1. Download Frei0r specs and plugins, here: http://www.piksel.org/frei0r darcs get http://darcs.gephex.org/frei0r/frei0r--main--1.1 cd to the frei0r-plugins-x.y.z directory compile the plugins:: cd to plugins and type 'scons' install the plugins:: type 'scons install' 2. Download pdp_frei0r-0.1.tar.gz from http://www.artefacte.org/pd/pdp_frei0r-0.1.tar.gz untar the pdp_frei0r-0.1.tar.gz file cd in to the pdp_frei0r-0.1 directory edit the Makefile.config file and change the path to the pd (m_pd.h), pdp (pdp.h) sources and frei0r plugin directory (.so) if needed. type 'make' to load the pdp_frei0r help file type 'pd -nrt -lib pdp:pdp_frei0r help_pdp_frei0r.pd'