/* * PiDiP module. * Copyright (c) by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr ) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* This object is a mpeg4ip streaming object towards a Darwin or Quicktime streaming server * A lot of this object code is inspired by the code from mpeg4ip * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Dave Mackie, Bill May & others * The rest is written by Yves Degoyon ( ydegoyon@free.fr ) */ #include "pdp.h" #include #include #include /* mpeg4ip includes taken from the source tree ( not exported ) */ #include #define DECLARE_CONFIG_VARIABLES #include "config_set.h" #undef CONFIG_BOOL #define CONFIG_BOOL(var, name, defval) \ { &(var), (name), CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL, (defval), (defval) } #undef CONFIG_FLOAT #define CONFIG_FLOAT(var, name, defval) \ { &(var), (name), CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT,(float) (defval), (float) (defval) } #undef CONFIG_INT #define CONFIG_INT(var, name, defval) \ { &(var), (name), CONFIG_TYPE_INTEGER,(config_integer_t) (defval), (config_integer_t)(defval) } #undef CONFIG_STRING #define CONFIG_STRING(var, name, defval) \ { &(var), (name), CONFIG_TYPE_STRING, (defval), (defval) } #include "pdp_mp4config.h" #undef DECLARE_CONFIG_VARIABLES #ifndef debug_message #define debug_message post #endif #include "rtp_transmitter.h" #include "pdp_mp4videosource.h" #include "pdp_mp4audiosource.h" #define VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024) #define MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE (128 * 1024) #define AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE (2*1024) /* using aac encoding */ static char *pdp_mp4live_version = "pdp_mp4live~: version 0.1, an mpeg4ip video streaming object ( ydegoyon@free.fr )"; typedef struct pdp_mp4live_struct { t_object x_obj; t_float x_f; t_int x_packet0; t_int x_dropped; t_int x_queue_id; t_int x_vwidth; t_int x_vheight; t_int x_vsize; t_outlet *x_outlet_streaming; // indicates the status of streaming t_outlet *x_outlet_nbframes; // number of frames emitted t_outlet *x_outlet_framerate; // current frame rate t_int x_streaming; // streaming flag t_int x_nbframes; // number of frames emitted t_int x_framerate; // framerate t_int x_cursec; // current second t_int x_secondcount; // number of frames emitted in the current second /* audio structures */ short x_audio_buf[2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE]; /* buffer for incoming audio */ short x_audio_enc_buf[2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE]; /* buffer for audio to be encoded */ uint8_t x_audio_out[4*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE]; /* buffer for encoded audio */ t_int x_audioin_position; // writing position for incoming audio t_int x_audio_per_frame; // number of audio samples to transmit for each frame /* mpeg4ip data */ CLiveConfig *x_mp4Config; CRtpTransmitter *x_rtpTransmitter; CPDPVideoSource *x_videosource; CPDPAudioSource *x_audiosource; } t_pdp_mp4live; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static void pdp_mp4live_add_sink(t_pdp_mp4live *x, CMediaSink* pSink) { if (x->x_videosource) { x->x_videosource->AddSink(pSink); } if (x->x_audiosource) { x->x_audiosource->AddSink(pSink); } } static void pdp_mp4live_remove_sink(t_pdp_mp4live *x, CMediaSink* pSink) { if (x->x_videosource) { x->x_videosource->RemoveSink(pSink); } if (x->x_audiosource) { x->x_audiosource->RemoveSink(pSink); } } static void pdp_mp4live_disconnect(t_pdp_mp4live *x) { t_int ret, i; if (!x->x_streaming) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : disconnect request but not connected ... ignored" ); return; } if (x->x_audiosource) { x->x_audiosource->DoStop(); delete x->x_audiosource; x->x_audiosource = NULL; } if (x->x_videosource) { x->x_videosource->DoStop(); delete x->x_videosource; x->x_videosource = NULL; } if (x->x_rtpTransmitter) { pdp_mp4live_remove_sink(x, x->x_rtpTransmitter); x->x_rtpTransmitter->StopThread(); delete x->x_rtpTransmitter; x->x_rtpTransmitter = NULL; } x->x_streaming = 0; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_streaming, x->x_streaming ); x->x_nbframes = 0; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_nbframes, x->x_nbframes ); x->x_framerate = 0; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_framerate, x->x_framerate ); } static void pdp_mp4live_connect(t_pdp_mp4live *x ) { t_int ret, i; if (x->x_streaming) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : connect request but already connected ... ignored" ); return; } post("pdp_mp4live~ : creating video source"); if ( x->x_videosource == NULL ) { x->x_videosource = new CPDPVideoSource(); x->x_videosource->SetConfig(x->x_mp4Config); } post("pdp_mp4live~ : creating audio source"); if ( x->x_audiosource == NULL ) { x->x_audiosource = new CPDPAudioSource(x->x_mp4Config); } post("pdp_mp4live~ : creating rtp transmitter"); x->x_rtpTransmitter = new CRtpTransmitter(x->x_mp4Config); x->x_rtpTransmitter->StartThread(); post("pdp_mp4live~ : creating audio destination"); x->x_rtpTransmitter->CreateAudioRtpDestination(0, x->x_mp4Config->GetStringValue(CONFIG_RTP_AUDIO_DEST_ADDRESS), x->x_mp4Config->GetIntegerValue(CONFIG_RTP_AUDIO_DEST_PORT), 0); post("pdp_mp4live~ : creating video destination"); x->x_rtpTransmitter->CreateVideoRtpDestination(0, x->x_mp4Config->GetStringValue(CONFIG_RTP_DEST_ADDRESS), x->x_mp4Config->GetIntegerValue(CONFIG_RTP_VIDEO_DEST_PORT), 0); post("pdp_mp4live~ : starting rtp"); if ( x->x_rtpTransmitter ) { pdp_mp4live_add_sink(x, x->x_rtpTransmitter); x->x_rtpTransmitter->Start(); } if (x->x_videosource) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : starting video source"); x->x_videosource->DoStart(); post("pdp_mp4live~ : generating key frame"); x->x_videosource->GenerateKeyFrame(); } if (x->x_audiosource) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : starting audio source"); x->x_audiosource->DoStart(); } x->x_streaming = 1; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_streaming, x->x_streaming ); x->x_nbframes = 0; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_nbframes, x->x_nbframes ); x->x_framerate = 0; outlet_float( x->x_outlet_framerate, x->x_framerate ); } static void pdp_mp4live_ipaddr(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_symbol *sIpAddr ) { t_int a, b, c, d; if ( !strcmp( sIpAddr->s_name, "" ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong ip address" ); return; } if ( sscanf( sIpAddr->s_name, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d ) < 4 ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong ip address : %s", sIpAddr->s_name ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting ip address: %s", sIpAddr->s_name ); x->x_mp4Config->SetStringValue( CONFIG_RTP_DEST_ADDRESS, sIpAddr->s_name ); x->x_mp4Config->SetStringValue( CONFIG_RTP_AUDIO_DEST_ADDRESS, sIpAddr->s_name ); } static void pdp_mp4live_aport(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fAudioPort ) { if ( ( (t_int) fAudioPort <= 0 ) || ( (t_int) fAudioPort > 65535 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong audio port : %d", fAudioPort ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting audio port: %d", (t_int) fAudioPort ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_RTP_AUDIO_DEST_PORT, (t_int) fAudioPort ); } static void pdp_mp4live_vport(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fVideoPort ) { if ( ( (t_int) fVideoPort <= 0 ) || ( (t_int) fVideoPort > 65535 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong video port : %d", fVideoPort ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting video port: %d", (t_int) fVideoPort ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_RTP_VIDEO_DEST_PORT, (t_int) fVideoPort ); } static void pdp_mp4live_ttl(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fTtl ) { if ( ( (t_int) fTtl <= 0 ) || ( (t_int) fTtl > 255 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong ttl : %d", fTtl ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting ttl : %d", (t_int) fTtl ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_RTP_MCAST_TTL, (t_int) fTtl ); } static void pdp_mp4live_vwidth(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fWidth ) { if ( ( (t_int) fWidth <= 0 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong width : %d", fWidth ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting width : %d", (t_int) fWidth ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_VIDEO_RAW_WIDTH, (t_int) fWidth ); } static void pdp_mp4live_vheight(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fHeight ) { if ( ( (t_int) fHeight <= 0 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong height : %d", fHeight ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting height : %d", (t_int) fHeight ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_VIDEO_RAW_HEIGHT, (t_int) fHeight ); } static void pdp_mp4live_framerate(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fFrameRate ) { if ( ( (t_int) fFrameRate <= 0 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong framerate : %d", fFrameRate ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting framerate : %d", (t_int) fFrameRate ); x->x_mp4Config->SetFloatValue( CONFIG_VIDEO_FRAME_RATE, (t_float) fFrameRate ); } static void pdp_mp4live_vbitrate(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fVBitrate ) { if ( ( (t_int) fVBitrate <= 0 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong video bit rate : %d", fVBitrate ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting video bit rate : %d", (t_int) fVBitrate ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_VIDEO_BIT_RATE, (t_int) fVBitrate ); } static void pdp_mp4live_samplerate(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fSampleRate ) { if ( ( (t_int) fSampleRate != 44100 ) && ( (t_int) fSampleRate != 22050 ) && ( (t_int) fSampleRate != 11025 ) && ( (t_int) fSampleRate != 8000 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong samplerate : %d", fSampleRate ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting samplerate : %d", (t_int) fSampleRate ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, (t_int) fSampleRate ); } static void pdp_mp4live_abitrate(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_floatarg fABitrate ) { if ( ( (t_int) fABitrate <= 0 ) ) { post("pdp_mp4live~ : wrong audio bit rate : %d", fABitrate ); return; } post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting audio bit rate : %d", (t_int) fABitrate ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_AUDIO_BIT_RATE_KBPS, (t_int) fABitrate ); x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_AUDIO_BIT_RATE, ((t_int) fABitrate)*1000 ); } static void pdp_mp4live_sdp(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_symbol *sSdpFile ) { t_int ret; post( "pdp_mp4live~ : setting sdp filename : %s", (char *) sSdpFile->s_name ); x->x_mp4Config->SetStringValue( CONFIG_SDP_FILE_NAME, (char *) sSdpFile->s_name ); post( "pdp_mp4live~ : writing sdp file : %s", (char *) sSdpFile->s_name ); if ( ( ret = GenerateSdpFile( x->x_mp4Config ) ) ) { post( "pdp_mp4live~ : written sdp file : %s", (char *) sSdpFile->s_name ); } else { post( "pdp_mp4live~ : could not write sdp file : %s", (char *) sSdpFile->s_name ); } } static void pdp_mp4live_process_yv12(t_pdp_mp4live *x) { t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0); u_int8_t *data = (uint8_t *)pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet0); u_int8_t *pY, *pU, *pV; struct timeval etime; /* allocate all ressources */ if ( ((int)header->info.image.width != x->x_vwidth) || ((int)header->info.image.height != x->x_vheight) ) { x->x_vwidth = header->info.image.width; x->x_vheight = header->info.image.height; x->x_vsize = x->x_vwidth*x->x_vheight; } if ( x->x_streaming ) { pY = data; pU = data+x->x_vsize; pV = data+x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2); x->x_videosource->ProcessVideo( pY, pV, pU ); /* update frames counter */ if ( gettimeofday(&etime, NULL) == -1) { post("pdp_ffmpeg~ : could not read time" ); } if ( etime.tv_sec != x->x_cursec ) { x->x_cursec = etime.tv_sec; x->x_framerate = x->x_secondcount; x->x_secondcount = 0; } x->x_nbframes++; x->x_secondcount++; /* send an audio frame */ if ( x->x_audioin_position > x->x_audio_per_frame ) { x->x_audiosource->ProcessAudio( (u_int8_t*)x->x_audio_buf, (u_int32_t)x->x_audio_per_frame*sizeof(short) ); /* output resampled raw samples */ memcpy( x->x_audio_buf, x->x_audio_buf+x->x_audio_per_frame, x->x_audioin_position-x->x_audio_per_frame ); x->x_audioin_position-=x->x_audio_per_frame; } } return; } static void pdp_mp4live_killpacket(t_pdp_mp4live *x) { /* delete source packet */ pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0); x->x_packet0 = -1; } /* store audio data in PCM format and stream it */ static t_int *pdp_mp4live_perform(t_int *w) { t_float *in1 = (t_float *)(w[1]); // left audio inlet t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[2]); // right audio inlet t_pdp_mp4live *x = (t_pdp_mp4live *)(w[3]); int n = (int)(w[4]); // number of samples t_float fsample; t_int isample, i; // just fills the buffer ( a pcm buffer ) while (n--) { fsample=*(in1++); if (fsample > 1.0) { fsample = 1.0; } if (fsample < -1.0) { fsample = -1.0; } isample=(short) (32767.0 * fsample); *(x->x_audio_buf+x->x_audioin_position)=isample; x->x_audioin_position=(x->x_audioin_position+1)%(2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE); if ( x->x_audioin_position == 2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE-1 ) { // post( "pdp_mp4live~ : reaching end of audio buffer" ); } fsample=*(in2++); if (fsample > 1.0) { fsample = 1.0; } if (fsample < -1.0) { fsample = -1.0; } isample=(short) (32767.0 * fsample); *(x->x_audio_buf+x->x_audioin_position)=isample; x->x_audioin_position=(x->x_audioin_position+1)%(2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE); if ( x->x_audioin_position == 2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE-1 ) { // post( "pdp_mp4live~ : reaching end of audio buffer" ); } } return (w+5); } static void pdp_mp4live_dsp(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_signal **sp) { dsp_add(pdp_mp4live_perform, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n); } static void pdp_mp4live_process(t_pdp_mp4live *x) { int encoding; t_pdp *header = 0; /* check if image data packets are compatible */ if ( (header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0)) && (PDP_BITMAP == header->type)){ /* pdp_mp4live_process inputs and write into active inlet */ switch(pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0)->info.image.encoding) { case PDP_BITMAP_YV12: pdp_queue_add(x, (void*) pdp_mp4live_process_yv12, (void*) pdp_mp4live_killpacket, &x->x_queue_id); outlet_float( x->x_outlet_nbframes, x->x_nbframes ); outlet_float( x->x_outlet_framerate, x->x_framerate ); break; default: /* don't know the type, so dont pdp_mp4live_process */ post( "pdp_mp4live~ : hey!! i don't know about that type of image : %d", pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0)->info.image.encoding ); break; } } } static void pdp_mp4live_input_0(t_pdp_mp4live *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) { /* if this is a register_ro message or register_rw message, register with packet factory */ if (s== gensym("register_rw")) { x->x_dropped = pdp_packet_convert_ro_or_drop(&x->x_packet0, (int)f, pdp_gensym("bitmap/yv12/*") ); } if ((s == gensym("process")) && (-1 != x->x_packet0) && (!x->x_dropped)) { /* add the process method and callback to the process queue */ pdp_mp4live_process(x); } } static void pdp_mp4live_free(t_pdp_mp4live *x) { int i; pdp_queue_finish(x->x_queue_id); pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0); } t_class *pdp_mp4live_class; void *pdp_mp4live_new(void) { int i; t_pdp_mp4live *x = (t_pdp_mp4live *)pd_new(pdp_mp4live_class); inlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym ("signal"), gensym ("signal")); x->x_outlet_streaming = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_outlet_nbframes = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_outlet_framerate = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_packet0 = -1; x->x_queue_id = -1; x->x_nbframes = 0; x->x_framerate = 0; x->x_secondcount = 0; x->x_audioin_position = 0; x->x_mp4Config = new CLiveConfig(PdpConfigVariables, sizeof(PdpConfigVariables) / sizeof(SConfigVariable), "none"); if ( x->x_mp4Config == NULL ) { post( "pdp_mp4live~ : couldn't allocate default config" ); return NULL; } x->x_mp4Config->InitializeIndexes(); x->x_mp4Config->Update(); // update sample rate with the actual sample rate x->x_mp4Config->SetIntegerValue( CONFIG_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, (t_int) sys_getsr() ); x->x_videosource = NULL; x->x_audiosource = NULL; x->x_audio_per_frame = AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE; return (void *)x; } void pdp_mp4live_tilde_setup(void) { // post( pdp_mp4live_version ); pdp_mp4live_class = class_new(gensym("pdp_mp4live~"), (t_newmethod)pdp_mp4live_new, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_free, sizeof(t_pdp_mp4live), 0, A_NULL); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(pdp_mp4live_class, t_pdp_mp4live, x_f ); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_input_0, gensym("pdp"), A_SYMBOL, A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_dsp, gensym("dsp"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_connect, gensym("connect"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_ipaddr, gensym("ipaddr"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_aport, gensym("audioport"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_vport, gensym("videoport"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_ttl, gensym("ttl"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_vwidth, gensym("vwidth"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_vheight, gensym("vheight"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_framerate, gensym("framerate"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_vbitrate, gensym("vbitrate"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_samplerate, gensym("samplerate"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_abitrate, gensym("abitrate"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_disconnect, gensym("disconnect"), A_NULL); class_addmethod(pdp_mp4live_class, (t_method)pdp_mp4live_sdp, gensym("sdp"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL); class_sethelpsymbol( pdp_mp4live_class, gensym("pdp_mp4live~.pd") ); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif