/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is MPEG4IP. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc. * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Bill May wmay@cisco.com * * Adapted to PD/PDP by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr) */ /* * audio.cpp provides an interface (CPDPAudioSync) between the codec and * the SDL audio APIs. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "pdp_mp4playersession.h" #include "pdp_mp4audiosync.h" #include "player_util.h" #include "our_config_file.h" #include "m_pd.h" static void pdp_audio_callback (void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { CPDPAudioSync *a = (CPDPAudioSync *)userdata; // post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : audio callback" ); a->audio_callback(stream, len); } CPDPAudioSync::CPDPAudioSync (CPlayerSession *psptr, t_pdp_mp4player *pdp_father) : CAudioSync(psptr) { m_config_set = 0; m_audio_initialized = 1; m_audio_paused = 0; m_resync_required = 0; m_dont_fill = 0; m_play_time = 0 ; m_buffer_latency = 0; m_first_time = 1; m_convert_buffer = NULL; m_father = pdp_father; post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : created audio sync" ); } CPDPAudioSync::~CPDPAudioSync (void) { if (m_sample_buffer[0] != NULL) { free(m_sample_buffer[0]); } m_sample_buffer[0] = NULL; CHECK_AND_FREE(m_convert_buffer); } void CPDPAudioSync::set_config (int freq, int channels, int format, uint32_t sample_size) { if (m_config_set != 0) return; if (format == AUDIO_U8 || format == AUDIO_S8) m_bytes_per_sample = 1; else m_bytes_per_sample = 2; if (sample_size == 0) { int temp; temp = freq; while ((temp & 0x1) == 0) temp >>= 1; sample_size = temp; while (sample_size < 1024) sample_size *= 2; while (((sample_size * 1000) % freq) != 0) sample_size *= 2; } m_buffer_size = channels * sample_size * m_bytes_per_sample; m_buffer_filled[0] = 0; m_sample_buffer[0] = (uint8_t *)malloc(2 * m_buffer_size); m_freq = freq; m_channels = channels; m_format = format; if (m_format == AUDIO_U8) { m_silence = 0x80; } else { m_silence = 0x00; } m_config_set = 1; m_msec_per_frame = (sample_size * 1000) / m_freq; post("pdp_mp4audiosync : buffer size %d msec per frame %d", m_buffer_size, m_msec_per_frame); }; uint8_t *CPDPAudioSync::get_audio_buffer (void) { int ret; int locked = 0; if (m_dont_fill == 1) { return (NULL); } ret = m_buffer_filled[0]; if (ret == 1) { post("pdp_mp4audiosync : no buffer"); return (NULL); } // post("pdp_mp4audiosync : get_audio_buffer : return %x", m_sample_buffer[0]); return (m_sample_buffer[0]); } void CPDPAudioSync::load_audio_buffer (uint8_t *from, uint32_t bytes, uint64_t ts, int resync) { uint8_t *to; uint32_t copied; copied = 0; post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : load audio buffer : length=%d", bytes ); to = get_audio_buffer(); if (to == NULL) { return; } int copy; uint32_t left; bytes = MIN(m_buffer_size, bytes); memcpy(to, from, bytes); return; } void CPDPAudioSync::filled_audio_buffer (uint64_t ts, int resync) { // post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : filled audio buffer" ); // if (resync) m_psptr->wake_sync_thread(); if ( m_father->x_audio ) { // copy the buffer filled by the codec towards pdp if ( (m_father->x_audioin_position*sizeof(short)+m_buffer_size) < (4*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE*sizeof(short)) ) { memcpy( m_father->x_audio_in+m_father->x_audioin_position, m_sample_buffer[0], m_buffer_size ); m_father->x_audioin_position+=(m_buffer_size/sizeof(short)); // post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : filled_audio_buffer : copied %d PCM samples : audio in : %d : resync : %d", // m_buffer_size/sizeof(short), m_father->x_audioin_position, resync ); if ( ( m_father->x_audioin_position > DEFAULT_CHANNELS*m_father->x_blocksize ) && (!m_father->x_audioon) ) { m_father->x_audioon = 1; // post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : audio on" ); } } else { post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : filled_audio_buffer : skipped buffer : (in : %d)", m_father->x_audioin_position ); } } return; } void CPDPAudioSync::set_eof(void) { uint8_t *to; to = get_audio_buffer(); CAudioSync::set_eof(); } int CPDPAudioSync::initialize_audio (int have_audio) { m_audio_initialized = 1; return (1); } int CPDPAudioSync::is_audio_ready (uint64_t &disptime) { return (1); } uint64_t CPDPAudioSync::check_audio_sync (uint64_t current_time, int &have_eof) { return (0); } void CPDPAudioSync::audio_callback (Uint8 *stream, int ilen) { int freed_buffer = 0; uint32_t bufferBytes = (uint32_t)ilen; uint64_t this_time; int delay = 0; int playtime; post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : audio callback" ); } void CPDPAudioSync::play_audio (void) { m_first_time = 1; m_audio_paused = 0; m_play_sample_index = 0; } void CPDPAudioSync::flush_sync_buffers (void) { post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : flush sync buffer" ); clear_eof(); } void CPDPAudioSync::flush_decode_buffers (void) { post( "pdp_mp4audiosync : flush decode buffer" ); m_buffer_filled[0] = 0; } void CPDPAudioSync::set_volume (int volume) { m_volume = (volume * SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME)/100; } void CPDPAudioSync::audio_convert_data (void *from, uint32_t samples) { if (m_obtained.format == AUDIO_U8 || m_obtained.format == AUDIO_S8) { // bytewise - easy int8_t *src, *dst; src = (int8_t *) from; dst = (int8_t *) m_convert_buffer; if (m_channels == 2) { // we got 1, wanted 2 for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < samples; ix++) { int16_t sum = *src++; sum += *src++; sum /= 2; if (sum < -128) sum = -128; else if (sum > 128) sum = 128; *dst++ = sum & 0xff; } } else { // we got 2, wanted 1 for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < samples; ix++) { *dst++ = *src; *dst++ = *src++; } } } else { int16_t *src, *dst; src = (int16_t *) from; dst = (int16_t *) m_convert_buffer; samples /= 2; if (m_channels == 1) { // 1 channel to 2 for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < samples; ix++) { *dst++ = *src; *dst++ = *src; src++; } } else { // 2 channels to 1 for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < samples; ix++) { int32_t sum = *src++; sum += *src++; sum /= 2; if (sum < -32768) sum = -32768; else if (sum > 32767) sum = 32767; *dst++ = sum & 0xffff; } } } } static void pdp_audio_config (void *ifptr, int freq, int chans, int format, uint32_t max_buffer_size) { ((CPDPAudioSync *)ifptr)->set_config(freq, chans, format, max_buffer_size); } static uint8_t *pdp_get_audio_buffer (void *ifptr) { return ((CPDPAudioSync *)ifptr)->get_audio_buffer(); } static void pdp_filled_audio_buffer (void *ifptr, uint64_t ts, int resync_req) { ((CPDPAudioSync *)ifptr)->filled_audio_buffer(ts, resync_req); } static void pdp_load_audio_buffer (void *ifptr, uint8_t *from, uint32_t bytes, uint64_t ts, int resync) { ((CPDPAudioSync *)ifptr)->load_audio_buffer(from, bytes, ts, resync); } audio_vft_t audio_vft = { message, pdp_audio_config, pdp_get_audio_buffer, pdp_filled_audio_buffer, pdp_load_audio_buffer }; audio_vft_t *get_audio_vft (void) { return &audio_vft; } CPDPAudioSync *pdp_create_audio_sync (CPlayerSession *psptr, t_pdp_mp4player *pdp_father) { return new CPDPAudioSync(psptr, pdp_father); } int do_we_have_audio (void) { return 1; }