist = 0; x->atom_size = size; x->block_elements = PDP_FASTALLOC_BLOCK_ELEMENTS; pthread_mutex_init(&x->mut, NULL); return x; } #else void *pdp_fastalloc_new_atom(t_pdp_fastalloc *x) {return pdp_alloc(12);} void pdp_fastalloc_save_atom(t_pdp_fastalloc *x, void *atom) {pdp_dealloc(atom);} t_pdp_fastalloc *pdp_fastalloc_new(unsigned int size) {return 0;} #endif