a/ first, install : MANDATORY :: ============ ***** PD sources : http://www-crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/software.html ***** PDP and its deps : http://zwizwa.fartit.com/pd/pdp/ ***** imlib2 : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2 ***** Image Magick : http://www.imagemagick.org ----> watchout !! configure with --enable-shared OPTIONALLY :: ============= ***** ffmpeg : http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/cvs ( --enable-ffmpeg ) ----> watchout, it requires the cvs snapshot ! + don't forget to activate mp3 and vorbis support in ffmpeg : ./configure --enable-mp3lame --enable-vorbis OR ***** mpeg4ip : http://mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net/ ( download mpeg4ip v1.0 ) ( --enable-mpeg4ip ) b/ fix PD, PDP and FFMPEG/MPEG4IP paths in configure.ac c/ autoconf d/ ./configure [--enable-ffmpeg] OR [--enable-mpeg4ip] ( not both ) e/ make clean f/ make g/ as root, make install h/ modify your pd start-up script : pidip is a library, it should be loaded with the "-lib /pidip" command line option but, BEWARE, it should be place AFTER the loading of PDP library ( option "-lib /pdp" ) Enjoy!! Thanx for getting here. Yves/ comments and bugs @ ydegoyon@free.fr