/* * pdp_streaming.h : structure and defines for PDP packet streaming * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Yves Degoyon * */ /* * this is the format of how a packet is transmitted * between pdp_o and pdp_i * it starts with a tag to recognize the beginning * of a packet, then header informations ( width, height, timestamp ) * and, finally, the bz2 compressed data */ #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #define TAG_LENGTH 8 #define PDP_PACKET_START "SPDP" #define PDP_PACKET_TAG PDP_PACKET_START"PAC" #define PDP_PACKET_DIFF PDP_PACKET_START"DIF" #define REGULAR 0 #define HUFFMAN 1 typedef struct _hpacket { char tag[TAG_LENGTH]; int encoding; int width; int height; struct timeval etime; // valid until 2038 int clength; } t_hpacket;