/* * Pure Data Packet system implementation: Packet Manager * Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "pdp_post.h" #include "pdp_packet.h" #include "pdp_mem.h" #include "pdp_list.h" #include "pdp_type.h" #include "pdp_debug.h" #define D if(0) /* packet implementation. contains class and packet (instance) handling some notes on packet operations. copy ro/rw and unregister are relatively straightforward packet creation can be done in 2 ways in this interface: create + reuse however, these methods should only be called by specific factory methods, so the user should only create packets using pdp_factory_newpacket reuse or create is thus the responsability of the factory methods for each packet type (class) implementation */ /* NOTE: the packet pool methods are called within the pool locks. this probably needs to change, because it will cause deadlocks for container packets (fobs) */ /* new implementation: probably just a minor adjustment: add the reuse fifo attached to type desc symbol name need to check and possibly eliminate hacks for non-pure packets pdp_packet_new: LOCK 1. check reuse fifo 2. empty -> create packet+return (search array) 3. element -> check if type is correct, yes->pop+return, no->goto 1. UNLOCK 4. wakeup pdp_packet_mark_unused 1. check refcount. if > 1 dec + exit 2. if 1 put packet to sleep 3. dec refcount 4. add to reuse fifo (no fifo -> create) pdp_packet_delete: analogous to mark_unused pdp_packet_copy_ro/rw: analogous to new */ /* the pool */ #define PDP_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE 64 static int pdp_pool_size; static t_pdp** pdp_pool; /* mutex: protects the pool and reuse lists attached to symbols */ static pthread_mutex_t pdp_pool_mutex; #define LOCK pthread_mutex_lock (&pdp_pool_mutex) #define UNLOCK pthread_mutex_unlock (&pdp_pool_mutex) /* the list of classes */ static t_pdp_list *class_list; /* debug */ void pdp_packet_print_debug(int packet) { t_pdp *h = pdp_packet_header(packet); pdp_post("debug info for packet %d", packet); if (!h){ pdp_post("invalid packet"); } else{ pdp_post ("\ttype: %d", h->type); pdp_post ("\tdesc: %s", h->desc ? h->desc->s_name : "unknown"); pdp_post ("\tsize: %d", h->size); pdp_post ("\tflags: %x", h->flags); pdp_post ("\tusers: %d", h->users); pdp_post ("\tclass: %x", h->theclass); } } /* setup methods */ void pdp_packet_setup(void) { pdp_pool_size = PDP_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE; pdp_pool = (t_pdp **)pdp_alloc(PDP_INITIAL_POOL_SIZE * sizeof(t_pdp *)); bzero(pdp_pool, pdp_pool_size * sizeof(t_pdp *)); class_list = pdp_list_new(0); pthread_mutex_init(&pdp_pool_mutex, NULL); } /* class methods */ t_pdp_class *pdp_class_new(t_pdp_symbol *type, t_pdp_factory_method create){ t_pdp_class *c = (t_pdp_class *)pdp_alloc(sizeof(t_pdp_class)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(t_pdp_class)); c->create = create; c->type = type; // set type pdp_list_add(class_list, a_pointer, (t_pdp_word)((void *)c)); return c; } /* the packet factory */ int pdp_factory_newpacket(t_pdp_symbol *type) { int p; t_pdp_class *c; t_pdp_atom *a = class_list->first; /* try to reuse first THINK: should this be the responsability of the type specific constructors, or should a packet allways be reusable (solution: depends on what the cleanup method returns??) */ p = pdp_packet_reuse(type); if (-1 != p) return p; /* call class constructor */ while(a){ D pdp_post("new: %s", type->s_name); c = (t_pdp_class *)(a->w.w_pointer); if (c->type && pdp_type_description_match(type, c->type)){ //pdp_post("method %x, type %s", c->create, type->s_name); return (c->create) ? (*c->create)(type) : -1; } a = a->next; } return -1; } static void _pdp_pool_expand_nolock(void){ int i; /* double the size */ int new_pool_size = pdp_pool_size << 1; t_pdp **new_pool = (t_pdp **)pdp_alloc(new_pool_size * sizeof(t_pdp *)); bzero(new_pool, new_pool_size * sizeof(t_pdp *)); memcpy(new_pool, pdp_pool, pdp_pool_size * sizeof(t_pdp *)); pdp_dealloc(pdp_pool); pdp_pool = new_pool; pdp_pool_size = new_pool_size; } /* private _pdp_packet methods */ /* packets can only be created and destroyed using these 2 methods */ /* it updates the mem usage and total packet count */ static void _pdp_packet_dealloc_nolock(t_pdp *p) { /* free memory */ pdp_dealloc (p); } static t_pdp* _pdp_packet_alloc_nolock(unsigned int datatype, unsigned int datasize) { unsigned int totalsize = datasize + PDP_HEADER_SIZE; t_pdp *p = (t_pdp *)pdp_alloc(totalsize); if (p){ memset(p, 0, PDP_HEADER_SIZE); //initialize header to 0 p->type = datatype; p->size = totalsize; p->users = 1; } return p; } /* create a new packet and expand pool if necessary */ static int _pdp_packet_create_nolock(unsigned int datatype, unsigned int datasize) { int p = 0; while(1){ for (; p < pdp_pool_size; p++){ if (!pdp_pool[p]){ /* found slot to store packet*/ t_pdp *header = _pdp_packet_alloc_nolock(datatype, datasize); if (!header) return -1; // error allocating packet pdp_pool[p] = header; return p; } } /* no slot found, expand pool */ _pdp_pool_expand_nolock(); } } void pdp_packet_destroy(void) { int i = 0; /* dealloc all the data in object stack */ pdp_post("DEBUG: pdp_packet_destroy: clearing object pool."); while ((i < pdp_pool_size) && (pdp_pool[i])) _pdp_packet_dealloc_nolock(pdp_pool[i++]); } /* public pool operations: have to be thread safe so each entry point locks the mutex */ /* create a new packet. this should only be used by type specific factory methods, and only if the reuse method fails, since it will always create a new packet */ int pdp_packet_create(unsigned int datatype, unsigned int datasize /*without header*/) { int packet; LOCK; packet = _pdp_packet_create_nolock(datatype, datasize); UNLOCK; return packet; } /* return a new packet. it tries to reuse a packet based on 1. matching data size 2. abscence of destructor (which SHOULD mean there are no enclosed references) it obviously can't use the reuse fifo tagged to a symbolic type description ALWAYS USE pdp_packet_reuse BEFORE calling pdp_packet_new if possible use both ONLY IN CONSTRUCTORS !!! use pdp_packet_factory to create packets as a "user" this is a summary of all internal packet creation mechanisms: -> pdp_packet_reuse, which uses symbolic type descriptions, and should work for all packet types it returns an initialized container (meta = correct, data = garbage) -> pdp_packet_new, which only works for non-pure packets, and reuses packets based on data type it returns a pure packet (meta + data = garbage) -> pdp_packet_create, like pdp_packet_new, only it always creates a new packet */ /* NEW DOES NOT USE THE REUSE FIFO !!!! this is a true and genuine mess: the reuse fifo can grow indefinitely with garbage elements if it's never used, while it points to stale packets.. backdoor access = BAD. if i recall, this is mainly a compatibility issue.. */ int pdp_packet_new(unsigned int datatype, unsigned int datasize) { t_pdp *header; int packet; LOCK; for (packet = 0; packet < pdp_pool_size; packet++){ header = pdp_pool[packet]; /* check data size */ if (header && header->users == 0 // must be unused && header->size == datasize + PDP_HEADER_SIZE // must be same size && !(header->theclass && header->theclass->cleanup)){ // must be pure packet (no destructor) /* ok, got one. initialize */ memset(header, 0, PDP_HEADER_SIZE); header->users = 1; header->type = datatype; header->size = datasize + PDP_HEADER_SIZE; UNLOCK; //EXIT1 return packet; } } /* no usable non-pure packet found, create a new one */ UNLOCK; //EXIT2 return pdp_packet_create(datatype, datasize); } /* internal method to add a packet to a packet type description symbol's unused packet fifo */ void _pdp_packet_save_nolock(int packet) { t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(packet); t_pdp_symbol *s; PDP_ASSERT(header); PDP_ASSERT(header->users == 0); PDP_ASSERT(header->desc); s = header->desc; if (!s->s_reusefifo) s->s_reusefifo = pdp_list_new(0); /* big o hack: since pdp_packet_new can reap packets behind our back, we won't add a packet if it's already in here */ if (1) { t_pdp_atom *a = s->s_reusefifo->first; while (a){ if (a->w.w_packet == packet) goto found; a = a->next; } } pdp_list_add(s->s_reusefifo, a_packet, (t_pdp_word)packet); found: if (PDP_DEBUG){ int el = s->s_reusefifo->elements; int maxel = 100; if (el > maxel) pdp_post("WARNING: %s reuse fifo has %d elements.", s->s_name, el); } } /* this will revive a packet matching a certain type description no wildcards are allowed */ int pdp_packet_reuse(t_pdp_symbol *type_description) { int packet = -1; t_pdp *header = 0; t_pdp_list *l = 0; LOCK; if (!type_description || !(l = type_description->s_reusefifo)) goto exit; while(l->elements){ packet = pdp_list_pop(l).w_packet; header = pdp_packet_header(packet); /* check if reuse fifo is consistent (packet unused + correct type) packet could be deleted and replaced with another one, or revived without the index updated (it's a "hint cache") */ if (header->users == 0){ /* check if type matches */ if (pdp_type_description_match(header->desc, type_description)){ header->users++; // revive goto exit; } /* if not, add the packet to the correct reuse fifo */ else{ _pdp_packet_save_nolock(packet); } } /* remove dangling refs */ header = 0; packet = -1; } exit: UNLOCK; if (header && header->theclass && header->theclass->wakeup){ header->theclass->wakeup(header); // revive if necessary } return packet; } /* find all unused packets in pool, marked as used (to protect from other reapers) and return them as a list. non-pure packets are not revived */ /* this returns a copy of a packet for read only access. (increases refcount of the packet -> packet will become readonly if it was writable, i.e. had rc=1 */ int pdp_packet_copy_ro(int handle) { t_pdp* header; if (header = pdp_packet_header(handle)){ PDP_ASSERT(header->users); // consistency check LOCK; header->users++; // increment reference count UNLOCK; } else handle = -1; return handle; } /* clone a packet: create a new packet with the same type as the source packet */ int pdp_packet_clone_rw(int handle) { t_pdp* header; int new_handle = -1; if (header = pdp_packet_header(handle)){ /* consistency checks */ PDP_ASSERT(header->users); PDP_ASSERT(header->desc); /* first try to reuse old packet */ new_handle = pdp_packet_reuse(header->desc); /* if this failed, create a new one using the central packet factory method */ if (-1 == new_handle) new_handle = pdp_factory_newpacket(header->desc); /* if the factory method failed cline it manually */ if (-1 == new_handle) { t_pdp *new_header; //pdp_post("WARNING: pdp_clone_rw: working around non-implemented factory method."); new_handle = pdp_packet_new(header->type, header->size - PDP_HEADER_SIZE); new_header = pdp_packet_header(new_handle); if (new_header){ memcpy(new_header, header, PDP_HEADER_SIZE); } } } return new_handle; } /* return a copy of a packet (clone + copy data) */ int pdp_packet_copy_rw(int handle) { t_pdp *header, *new_header; int new_handle = -1; if (!(header = pdp_packet_header(handle))) return -1; /* check if we are allowed to copy */ if (header->flags & PDP_FLAG_DONOTCOPY) return -1; /* get target packet */ new_handle = pdp_packet_clone_rw(handle); if (-1 == new_handle) return -1; new_header = pdp_packet_header(new_handle); /* if there is a copy method, use that one */ if (header->theclass && header->theclass->copy){ header->theclass->copy(header, new_header); } /* otherwize copy the data verbatim */ else { memcpy(pdp_packet_data(new_handle), pdp_packet_data(handle), pdp_packet_data_size(handle)); } return new_handle; } /* decrement refcount */ void pdp_packet_mark_unused(int handle) { t_pdp *header; if (!(header = pdp_packet_header(handle))) return; PDP_ASSERT(header->users); // consistency check LOCK; /* just decrement refcount */ if (header->users > 1){ header->users--; } /* put packet to sleep if refcount 1->0 */ else { if (header->theclass && header->theclass->sleep){ /* call sleep method (if any) outside of lock while the packet is still alive, so it won't be acclaimed by another thread */ UNLOCK; header->theclass->sleep(header); LOCK; } /* clear refcount & save in fifo for later use */ header->users = 0; if (header->desc) // sleep could have destructed packet.. _pdp_packet_save_nolock(handle); } UNLOCK; } /* delete a packet. rc needs to be == 1 */ void pdp_packet_delete(int handle) { t_pdp *header; header = pdp_packet_header(handle); PDP_ASSERT(header); PDP_ASSERT(header->users == 1); // consistency check LOCK; if (header->theclass && header->theclass->cleanup){ /* call cleanup method (if any) outside of lock while the packet is still alive, so it won't be acclaimed by another thread */ UNLOCK; header->theclass->cleanup(header); LOCK; } /* delete the packet */ pdp_pool[handle] = 0; _pdp_packet_dealloc_nolock(header); UNLOCK; } /* public data access methods */ t_pdp* pdp_packet_header(int handle) { if ((handle >= 0) && (handle < pdp_pool_size)) return pdp_pool[handle]; else return 0; } void* pdp_packet_subheader(int handle) { t_pdp* header = pdp_packet_header(handle); if (!header) return 0; return (void *)(&header->info.raw); } void* pdp_packet_data(int handle) { t_pdp *h; if ((handle >= 0) && (handle < pdp_pool_size)) { h = pdp_pool[handle]; if (!h) return 0; return (char *)(h) + PDP_HEADER_SIZE; } else return 0; } int pdp_packet_data_size(int handle) { t_pdp *h; if ((handle >= 0) && (handle < pdp_pool_size)) { h = pdp_pool[handle]; if (!h) return 0; return h->size - PDP_HEADER_SIZE; } else return 0; } int pdp_packet_writable(int packet) /* returns true if packet is writable */ { t_pdp *h = pdp_packet_header(packet); if (!h) return 0; return (h->users == 1); } void pdp_packet_replace_with_writable(int *packet) /* replaces a packet with a writable copy */ { int new_p; if (!pdp_packet_writable(*packet)){ new_p = pdp_packet_copy_rw(*packet); pdp_packet_mark_unused(*packet); *packet = new_p; } } /* pool stuff */ int pdp_pool_collect_garbage(void) { pdp_post("ERROR: garbage collector not implemented"); return 0; } void pdp_pool_set_max_mem_usage(int max) { pdp_post("ERROR: mem limit not implemented"); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif