/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is MPEG4IP. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc. * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Bill May wmay@cisco.com * * Adapted to PD/PDP by Yves Degoyon (ydegoyon@free.fr) */ /* * player_media.cpp - handle generic information about a stream */ #include "mpeg4ip.h" #include "pdp_mp4playersession.h" #include "pdp_mp4playermedia.h" #include "pdp_mp4videosync.h" #include "pdp_mp4audiosync.h" #include "player_sdp.h" #include "player_util.h" #include <rtp/memory.h> #include "pdp_mp4rtpbytestream.h" #include "our_config_file.h" #include "media_utils.h" #include "ip_port.h" #include "codec_plugin.h" #include "audio.h" #include <time.h> #include <rtp/memory.h> #include "our_config_file.h" #include "rtp_plugin.h" #include "media_utils.h" #include "rfc3119_bytestream.h" #include "mpeg3_rtp_bytestream.h" #include "codec/mp3/mp3_rtp_bytestream.h" #include "rtp_bytestream_plugin.h" #include "codec_plugin_private.h" static int pdp_recv_thread (void *data) { CPlayerMedia *media; media = (CPlayerMedia *)data; return (media->recv_thread()); } static int pdp_decode_thread (void *data) { CPlayerMedia *media; media = (CPlayerMedia *)data; return (media->decode_thread()); } static void pdp_rtp_packet_callback (void *data, unsigned char interleaved, struct rtp_packet *pak, int len) { ((CPlayerMedia *)data)->rtp_receive_packet(interleaved, pak, len); } static int pdp_init_rtp_tcp (void *data) { ((CPlayerMedia *)data)->rtp_init_tcp(); return 0; } static int pdp_rtp_start (void *data) { ((CPlayerMedia *)data)->rtp_start(); return 0; } static int pdp_rtp_periodic (void *data) { ((CPlayerMedia *)data)->rtp_periodic(); return 0; } static void pdp_recv_callback (struct rtp *session, rtp_event *e) { CPlayerMedia *m = (CPlayerMedia *)rtp_get_userdata(session); m->recv_callback(session, e); } static int pdp_rtcp_send_packet (void *ud, uint8_t *buffer, int buflen) { return ((CPlayerMedia *)ud)->rtcp_send_packet(buffer, buflen); } CPlayerMedia::CPlayerMedia (CPlayerSession *p) { m_plugin = NULL; m_plugin_data = NULL; m_next = NULL; m_parent = p; m_media_info = NULL; m_media_fmt = NULL; m_our_port = 0; m_ports = NULL; m_server_port = 0; m_source_addr = NULL; m_recv_thread = NULL; m_rtptime_tickpersec = 0; m_rtsp_base_seq_received = 0; m_rtsp_base_ts_received = 0; m_head = NULL; m_rtp_queue_len = 0; m_rtp_ssrc_set = FALSE; m_rtsp_session = NULL; m_decode_thread_waiting = 0; m_sync_time_set = FALSE; m_decode_thread = NULL; m_decode_thread_sem = NULL; m_video_sync = NULL; m_audio_sync = NULL; m_paused = 0; m_byte_stream = NULL; m_rtp_byte_stream = NULL; m_video_info = NULL; m_audio_info = NULL; m_user_data = NULL; m_rtcp_received = 0; m_streaming = 0; m_stream_ondemand = 0; m_rtp_use_rtsp = 0; } CPlayerMedia::~CPlayerMedia() { rtsp_decode_t *rtsp_decode; media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "closing down media %d", m_is_video); if (m_rtsp_session) { // If control is aggregate, m_rtsp_session will be freed by // CPDPPlayerSession if (m_parent->session_control_is_aggregate() == 0) { rtsp_send_teardown(m_rtsp_session, NULL, &rtsp_decode); free_decode_response(rtsp_decode); } m_rtsp_session = NULL; } if (m_recv_thread) { m_rtp_msg_queue.send_message(MSG_STOP_THREAD); SDL_WaitThread(m_recv_thread, NULL); m_recv_thread = NULL; } if (m_decode_thread) { m_decode_msg_queue.send_message(MSG_STOP_THREAD, NULL, 0, m_decode_thread_sem); SDL_WaitThread(m_decode_thread, NULL); m_decode_thread = NULL; } if (m_source_addr != NULL) free(m_source_addr); m_next = NULL; m_parent = NULL; if (m_ports) { delete m_ports; m_ports = NULL; } if (m_rtp_byte_stream) { double diff; diff = difftime(time(NULL), m_start_time); media_message(LOG_INFO, "Media %s", m_media_info->media); media_message(LOG_INFO, "Time: %g seconds", diff); #if 0 double div; player_debug_message("Packets received: %u", m_rtp_packet_received); player_debug_message("Payload received: "LLU" bytes", m_rtp_data_received); div = m_rtp_packet_received / diff; player_debug_message("Packets per sec : %g", div); div = UINT64_TO_DOUBLE(m_rtp_data_received); div *= 8.0; div /= diff; media_message(LOG_INFO, "Bits per sec : %g", div); #endif } if (m_byte_stream) { delete m_byte_stream; m_byte_stream = NULL; m_rtp_byte_stream = NULL; } if (m_video_info) { free(m_video_info); m_video_info = NULL; } if (m_audio_info) { free(m_audio_info); m_audio_info = NULL; } if (m_user_data) { free((void *)m_user_data); m_user_data = NULL; } if (m_decode_thread_sem) { SDL_DestroySemaphore(m_decode_thread_sem); m_decode_thread_sem = NULL; } } void CPlayerMedia::clear_rtp_packets (void) { if (m_head != NULL) { m_tail->rtp_next = NULL; while (m_head != NULL) { rtp_packet *p; p = m_head; m_head = m_head->rtp_next; p->rtp_next = p->rtp_prev = NULL; xfree(p); } } m_tail = NULL; m_rtp_queue_len = 0; } int CPlayerMedia::create_common (int is_video, char *errmsg, uint32_t errlen) { m_parent->add_media(this); m_is_video = is_video; m_decode_thread_sem = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0); m_decode_thread = SDL_CreateThread(pdp_decode_thread, this); if (m_decode_thread_sem == NULL || m_decode_thread == NULL) { const char *outmedia; if (m_media_info == NULL) { outmedia = m_is_video ? "video" : "audio"; } else outmedia = m_media_info->media; if (errmsg != NULL) snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Couldn't start media thread for %s", outmedia); media_message(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create decode thread for media %s", outmedia); return (-1); } return 0; } /* * CPlayerMedia::create - create when we've already got a * bytestream */ int CPlayerMedia::create (COurInByteStream *b, int is_video, char *errmsg, uint32_t errlen, int streaming) { m_byte_stream = b; m_streaming = streaming; return create_common(is_video, errmsg, errlen); } /* * CPlayerMedia::create_streaming - create a streaming media session, * including setting up rtsp session, rtp and rtp bytestream */ int CPlayerMedia::create_streaming (media_desc_t *sdp_media, char *errmsg, uint32_t errlen, int ondemand, int use_rtsp, int media_number_in_session) { char buffer[80]; rtsp_command_t cmd; rtsp_decode_t *decode; m_streaming = 1; if (sdp_media == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Internal media error - sdp is NULL"); return(-1); } if (strncasecmp(sdp_media->proto, "RTP", strlen("RTP")) != 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Media %s doesn't use RTP", sdp_media->media); media_message(LOG_ERR, "%s doesn't use RTP", sdp_media->media); return (-1); } if (sdp_media->fmt == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Media %s doesn't have any usuable formats", sdp_media->media); media_message(LOG_ERR, "%s doesn't have any formats", sdp_media->media); return (-1); } m_media_info = sdp_media; m_stream_ondemand = ondemand; if (ondemand != 0) { /* * Get 2 consecutive IP ports. If we don't have this, don't even * bother */ if (use_rtsp == 0) { m_ports = new C2ConsecIpPort(m_parent->get_unused_ip_port_ptr()); if (m_ports == NULL || !m_ports->valid()) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Could not find any valid IP ports"); media_message(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't get valid IP ports"); return (-1); } m_our_port = m_ports->first_port(); /* * Send RTSP setup message - first create the transport string for that * message */ create_rtsp_transport_from_sdp(m_parent->get_sdp_info(), m_media_info, m_our_port, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } else { m_rtp_use_rtsp = 1; m_rtp_media_number_in_session = media_number_in_session; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=%d-%d", media_number_in_session * 2, (media_number_in_session * 2) + 1); } memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(rtsp_command_t)); cmd.transport = buffer; int err = rtsp_send_setup(m_parent->get_rtsp_client(), m_media_info->control_string, &cmd, &m_rtsp_session, &decode, m_parent->session_control_is_aggregate()); if (err != 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Couldn't set up session %s", m_media_info->control_string); media_message(LOG_ERR, "Can't create session %s - error code %d", m_media_info->media, err); if (decode != NULL) free_decode_response(decode); return (-1); } cmd.transport = NULL; media_message(LOG_INFO, "Transport returned is %s", decode->transport); /* * process the transport they sent. They need to send port numbers, * addresses, rtptime information, that sort of thing */ if (m_source_addr == NULL) { m_source_addr = rtsp_get_server_ip_address_string(m_rtsp_session); media_message(LOG_INFO, "setting default source address from rtsp %s", m_source_addr); } if (process_rtsp_transport(decode->transport) != 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Couldn't process transport information in RTSP response: %s", decode->transport); free_decode_response(decode); return(-1); } free_decode_response(decode); } else { m_server_port = m_our_port = m_media_info->port; } connect_desc_t *cptr; cptr = get_connect_desc_from_media(m_media_info); if (cptr == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Server did not return address"); return (-1); } // // okay - here we want to check that the server port is set up, and // go ahead and init rtp, and the associated task // m_start_time = time(NULL); if (create_common(strcmp(sdp_media->media, "video") == 0, errmsg, errlen) < 0) { return -1; } if (ondemand == 0 || use_rtsp == 0) { m_rtp_inited = 0; m_recv_thread = SDL_CreateThread(pdp_recv_thread, this); if (m_recv_thread == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Couldn't create media %s RTP recv thread", m_media_info->media); media_message(LOG_ERR, errmsg); return (-1); } while (m_rtp_inited == 0) { SDL_Delay(10); } if (m_rtp_session == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Could not start RTP - check debug log"); media_message(LOG_ERR, errmsg); return (-1); } } else { int ret; ret = rtsp_thread_set_rtp_callback(m_parent->get_rtsp_client(), pdp_rtp_packet_callback, pdp_rtp_periodic, m_rtp_media_number_in_session, this); if (ret < 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Can't setup TCP/RTP callback"); return -1; } ret = rtsp_thread_perform_callback(m_parent->get_rtsp_client(), pdp_init_rtp_tcp, this); if (ret < 0) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Can't init RTP in RTSP thread"); return -1; } } if (m_rtp_session == NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "Couldn't create RTP session for media %s", m_media_info->media); media_message(LOG_ERR, errmsg); return (-1); } return (0); } int CPlayerMedia::create_video_plugin (const codec_plugin_t *p, const char *compressor, int type, int profile, format_list_t *sdp_media, video_info_t *video, const uint8_t *user_data, uint32_t userdata_size) { if (m_video_sync == NULL) { m_video_sync = m_parent->set_up_video_sync(); } if (m_video_sync == NULL) return -1; m_plugin = p; m_video_info = video; m_plugin_data = (p->vc_create)(compressor, type, profile, sdp_media, video, user_data, userdata_size, get_video_vft(), m_video_sync); if (m_plugin_data == NULL) return -1; if (user_data != NULL) set_user_data(user_data, userdata_size); return 0; } void CPlayerMedia::set_plugin_data (const codec_plugin_t *p, codec_data_t *d, video_vft_t *v, audio_vft_t *a) { m_plugin = p; m_plugin_data = d; if (is_video()) { if (m_video_sync == NULL) { m_video_sync = m_parent->set_up_video_sync(); } d->ifptr = m_video_sync; d->v.video_vft = v; } else { if (m_audio_sync == NULL) { m_audio_sync = m_parent->set_up_audio_sync(); } d->ifptr = m_audio_sync; d->v.audio_vft = a; } } int CPlayerMedia::get_plugin_status (char *buffer, uint32_t buflen) { if (m_plugin == NULL) return -1; if (m_plugin->c_print_status == NULL) return -1; return ((m_plugin->c_print_status)(m_plugin_data, buffer, buflen)); } int CPlayerMedia::create_audio_plugin (const codec_plugin_t *p, const char *compressor, int type, int profile, format_list_t *sdp_media, audio_info_t *audio, const uint8_t *user_data, uint32_t userdata_size) { if (m_audio_sync == NULL) { m_audio_sync = m_parent->set_up_audio_sync(); } if (m_audio_sync == NULL) return -1; m_audio_info = audio; m_plugin = p; m_plugin_data = (p->ac_create)(compressor, type, profile, sdp_media, audio, user_data, userdata_size, get_audio_vft(), m_audio_sync); if (m_plugin_data == NULL) return -1; if (user_data != NULL) set_user_data(user_data, userdata_size); return 0; } /* * CPlayerMedia::do_play - get play command */ int CPlayerMedia::do_play (double start_time_offset, char *errmsg, uint32_t errlen) { if (m_streaming != 0) { if (m_stream_ondemand != 0) { /* * We're streaming - send the RTSP play command */ if (m_parent->session_control_is_aggregate() == 0) { char buffer[80]; rtsp_command_t cmd; rtsp_decode_t *decode; range_desc_t *range; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(rtsp_command_t)); // only do range if we're not paused range = get_range_from_media(m_media_info); if (range != NULL) { if (start_time_offset < range->range_start || start_time_offset > range->range_end) start_time_offset = range->range_start; // need to check for smpte sprintf(buffer, "npt=%g-%g", start_time_offset, range->range_end); cmd.range = buffer; } if (rtsp_send_play(m_rtsp_session, &cmd, &decode) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "RTSP play command failed"); if (errmsg != NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "RTSP Play Error %s-%s", decode->retcode, decode->retresp != NULL ? decode->retresp : ""); } free_decode_response(decode); return (-1); } /* * process the return information */ int ret = pdp_process_rtsp_rtpinfo(decode->rtp_info, m_parent, this); if (ret < 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "rtsp rtpinfo failed"); free_decode_response(decode); if (errmsg != NULL) { snprintf(errmsg, errlen, "RTSP aggregate RtpInfo response failure"); } return (-1); } free_decode_response(decode); } if (m_source_addr == NULL) { // get the ip address of the server from the rtsp stack m_source_addr = rtsp_get_server_ip_address_string(m_rtsp_session); media_message(LOG_INFO, "Setting source address from rtsp - %s", m_source_addr); } // ASDF - probably need to do some stuff here for no rtpinfo... /* * set the various play times, and send a message to the recv task * that it needs to start */ m_play_start_time = start_time_offset; } if (m_byte_stream != NULL) { m_byte_stream->play((uint64_t)(start_time_offset * 1000.0)); } m_paused = 0; if (m_rtp_use_rtsp) { rtsp_thread_perform_callback(m_parent->get_rtsp_client(), pdp_rtp_start, this); } } else { /* * File (or other) playback. */ if (m_paused == 0 || start_time_offset == 0.0) { m_byte_stream->reset(); } m_byte_stream->play((uint64_t)(start_time_offset * 1000.0)); m_play_start_time = start_time_offset; m_paused = 0; start_decoding(); } return (0); } /* * CPlayerMedia::do_pause - stop what we're doing */ int CPlayerMedia::do_pause (void) { if (m_streaming != 0) { if (m_stream_ondemand != 0) { /* * streaming - send RTSP pause */ if (m_parent->session_control_is_aggregate() == 0) { rtsp_command_t cmd; rtsp_decode_t *decode; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(rtsp_command_t)); if (rtsp_send_pause(m_rtsp_session, &cmd, &decode) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "RTSP play command failed"); free_decode_response(decode); return (-1); } free_decode_response(decode); } } if (m_recv_thread != NULL) { m_rtp_msg_queue.send_message(MSG_PAUSE_SESSION); } } if (m_byte_stream != NULL) m_byte_stream->pause(); /* * Pause the various threads */ m_decode_msg_queue.send_message(MSG_PAUSE_SESSION, NULL, 0, m_decode_thread_sem); m_paused = 1; return (0); } double CPlayerMedia::get_max_playtime (void) { if (m_byte_stream) { return (m_byte_stream->get_max_playtime()); } return (0.0); } /*************************************************************************** * Transport and RTP-Info RTSP header line parsing. ***************************************************************************/ #define ADV_SPACE(a) {while (isspace(*(a)) && (*(a) != '\0'))(a)++;} #define TTYPE(a,b) {a, sizeof(a), b} static char *transport_parse_unicast (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport == '\0') return (transport); if (*transport != ';') return (NULL); transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); return (transport); } static char *transport_parse_multicast (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { media_message(LOG_ERR,"Received multicast indication during SETUP"); return (NULL); } static char *convert_number (char *transport, uint32_t &value) { value = 0; while (isdigit(*transport)) { value *= 10; value += *transport - '0'; transport++; } return (transport); } static char *convert_hex (char *transport, uint32_t &value) { value = 0; while (isxdigit(*transport)) { value *= 16; if (isdigit(*transport)) value += *transport - '0'; else value += tolower(*transport) - 'a' + 10; transport++; } return (transport); } static char *transport_parse_client_port (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { uint32_t port; uint16_t our_port, our_port_max; if (*transport++ != '=') { return (NULL); } ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_number(transport, port); ADV_SPACE(transport); our_port = m->get_our_port(); our_port_max = our_port + 1; if (port != our_port) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Returned client port %u doesn't match sent %u", port, our_port); return (NULL); } if (*transport == ';') { transport++; return (transport); } if (*transport == '\0') { return (transport); } if (*transport != '-') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_number(transport, port); if ((port < our_port) || (port > our_port_max)) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Illegal client to port %u, range %u to %u", port, our_port, our_port_max); return (NULL); } ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport == ';') { transport++; } return(transport); } static char *transport_parse_server_port (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { uint32_t fromport, toport; if (*transport++ != '=') { return (NULL); } ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_number(transport, fromport); ADV_SPACE(transport); m->set_server_port((uint16_t)fromport); if (*transport == ';') { transport++; return (transport); } if (*transport == '\0') { return (transport); } if (*transport != '-') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_number(transport, toport); if (toport < fromport || toport > fromport + 1) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Illegal server to port %u, from is %u", toport, fromport); return (NULL); } ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport == ';') { transport++; } return(transport); } static char *transport_parse_source (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { char *ptr, *newone; uint32_t addrlen; if (*transport != '=') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); ptr = transport; while (*transport != ';' && *transport != '\0') transport++; addrlen = transport - ptr; if (addrlen == 0) { return (NULL); } newone = (char *)malloc(addrlen + 1); if (newone == NULL) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Can't alloc memory for transport source"); return (NULL); } strncpy(newone, ptr, addrlen); newone[addrlen] = '\0'; m->set_source_addr(newone); if (*transport == ';') transport++; return (transport); } static char *transport_parse_ssrc (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { uint32_t ssrc; if (*transport != '=') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_hex(transport, ssrc); ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport != '\0') { if (*transport != ';') { return (NULL); } transport++; } m->set_rtp_ssrc(ssrc); return (transport); } static char *transport_parse_interleave (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m) { uint32_t chan, chan2; if (*transport != '=') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_number(transport, chan); chan2 = m->get_rtp_media_number() * 2; if (chan != chan2) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Transport interleave not what was requested %d %d", chan, chan2); return NULL; } ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport != '\0') { if (*transport != '-') { return (NULL); } transport++; transport = convert_number(transport, chan2); if (chan + 1 != chan2) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Error in transport interleaved field"); return (NULL); } if (*transport == '\0') return (transport); } if (*transport != ';') return (NULL); transport++; return (transport); } static char *rtpinfo_parse_ssrc (char *transport, CPlayerMedia *m, int &end) { uint32_t ssrc; if (*transport != '=') { return (NULL); } transport++; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = convert_hex(transport, ssrc); ADV_SPACE(transport); if (*transport != '\0') { if (*transport == ',') { end = 1; } else if (*transport != ';') { return (NULL); } transport++; } m->set_rtp_ssrc(ssrc); return (transport); } static char *rtpinfo_parse_seq (char *rtpinfo, CPlayerMedia *m, int &endofurl) { uint32_t seq; if (*rtpinfo != '=') { return (NULL); } rtpinfo++; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); rtpinfo = convert_number(rtpinfo, seq); ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); if (*rtpinfo != '\0') { if (*rtpinfo == ',') { endofurl = 1; } else if (*rtpinfo != ';') { return (NULL); } rtpinfo++; } m->set_rtp_base_seq(seq); return (rtpinfo); } static char *rtpinfo_parse_rtptime (char *rtpinfo, CPlayerMedia *m, int &endofurl) { uint32_t rtptime; int neg = 0; if (*rtpinfo != '=') { return (NULL); } rtpinfo++; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); if (*rtpinfo == '-') { neg = 1; rtpinfo++; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); } rtpinfo = convert_number(rtpinfo, rtptime); ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); if (*rtpinfo != '\0') { if (*rtpinfo == ',') { endofurl = 1; } else if (*rtpinfo != ';') { return (NULL); } rtpinfo++; } if (neg != 0) { player_error_message("Warning - negative time returned in rtpinfo"); rtptime = 0 - rtptime; } m->set_rtp_base_ts(rtptime); return (rtpinfo); } struct { const char *name; uint32_t namelen; char *(*routine)(char *transport, CPlayerMedia *); } transport_types[] = { TTYPE("unicast", transport_parse_unicast), TTYPE("multicast", transport_parse_multicast), TTYPE("client_port", transport_parse_client_port), TTYPE("server_port", transport_parse_server_port), TTYPE("source", transport_parse_source), TTYPE("ssrc", transport_parse_ssrc), TTYPE("interleaved", transport_parse_interleave), {NULL, 0, NULL}, }; int CPlayerMedia::process_rtsp_transport (char *transport) { uint32_t protolen; int ix; if (transport == NULL) return (-1); protolen = strlen(m_media_info->proto); if (strncasecmp(transport, m_media_info->proto, protolen) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "transport %s doesn't match %s", transport, m_media_info->proto); return (-1); } transport += protolen; if (*transport == '/') { transport++; if (m_rtp_use_rtsp) { if (strncasecmp(transport, "TCP", strlen("TCP")) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Transport is not TCP"); return (-1); } transport += strlen("TCP"); } else { if (strncasecmp(transport, "UDP", strlen("UDP")) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Transport is not UDP"); return (-1); } transport += strlen("UDP"); } } if (*transport != ';') { return (-1); } transport++; do { ADV_SPACE(transport); for (ix = 0; transport_types[ix].name != NULL; ix++) { if (strncasecmp(transport, transport_types[ix].name, transport_types[ix].namelen - 1) == 0) { transport += transport_types[ix].namelen - 1; ADV_SPACE(transport); transport = (transport_types[ix].routine)(transport, this); break; } } if (transport_types[ix].name == NULL) { media_message(LOG_INFO, "Illegal mime type in transport - skipping %s", transport); while (*transport != ';' && *transport != '\0') transport++; if (*transport != '\0') transport++; } } while (transport != NULL && *transport != '\0'); if (transport == NULL) { return (-1); } return (0); } struct { const char *name; uint32_t namelen; char *(*routine)(char *transport, CPlayerMedia *, int &end_for_url); } rtpinfo_types[] = { TTYPE("seq", rtpinfo_parse_seq), TTYPE("rtptime", rtpinfo_parse_rtptime), TTYPE("ssrc", rtpinfo_parse_ssrc), {NULL, 0, NULL}, }; int pdp_process_rtsp_rtpinfo (char *rtpinfo, CPlayerSession *session, CPlayerMedia *media) { int ix; CPlayerMedia *newmedia; if (rtpinfo == NULL) return (0); do { int no_mimes = 0; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); if (strncasecmp(rtpinfo, "url", strlen("url")) != 0) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Url not found"); return (-1); } rtpinfo += strlen("url"); ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); if (*rtpinfo != '=') { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Can't find = after url"); return (-1); } rtpinfo++; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); char *url = rtpinfo; while (*rtpinfo != '\0' && *rtpinfo != ';' && *rtpinfo != ',') { rtpinfo++; } if (*rtpinfo == '\0') { no_mimes = 1; } else { if (*rtpinfo == ',') { no_mimes = 1; } *rtpinfo++ = '\0'; } char *temp = url; newmedia = session->rtsp_url_to_media(url); if (newmedia == NULL) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Can't find media from %s", url); return -1; } else if (media != NULL && media != newmedia) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Url in rtpinfo does not match media %s", url); return -1; } if (temp != url) free(url); if (no_mimes == 0) { int endofurl = 0; do { ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); for (ix = 0; rtpinfo_types[ix].name != NULL; ix++) { if (strncasecmp(rtpinfo, rtpinfo_types[ix].name, rtpinfo_types[ix].namelen - 1) == 0) { rtpinfo += rtpinfo_types[ix].namelen - 1; ADV_SPACE(rtpinfo); rtpinfo = (rtpinfo_types[ix].routine)(rtpinfo, newmedia, endofurl); break; } } if (rtpinfo_types[ix].name == NULL) { #if 1 media_message(LOG_INFO, "Unknown mime-type in RtpInfo - skipping %s", rtpinfo); #endif while (*rtpinfo != ';' && *rtpinfo != '\0') rtpinfo++; if (*rtpinfo != '\0') rtpinfo++; } } while (endofurl == 0 && rtpinfo != NULL && *rtpinfo != '\0'); } newmedia = NULL; } while (rtpinfo != NULL && *rtpinfo != '\0'); if (rtpinfo == NULL) { return (-1); } return (1); } int CPlayerMedia::rtp_receive_packet (unsigned char interleaved, struct rtp_packet *pak, int len) { int ret; if ((interleaved & 1) == 0) { ret = rtp_process_recv_data(m_rtp_session, 0, pak, len); if (ret < 0) { xfree(pak); } } else { uint8_t *pakbuf = (uint8_t *)pak; pakbuf += sizeof(rtp_packet_data); rtp_process_ctrl(m_rtp_session, pakbuf, len); xfree(pak); ret = 0; } return ret; } void CPlayerMedia::rtp_periodic (void) { rtp_send_ctrl(m_rtp_session, m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL ? m_rtp_byte_stream->get_last_rtp_timestamp() : 0, NULL); rtp_update(m_rtp_session); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { int ret = m_rtp_byte_stream->recv_task(m_decode_thread_waiting); if (ret > 0) { if (m_rtp_buffering == 0) { m_rtp_buffering = 1; start_decoding(); } else { bytestream_primed(); } } return; } if (m_head != NULL) { /* * Make sure that the payload type is the same */ if (m_head->rtp_pak_pt == m_tail->rtp_pak_pt) { if (m_rtp_queue_len > 10) { // 10 packets consecutive proto same if (determine_payload_type_from_rtp() == FALSE) { clear_rtp_packets(); } } } else { clear_rtp_packets(); } } } void CPlayerMedia::rtp_start (void) { if (m_rtp_ssrc_set == TRUE) { rtp_set_my_ssrc(m_rtp_session, m_rtp_ssrc); } else { // For now - we'll set up not to wait for RTCP validation // before indicating if rtp library should accept. rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_WEAK_VALIDATION, FALSE); rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_PROMISC, TRUE); } if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { //m_rtp_byte_stream->reset(); - gets called when pausing m_rtp_byte_stream->flush_rtp_packets(); } m_rtp_buffering = 0; } void CPlayerMedia::rtp_end(void) { if (m_rtp_session != NULL) { rtp_send_bye(m_rtp_session); rtp_done(m_rtp_session); } m_rtp_session = NULL; } int CPlayerMedia::rtcp_send_packet (uint8_t *buffer, int buflen) { if (config.get_config_value(CONFIG_SEND_RTCP_IN_RTP_OVER_RTSP) != 0) { return rtsp_thread_send_rtcp(m_parent->get_rtsp_client(), m_rtp_media_number_in_session, buffer, buflen); } return buflen; } int CPlayerMedia::recv_thread (void) { struct timeval timeout; int retcode; CMsg *newmsg; int recv_thread_stop = 0; connect_desc_t *cptr; cptr = get_connect_desc_from_media(m_media_info); m_rtp_buffering = 0; if (m_stream_ondemand != 0) { /* * We need to free up the ports that we got before RTP tries to set * them up, so we don't have any re-use conflicts. There is a small * window here that they might get used... */ delete m_ports; // free up the port numbers m_ports = NULL; } double bw; if (find_rtcp_bandwidth_from_media(m_media_info, &bw) < 0) { bw = 5000.0; } else { media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Using bw from sdp %g", bw); } m_rtp_session = rtp_init(m_source_addr == NULL ? cptr->conn_addr : m_source_addr, m_our_port, m_server_port, cptr == NULL ? 1 : cptr->ttl, // need ttl here bw, // rtcp bandwidth ? pdp_recv_callback, (uint8_t *)this); if (m_rtp_session != NULL) { rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_WEAK_VALIDATION, FALSE); rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_PROMISC, TRUE); rtp_start(); } m_rtp_inited = 1; while (recv_thread_stop == 0) { if ((newmsg = m_rtp_msg_queue.get_message()) != NULL) { //player_debug_message("recv thread message %d", newmsg->get_value()); switch (newmsg->get_value()) { case MSG_STOP_THREAD: recv_thread_stop = 1; break; case MSG_PAUSE_SESSION: // Indicate that we need to restart the session. // But keep going... rtp_start(); break; } delete newmsg; newmsg = NULL; } if (recv_thread_stop == 1) { continue; } if (m_rtp_session == NULL) { SDL_Delay(50); } else { timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500000; retcode = rtp_recv(m_rtp_session, &timeout, 0); // player_debug_message("rtp_recv return %d", retcode); // Run rtp periodic after each packet received or idle time. if (m_paused == 0 || m_stream_ondemand != 0) rtp_periodic(); } } /* * When we're done, send a bye, close up rtp, and go home */ rtp_end(); return (0); } void CPlayerMedia::recv_callback (struct rtp *session, rtp_event *e) { if (e == NULL) return; /* * If we're paused, just dump the packet. Multicast case */ if (m_paused != 0) { if (e->type == RX_RTP) { xfree(e->data); return; } } #if DROP_PAKS if (e->type == RX_RTP && dropcount >= 50) { xfree((rtp_packet *)e->data); dropcount = 0; return; } else { dropcount++; } #endif if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { m_rtp_byte_stream->recv_callback(session, e); return; } switch (e->type) { case RX_RTP: /* regular rtp packet - add it to the queue */ rtp_packet *rpak; rpak = (rtp_packet *)e->data; if (rpak->rtp_data_len == 0) { xfree(rpak); } else { rpak->pd.rtp_pd_timestamp = get_time_of_day(); rpak->pd.rtp_pd_have_timestamp = true; add_rtp_packet_to_queue(rpak, &m_head, &m_tail, m_is_video ? "video" : "audio"); m_rtp_queue_len++; } break; case RX_SR: rtcp_sr *srpak; srpak = (rtcp_sr *)e->data; m_rtcp_ntp_frac = srpak->ntp_frac; m_rtcp_ntp_sec = srpak->ntp_sec; m_rtcp_rtp_ts = srpak->rtp_ts; m_rtcp_received = 1; break; case RX_APP: free(e->data); break; default: #if 0 media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Thread %u - Callback from rtp with %d %p", SDL_ThreadID(),e->type, e->data); #endif break; } } int CPlayerMedia::determine_payload_type_from_rtp(void) { uint8_t payload_type = m_head->rtp_pak_pt, temp; format_list_t *fmt; uint64_t tickpersec; fmt = m_media_info->fmt; while (fmt != NULL) { // rtp payloads are all numeric temp = atoi(fmt->fmt); if (temp == payload_type) { m_media_fmt = fmt; if (fmt->rtpmap != NULL) { tickpersec = fmt->rtpmap->clock_rate; } else { if (payload_type >= 96) { media_message(LOG_ERR, "Media %s, rtp payload type of %u, no rtp map", m_media_info->media, payload_type); return (FALSE); } else { // generic payload type. between 0 and 23 are audio - most // are 8000 // all video (above 25) are 90000 tickpersec = 90000; // this will handle the >= 0 case as well. if (payload_type <= 23) { tickpersec = 8000; if (payload_type == 6) { tickpersec = 16000; } else if (payload_type == 10 || payload_type == 11) { tickpersec = 44100; } else if (payload_type == 14) tickpersec = 90000; } } } create_rtp_byte_stream(payload_type, tickpersec, fmt); m_rtp_byte_stream->play((uint64_t)(m_play_start_time * 1000.0)); m_byte_stream = m_rtp_byte_stream; if (!is_video()) { m_rtp_byte_stream->set_sync(m_parent); } else { m_parent->syncronize_rtp_bytestreams(NULL); } #if 1 media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "media %s - rtp tps %u ntp per rtp ", m_media_info->media, m_rtptime_tickpersec); #endif return (TRUE); } fmt = fmt->next; } media_message(LOG_ERR, "Payload type %d not in format list for media %s", payload_type, m_is_video ? "video" : "audio"); return (FALSE); } /* * set up rtptime */ void CPlayerMedia::set_rtp_base_ts (uint32_t time) { m_rtsp_base_ts_received = 1; m_rtp_base_ts = time; if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { m_rtp_byte_stream->set_rtp_base_ts(time); } } void CPlayerMedia::set_rtp_base_seq (uint16_t seq) { m_rtsp_base_seq_received = 1; m_rtp_base_seq = seq; if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { m_rtp_byte_stream->set_rtp_base_seq(seq); } } void CPlayerMedia::rtp_init_tcp (void) { connect_desc_t *cptr; double bw; if (find_rtcp_bandwidth_from_media(m_media_info, &bw) < 0) { bw = 5000.0; } cptr = get_connect_desc_from_media(m_media_info); m_rtp_session = rtp_init_extern_net(m_source_addr == NULL ? cptr->conn_addr : m_source_addr, m_our_port, m_server_port, cptr->ttl, bw, // rtcp bandwidth ? pdp_recv_callback, pdp_rtcp_send_packet, (uint8_t *)this); rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_WEAK_VALIDATION, FALSE); rtp_set_option(m_rtp_session, RTP_OPT_PROMISC, TRUE); m_rtp_inited = 1; } void CPlayerMedia::create_rtp_byte_stream (uint8_t rtp_pt, uint64_t tps, format_list_t *fmt) { int codec; rtp_check_return_t plugin_ret; rtp_plugin_t *rtp_plugin; rtp_plugin = NULL; plugin_ret = check_for_rtp_plugins(fmt, rtp_pt, &rtp_plugin); if (plugin_ret != RTP_PLUGIN_NO_MATCH) { switch (plugin_ret) { case RTP_PLUGIN_MATCH: player_debug_message("Starting rtp bytestream %s from plugin", rtp_plugin->name); m_rtp_byte_stream = new CPluginRtpByteStream(rtp_plugin, fmt, rtp_pt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); return; case RTP_PLUGIN_MATCH_USE_VIDEO_DEFAULT: // just fall through... break; case RTP_PLUGIN_MATCH_USE_AUDIO_DEFAULT: m_rtp_byte_stream = new CAudioRtpByteStream(rtp_pt, fmt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { player_debug_message("Starting generic audio byte stream"); return; } default: break; } } else { if (is_video() && (rtp_pt == 32)) { codec = VIDEO_MPEG12; m_rtp_byte_stream = new CMpeg3RtpByteStream(rtp_pt, fmt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { return; } } else { if (rtp_pt == 14) { codec = MPEG4IP_AUDIO_MP3; } else if (rtp_pt <= 23) { codec = MPEG4IP_AUDIO_GENERIC; } else { if (fmt->rtpmap == NULL) return; codec = lookup_audio_codec_by_name(fmt->rtpmap->encode_name); if (codec < 0) { codec = MPEG4IP_AUDIO_NONE; // fall through everything to generic } } switch (codec) { case MPEG4IP_AUDIO_MP3: { m_rtp_byte_stream = new CAudioRtpByteStream(rtp_pt, fmt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { m_rtp_byte_stream->set_skip_on_advance(4); player_debug_message("Starting mp3 2250 audio byte stream"); return; } } break; case MPEG4IP_AUDIO_MP3_ROBUST: m_rtp_byte_stream = new CRfc3119RtpByteStream(rtp_pt, fmt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { player_debug_message("Starting mpa robust byte stream"); return; } break; case MPEG4IP_AUDIO_GENERIC: m_rtp_byte_stream = new CAudioRtpByteStream(rtp_pt, fmt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) { player_debug_message("Starting generic audio byte stream"); return; } default: break; } } m_rtp_byte_stream = new CRtpByteStream(fmt->media->media, fmt, rtp_pt, m_stream_ondemand, tps, &m_head, &m_tail, m_rtsp_base_seq_received, m_rtp_base_seq, m_rtsp_base_ts_received, m_rtp_base_ts, m_rtcp_received, m_rtcp_ntp_frac, m_rtcp_ntp_sec, m_rtcp_rtp_ts); } } void CPlayerMedia::syncronize_rtp_bytestreams (rtcp_sync_t *sync) { if (!is_video()) { player_error_message("Attempt to syncronize audio byte stream"); return; } if (m_rtp_byte_stream != NULL) m_rtp_byte_stream->syncronize(sync); } void CPlayerMedia::start_decoding (void) { m_decode_msg_queue.send_message(MSG_START_DECODING, NULL, 0, m_decode_thread_sem); } void CPlayerMedia::bytestream_primed (void) { if (m_decode_thread_waiting != 0) { m_decode_thread_waiting = 0; SDL_SemPost(m_decode_thread_sem); } } void CPlayerMedia::wait_on_bytestream (void) { m_decode_thread_waiting = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE if (m_media_info) media_message(LOG_INFO, "decode thread %s waiting", m_media_info->media); else media_message(LOG_INFO, "decode thread waiting"); #endif SDL_SemWait(m_decode_thread_sem); m_decode_thread_waiting = 0; } void CPlayerMedia::parse_decode_message (int &thread_stop, int &decoding) { CMsg *newmsg; if ((newmsg = m_decode_msg_queue.get_message()) != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE_MSGS media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "decode thread message %d",newmsg->get_value()); #endif switch (newmsg->get_value()) { case MSG_STOP_THREAD: thread_stop = 1; break; case MSG_PAUSE_SESSION: decoding = 0; if (m_video_sync != NULL) { m_video_sync->flush_decode_buffers(); } if (m_audio_sync != NULL) { m_audio_sync->flush_decode_buffers(); } break; case MSG_START_DECODING: if (m_video_sync != NULL) { m_video_sync->flush_decode_buffers(); } if (m_audio_sync != NULL) { m_audio_sync->flush_decode_buffers(); } decoding = 1; break; } delete newmsg; } } int CPlayerMedia::decode_thread (void) { // uint32_t msec_per_frame = 0; int ret = 0; int thread_stop = 0, decoding = 0; uint32_t decode_skipped_frames = 0; uint64_t ourtime; // Tell bytestream we're starting the next frame - they'll give us // the time. uint8_t *frame_buffer; uint32_t frame_len; void *ud = NULL; uint32_t frames_decoded; uint64_t bytes_decoded; uint32_t frames_decoded_last_sec; uint64_t bytes_decoded_last_sec; uint64_t current_second; uint32_t total_secs; uint32_t last_div = 0; total_secs = 0; frames_decoded = 0; bytes_decoded = 0; frames_decoded_last_sec = 0; bytes_decoded_last_sec = 0; current_second = 0; while (thread_stop == 0) { // waiting here for decoding or thread stop ret = SDL_SemWait(m_decode_thread_sem); #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "%s Decode thread awake", is_video() ? "video" : "audio"); #endif parse_decode_message(thread_stop, decoding); if (decoding == 1) { // We've been told to start decoding - if we don't have a codec, // create one if (is_video()) { if (m_video_sync == NULL) { m_video_sync = m_parent->set_up_video_sync(); } m_video_sync->set_wait_sem(m_decode_thread_sem); } else { if (m_audio_sync == NULL) { m_audio_sync = m_parent->set_up_audio_sync(); } m_audio_sync->set_wait_sem(m_decode_thread_sem); } if (m_plugin == NULL) { if (is_video()) { m_plugin = check_for_video_codec(NULL, m_media_fmt, -1, -1, m_user_data, m_user_data_size); if (m_plugin != NULL) { m_plugin_data = (m_plugin->vc_create)(NULL, // must figure from sdp -1, -1, m_media_fmt, m_video_info, m_user_data, m_user_data_size, get_video_vft(), m_video_sync); if (m_plugin_data == NULL) { m_plugin = NULL; } else { media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Starting %s codec from decode thread", m_plugin->c_name); } } } else { m_plugin = check_for_audio_codec(NULL, m_media_fmt, -1, -1, m_user_data, m_user_data_size); if (m_plugin != NULL) { m_plugin_data = (m_plugin->ac_create)(NULL, -1, -1, m_media_fmt, m_audio_info, m_user_data, m_user_data_size, get_audio_vft(), m_audio_sync); if (m_plugin_data == NULL) { m_plugin = NULL; } else { media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Starting %s codec from decode thread", m_plugin->c_name); } } } } if (m_plugin != NULL) { m_plugin->c_do_pause(m_plugin_data); } else { while (thread_stop == 0 && decoding) { SDL_Delay(100); if (m_rtp_byte_stream) { m_rtp_byte_stream->flush_rtp_packets(); } parse_decode_message(thread_stop, decoding); } } } /* * this is our main decode loop */ #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "%s Into decode loop", is_video() ? "video" : "audio"); #endif frames_decoded_last_sec = 0; bytes_decoded_last_sec = 0; current_second = 0; while ((thread_stop == 0) && decoding) { parse_decode_message(thread_stop, decoding); if (thread_stop != 0) continue; if (decoding == 0) { m_plugin->c_do_pause(m_plugin_data); continue; } if (m_byte_stream->eof()) { media_message(LOG_INFO, "%s hit eof", m_is_video ? "video" : "audio"); if (m_audio_sync) m_audio_sync->set_eof(); if (m_video_sync) m_video_sync->set_eof(); decoding = 0; continue; } if (m_byte_stream->have_no_data()) { // Indicate that we're waiting, and wait for a message from RTP // task. wait_on_bytestream(); continue; } frame_buffer = NULL; ourtime = m_byte_stream->start_next_frame(&frame_buffer, &frame_len, &ud); /* * If we're decoding video, see if we're playing - if so, check * if we've fallen significantly behind the audio */ if (is_video() && (m_parent->get_session_state() == SESSION_PLAYING)) { uint64_t current_time = m_parent->get_playing_time(); if (current_time >= ourtime) { #if 1 media_message(LOG_INFO, "Candidate for skip decode "U64" our "U64, current_time, ourtime); #endif // If the bytestream can skip ahead, let's do so if (m_byte_stream->can_skip_frame() != 0) { int ret; int hassync; int count; current_time += 200; count = 0; // Skip up to the current time + 200 msec ud = NULL; do { if (ud != NULL) free(ud); ret = m_byte_stream->skip_next_frame(&ourtime, &hassync, &frame_buffer, &frame_len, &ud); decode_skipped_frames++; } while (ret != 0 && !m_byte_stream->eof() && current_time > ourtime); if (m_byte_stream->eof() || ret == 0) continue; #if 1 media_message(LOG_INFO, "Skipped ahead "U64 " to "U64, current_time - 200, ourtime); #endif /* * Ooh - fun - try to match to the next sync value - if not, * 15 frames */ do { if (ud != NULL) free(ud); ret = m_byte_stream->skip_next_frame(&ourtime, &hassync, &frame_buffer, &frame_len, &ud); if (hassync < 0) { uint64_t diff = ourtime - current_time; if (diff > (2 * C_64)) { hassync = 1; } } decode_skipped_frames++; count++; } while (ret != 0 && hassync <= 0 && count < 30 && !m_byte_stream->eof()); if (m_byte_stream->eof() || ret == 0) continue; #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE media_message(LOG_INFO, "Matched ahead - count %d, sync %d time "U64, count, hassync, ourtime); #endif } } } #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Decoding %c frame " U64, m_is_video ? 'v' : 'a', ourtime); #endif if (frame_buffer != NULL && frame_len != 0) { int sync_frame; ret = m_plugin->c_decode_frame(m_plugin_data, ourtime, m_streaming != 0, &sync_frame, frame_buffer, frame_len, ud); #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Decoding %c frame return %d", m_is_video ? 'v' : 'a', ret); #endif if (ret > 0) { frames_decoded++; m_byte_stream->used_bytes_for_frame(ret); bytes_decoded += ret; last_div = ourtime % 1000; if ((ourtime / 1000) > current_second) { if (frames_decoded_last_sec != 0) { #if 0 media_message(LOG_DEBUG, "%s - Second "U64", frames %d bytes "U64, m_is_video ? "video" : "audio", current_second, frames_decoded_last_sec, bytes_decoded_last_sec); #endif } current_second = ourtime / 1000; total_secs++; frames_decoded_last_sec = 1; bytes_decoded_last_sec = ret; } else { frames_decoded_last_sec++; bytes_decoded_last_sec += ret; } } else { m_byte_stream->used_bytes_for_frame(frame_len); } } } // calculate frame rate for session } if (m_is_video) media_message(LOG_NOTICE, "Video decoder skipped %u frames", decode_skipped_frames); if (total_secs != 0) { double fps, bps; double secs; secs = last_div; secs /= 1000.0; secs += total_secs; fps = frames_decoded; fps /= secs; bps = UINT64_TO_DOUBLE(bytes_decoded); bps *= 8.0 / secs; media_message(LOG_NOTICE, "%s - bytes "U64", seconds %g, fps %g bps "U64, m_is_video ? "video" : "audio", bytes_decoded, secs, fps, bytes_decoded * 8 / total_secs); } if (m_plugin) { m_plugin->c_close(m_plugin_data); m_plugin_data = NULL; } return (0); }