dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT PDP_PIDIP_VERSION=0.12.7 PD_DIR=/usr/local/pd PDP_DIR=/usr/local/pd/pdp FFMPEG_SOURCE_DIR=/SOURCES/ffmpeg AC_ISC_POSIX AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_STDC AC_HEADER_STDC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AM_SANITY_CHECK AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AM_WITH_DMALLOC AC_PATH_GENERIC(imlib2, 1.0.0, [ AC_SUBST(IMLIB_LIBS) AC_SUBST(IMLIB_CFLAGS) ], AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find imlib2: Is imlib2-config in the path?) ) dnl the above doesn't work for some reason :/ IMLIB_LIBS=`imlib2-config --libs` IMLIB_CFLAGS=`imlib2-config --cflags` AC_SUBST(IMLIB_LIBS) AC_SUBST(IMLIB_CFLAGS) AC_PATH_GENERIC(aalib, 1.0.0, [ AC_SUBST(AALIB_LIBS) AC_SUBST(AALIB_CFLAGS) ], AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find aalib: Is aalib-config in the path?) ) dnl the above doesn't work for some reason :/ AALIB_LIBS=`aalib-config --libs` AALIB_CFLAGS=`aalib-config --cflags` AC_SUBST(AALIB_LIBS) AC_SUBST(AALIB_CFLAGS) AC_CHECK_LIB(Magick, XWindowByProperty, , AC_MSG_ERROR(screen captures requires ImageMagick library!!), -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib ) AC_CHECK_LIB(bz2, BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires bz2 library!!)) AC_CHECK_LIB(z, deflate, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires compress library!!)) AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires dynamic loader library!!)) AC_CHECK_LIB(mp3lame, InitMP3, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires lame library!!), -lm) AC_CHECK_LIB(ogg, ogg_stream_init, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires ogg library!!), -lm) AC_CHECK_LIB(vorbis, vorbis_analysis_init, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires vorbis library!!), -lm) AC_CHECK_LIB(vorbisenc, vorbis_encode_setup_init, , AC_MSG_ERROR(streaming requires vorbis encoder library!!), -lm) AC_SUBST(PDP_PIDIP_VERSION) MAGICK_LIBS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lMagick `Magick-config --libs` `Magick-config --ldflags`" MAGICK_CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include `Magick-config --cflags` " AC_SUBST(MAGICK_LIBS) AC_SUBST(MAGICK_CFLAGS) echo -n "looking for pd sources (required) ... " if test -f $PD_DIR/src/m_pd.h then AC_SUBST(PD_DIR) echo "ok." else echo "pd source tree not found... install it, fix the path in configure.ac and run autoconf" exit -1 fi echo -n "looking for pdp sources (required) ... " if test -f $PDP_DIR/CHANGES.LOG then AC_SUBST(PDP_DIR) echo "ok." else echo "pdp source tree not found... install it, fix the path in configure.ac and run autoconf" exit -1 fi echo -n "looking for ffmpeg sources (required) ... " if test -f $FFMPEG_SOURCE_DIR/libavformat/avformat.h then AC_SUBST(FFMPEG_SOURCE_DIR) echo "ok." else echo "ffmpeg source tree not found... install it, fix the path in configure.ac and run autoconf" exit -1 fi LIBS="$LIBS -lbz2 -lz -ldl -lmp3lame -logg -lvorbis -lvorbisenc" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile system/Makefile modules/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT