/* * PiDiP module. * Copyright (c) by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* This object is a ieee1394 video input object for OSX, using QuickTime * Some code is inspired by pix_video from Gem * Written by Yves Degoyon */ #include "pdp_config.h" #include "pdp.h" #include "pdp_llconv.h" #include "pdp_imageproc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 320 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 240 typedef struct pdp_ieee1394_struct { t_object x_obj; t_float x_f; t_outlet *x_outlet0; bool x_initialized; bool x_auto_open; t_int x_packet; t_pdp* x_header; short int *x_data; unsigned char *x_sdata; // static data to hold the grabbed images unsigned int x_width; unsigned int x_height; unsigned int x_size; int x_channel; pthread_t x_thread_id; int x_continue_thread; unsigned int x_framerate; int x_frame_ready; t_int x_quality; SeqGrabComponent x_sg; SGChannel x_vc; short x_pixelDepth; Rect x_srcRect; GWorldPtr x_srcGWorld; PixMapHandle x_pixMap; Ptr x_baseAddr; long x_rowBytes; } t_pdp_ieee1394; static void pdp_ieee1394_close(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { void *dummy; /* terminate thread if there is one */ if(x->x_continue_thread) { x->x_continue_thread = 0; // pthread_join (x->x_thread_id, &dummy); } // free sequence grabber // if (x->x_vc) // { // if (SGDisposeChannel(x->x_sg, x->x_vc)) // { // post("pdp_ieee1394: unable to dispose video channel"); // } // x->x_vc = NULL; // post("pdp_ieee1394: disposed video channel"); // } // if (x->x_sg) // { // if (CloseComponent(x->x_sg)) // { // post("pdp_ieee1394: unable to free sequence grabber."); // } // x->x_sg = NULL; // post("pdp_ieee1394: freed sequence grabber."); // } // if (x->x_srcGWorld) // { // DisposeGWorld(x->x_srcGWorld); // post("pdp_ieee1394: disposed world."); // x->x_srcGWorld = NULL; // } } static void pdp_ieee1394_capture_frame(t_pdp_ieee1394* x) { OSErr err; err = SGIdle(x->x_sg); if (err != noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: SGIdle failed."); x->x_frame_ready = 0; } else { x->x_frame_ready = 1; } } static void *pdp_ieee1394_thread(void *voidx) { t_pdp_ieee1394 *x = ((t_pdp_ieee1394 *)voidx); /* capture with a double buffering scheme */ while (true) { if (x->x_continue_thread) { /* schedule capture command for next frame */ pdp_ieee1394_capture_frame(x); } else { sleep(1); } } x->x_thread_id = 0; return 0; } static void pdp_ieee1394_reset(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { OSErr anErr; if ( !x->x_initialized ) { post("pdp_ieee1394: trying to reset but the sequence grabber is not initialized"); return; } post("pdp_ieee1394: resetting...."); switch (x->x_quality) { case 0: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayNormal); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : normal quality"); break; case 1: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayHighQuality); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : high quality"); break; case 2: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayFast); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : fast quality"); break; case 3: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayAllData); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : play all data"); break; } post("pdp_ieee1394: done."); } static void pdp_ieee1394_quality(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x, t_floatarg fquality) { if ( ( (t_int)fquality < 0 ) || ( (t_int)fquality > 3 ) ) { post("pdp_ieee1394: wrong quality %d", (t_int)fquality ); return; } else { x->x_quality = (t_int)fquality; } } static void pdp_ieee1394_free(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { pdp_ieee1394_close(x); } static t_int pdp_ieee1394_init_grabber(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { OSErr anErr; x->x_srcRect.top = 0; x->x_srcRect.left = 0; x->x_srcRect.bottom = x->x_height; x->x_srcRect.right = x->x_width; x->x_sg = OpenDefaultComponent(SeqGrabComponentType, 0); if(x->x_sg==NULL) { post("pdp_ieee1394: could not open default component"); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: opened default component"); } anErr = SGInitialize(x->x_sg); if(anErr!=noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: could not initialize sequence grabber"); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: initialized sequence grabber"); } anErr = SGSetDataRef(x->x_sg, 0, 0, seqGrabDontMakeMovie); if (anErr != noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: couldn't set data ref"); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: set data ref ok."); } anErr = SGNewChannel(x->x_sg, VideoMediaType, &x->x_vc); if(anErr!=noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: could not create new sequence grabber channnel"); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: created new sequence grabber channnel."); } anErr = SGSetChannelBounds(x->x_vc, &x->x_srcRect); if(anErr!=noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: could not set sequence grabber ChannelBounds "); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber ChannelBounds"); } anErr = SGSetChannelUsage(x->x_vc, seqGrabPreview); if(anErr!=noErr) { post("pdp_ieee1394: could not set sequence grabber ChannelUsage "); return -1; } else { post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber ChannelUsage"); } switch (x->x_quality) { case 0: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayNormal); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : normal quality"); break; case 1: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayHighQuality); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : high quality"); break; case 2: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayFast); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : fast quality"); break; case 3: anErr = SGSetChannelPlayFlags(x->x_vc, channelPlayAllData); post("pdp_ieee1394: set sequence grabber to : play all data"); break; } anErr = QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&x->x_srcGWorld, k422YpCbCr8CodecType, &x->x_srcRect, NULL, NULL, 0, x->x_sdata, x->x_width*2); if (anErr!= noErr) { post ("pdp_ieee1394: QTNewGWorldFromPtr returned %d", anErr); return -1; } if (NULL == x->x_srcGWorld) { post ("pdp_ieee1394: could not allocate off screen"); return -1; } SGSetGWorld(x->x_sg,(CGrafPtr)x->x_srcGWorld, NULL); SGStartPreview(x->x_sg); return 0; } static void pdp_ieee1394_open(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { x->x_initialized = true; x->x_continue_thread = 1; /* create thread */ if ( x->x_thread_id == 0 ) { if ( pdp_ieee1394_init_grabber( x ) != 0 ) { post("pdp_ieee1394: grabber initialization failed"); return; } x->x_frame_ready = 0; pthread_create(&x->x_thread_id, 0, pdp_ieee1394_thread, x); } } static void pdp_ieee1394_bang(t_pdp_ieee1394 *x) { unsigned char *pQ; short int *pY, *pU, *pV; t_int px, py; if (!(x->x_continue_thread)) { post("pdp_ieee1394: not initialized."); if (x->x_auto_open) { post("pdp_ieee1394: attempting auto open"); pdp_ieee1394_open(x); if (!(x->x_initialized)) { post("pdp_ieee1394: auto open failed"); return; } } else return; } /* do nothing if there is no frame ready */ if (!x->x_frame_ready) return; x->x_packet = pdp_packet_new_image_YCrCb(x->x_width, x->x_height); x->x_header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet); if (!x->x_header) { post("pdp_ieee1394: FATAL: can't allocate packet"); return; } x->x_data = (short int *) pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet); memset( x->x_data, 0x0, (x->x_size+(x->x_size>>1))<<1 ); pQ = x->x_sdata; pY = x->x_data; pV = x->x_data+x->x_size; pU = x->x_data+x->x_size+(x->x_size>>2); for ( py=0; py<(t_int)x->x_height; py++ ) { for ( px=0; px<(t_int)x->x_width; px++ ) { *(pY+py*x->x_width+px) = (*(pQ+1+2*(py*x->x_width+px)))<<7; if ( px%2 == 0 ) { *(pU+((py>>1)*(x->x_width>>1)+(px>>1))) = (*(pQ+2*(py*x->x_width+px))-128)<<8; } if ( px%2 == 1 ) { *(pV+((py>>1)*(x->x_width>>1)+(px>>1))) = (*(pQ+2*(py*x->x_width+px))-128)<<8; } } } pdp_packet_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &x->x_packet); x->x_frame_ready = 0; } t_class *pdp_ieee1394_class; void *pdp_ieee1394_new(t_floatarg fwidth, t_floatarg fheight) { t_pdp_ieee1394 *x = (t_pdp_ieee1394 *)pd_new(pdp_ieee1394_class); x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything); x->x_initialized = false; x->x_auto_open = true; x->x_continue_thread = 0; if (fwidth > 0.) { x->x_width = (int)fwidth; } else { x->x_width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } if (fheight > 0.) { x->x_height = (int)fheight; } else { x->x_height = DEFAULT_WIDTH; } x->x_size = x->x_width*x->x_height; x->x_sdata = (unsigned char*) getbytes( (x->x_size+(x->x_size>>1))<<1 ); if ( !x->x_sdata ) { post ("pdp_ieee1394: FATAL : couldn't allocate static data."); return NULL; } x->x_quality = 1; x->x_thread_id = 0; return (void *)x; } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void pdp_ieee1394_setup(void) { pdp_ieee1394_class = class_new(gensym("pdp_ieee1394"), (t_newmethod)pdp_ieee1394_new, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_free, sizeof(t_pdp_ieee1394), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_ieee1394_class, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_bang, gensym("bang"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_ieee1394_class, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_close, gensym("close"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_ieee1394_class, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_open, gensym("open"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_ieee1394_class, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_reset, gensym("reset"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_ieee1394_class, (t_method)pdp_ieee1394_quality, gensym("quality"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif